Daily Archives: December 8, 2020

CDC wants states to report personal information on people who receive COVID-19 vaccine, some states resist | Disrn

The national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says states must sign a data-sharing agreement with the organization and provide personal, identifying information on people who receive the COVID-19 vaccine, prompting some states to raise privacy concerns.

— Read on disrn.com/news/cdc-wants-states-to-hand-over-personal-info-on-people-who-receive-covid-vaccine-some-states-resist/

Nurse in Pfizer Vaccine Trial Worried She Got COVID-19 After Experiencing Highest Fever of Her Life – Sputnik International

A California nurse who participated in Pfizer’s vaccine study said she had such strong side effects that she feared she had contracted COVID-19.


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The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices called an emergency meeting last week to vote on who would be first to receive the #COVID19 vaccine. Watch them discuss the potential serious side effects for those who will receive this ‘Warp Speed’ vaccine.

— Read on thehighwire.com/videos/cdc-expects-vaccine-injury-epidemic/

Chinese boast Biden White House will restore their influence | WND

Biden speaks during the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue in Washington, D.C., July 2013. (Wikimedia Commons)

With the evidence of Biden family influence peddling in China clearly in mind, President Trump tweeted video Tuesday of a Chinese professor boasting that Beijing has had top American officials under its influence for decades.

In the video of a Nov. 28 lecture, Di Dongsheng of Renmin University in Beijing cited the Chinese business deals by Joe Biden’s son Hunter as he explained why a Biden administration will restore the communist regime’s influence on its “old friends” on Wall Street and inside the Beltway after it was throttled by President Trump.

“Trump waged a trade war with us. Why couldn’t we handle him? Why is it that between 1992 and 2016 we always resolved issues with US? Did you guys know?’ Di asked in his 18-minute presentation.

“Now, I’m going to drop a bomb: Because we had people up there inside America’s core circle of power, we had our old friends,” said Di, the university’s vice dean of the School of International Relations.

Video of the presentation — featured Monday night by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson — was posted on the Chinese social media site Weibo. It was removed shortly after it was posted but has been circulating on YouTube.

Di said that in “plain and simple language, during the last three to four decades, we used the core circle inside America’s real power.”

Wall Street, he continued, “had a very profound influence over America’s domestic and foreign affairs since the 1970s,” and China “used to heavily rely on them.”

But Wall Street “couldn’t control Trump, because, awkwardly, there was a soft breach of contract between them, which made them hostile to each other.”

The professor said that during the U.S.-China trade war, Wall Street tried to help.

“My friends in U.S. told me that they tried to help, but they couldn’t,” he said.

But with Biden in the White House, he said, China’s influence will return.

“Now with Biden winning the election, the traditional elites, political elites, the establishment, they have a very close relationship with the Wall Street,” he said.

Di referenced Hunter Biden’s many business deals in countries, including China, where his vice president father directed U.S. policy. And he indicated they are of value in Beijing’s relationship with Biden.

“You all heard that Trump said Biden’s son has securities companies all over the world. But who helped Biden’s son build his global companies?” Di asked.

“There are indeed buy-and-sell transactions involved in here, so I think at this particular time, [with Biden winning the election], it is of strategic and tactical value for us to show goodwill to him.”

On Monday, meanwhile, the Chinese state organ Global Times published an op-ed said it expects a Biden administration to cooperate in silencing critism of the communist regime by American allies such as Australia.

Joe Biden is ‘compromised’

On “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Carlson recalled his interview in October with Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski, who helped craft a deal with a Chinese firm tied to the Communist Party, CEFC China Energy. Bobulinski claimed he met Joe Biden twice in person “to discuss what I was doing with his family’s name and the Chinese CEFC.”

Carlson asked Bobulinski how the deal might “constrain” Joe Biden’s ability to deal with China if he were elected.

“So I think Joe Biden and the Biden family are compromised,” the businessman replied.

See Tucker Carlson’s report:

After his segment Monday on the Chinese professor, Carlson interviewed Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, noting many in Washington and on Wall Street view Russia as America’s biggest threat.

“There are a lot of people who, for economic reasons, don’t want China to be our greatest threat,” Ratcliffe said. “There are a lot of people who, for political reasons, don’t want China to be our greatest threat in America, but the intelligence doesn’t lie. China is our greatest threat and it’s not even close.

“No other country has the capability of essentially taking away the American dream, and a specific plan to do so, and the intelligence is clear,” he said.

See Tucker Carlson’s interview with John Ratcliffe:

In an op-ed last Thursday for the Wall Street Journal, Ratcliffe said the Chinese government in engaged in a “massive” influence campaign targeting “several dozen” members of Congress and congressional aides.

He wrote that China “is targeting members of Congress with six times the frequency of Russia and 12 times the frequency of Iran.”

“And what they’re really trying to do is through blackmail, through bribery, through overt and covert influence, trying to make sure that only laws that are favorable to China are passed,” the DNI wrote.

Ratcliffe has shifted $85 billion from the intelligence community budget “to ensure U.S. intelligence has the resources it needs to give policy makers unvarnished insights into China’s intentions and activities.”

He also disclosed that as part of Beijing’s “aggressive plan to make China the world’s foremost military power,” the communist regime has “conducted human testing on members of the People’s Liberation Army in hope of developing soldiers with biologically enhanced capabilities.”

“There are no ethical boundaries to Beijing’s pursuit of power,” he wrote.

China targeted Democratic congressman

Meanwhile, Axios reported Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California, who continues to accuse Trump and Republicans of colluding with Russia, was a top target of a suspected Chinese intelligence operative.

After a yearlong investigation, Axios reported the extensive ties with Swalwell and local and national politicians was what U.S. officials believe was a political intelligence operation run by China’s main civilian spy agency between 2011 and 2015.

The congressman’s office said in a statement provided to Axios: “Rep. Swalwell, long ago, provided information about this person — whom he met more than eight years ago, and whom he hasn’t seen in nearly six years — to the FBI. To protect information that might be classified, he will not participate in your story.”

— Read on www.wnd.com/2020/12/chinese-boast-biden-white-house-will-restore-influence/

Supreme Court Requests Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Georgia Respond to Election Lawsuit By 3pm Thursday – The Last RefugeThe Last Refuge

Immediately after the U.S. Supreme Court directly asked the states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Georgia to respond to the Texas constitutional lawsuit on unconstitutional ballot changes, Jordan Sekulow sat down with Newsmax to discuss:

— Read on theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/12/09/supreme-court-requests-michigan-pennsylvania-wisconsin-and-georgia-respond-to-election-lawsuit-by-3pm-thursday/

Eight Red States Join Texas Supreme Court Suit, But no Tennessee?

Tennessee Republican voters are certain to remember this cowardice among some of their leadership. As of Dec. 8, 2020, eight other red states—Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and South Dakota, but not Tennessee—have joined the Texas lawsuit against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin for exploiting the pandemic to change election laws to allow the permeable mail-in voting with almost no safeguards. What the four swing states did, Texas Republican Attorney General Kim Paxton asserts, was illegal because, according to the U.S. Constitution, election laws can only be changed by state legislatures. The four states altered the rules by various forms of executive fiat. When one state sues another, or, in this case, four others, the suit automatically goes straight to the Supreme Court. The Court has given these states until Thursday the 10th to respond and explain why they were able to supersede the constitution. As Trump …

No Bread, No Circuses, No Problem – American Greatness

It’s not a coincidence that America’s Founders met in taverns, or that our current ruling class is closing them down. They want us cowed.

This year has been extraordinary. Americans have been ordered to lockdown, mask up, stay at home, avoid their loved ones, and otherwise suffer in the vain hope of controlling the coronavirus. 

The fruit of these efforts has been mostly needless suffering. When core freedoms were infringed, millions thrown out of work, and government power multiplied, things remained orderly. Other than a few mask protests in Michigan earlier in the year, and a few symbolic efforts by business owners, almost nothing happened. 

The capstone of 2020 was an election that half the country thinks was marred by fraud. We were warned Republicans would take to the streets and start a civil war if they lost, but instead we have had a few ineffectual lawsuits and a stream of grifting texts, imploring donations to the Republican Party, as if that will solve the problem.

A Massive Power Grab

One would like to believe these restrictions will soon end and things will return to normal, but consider that we’re still taking our shoes off in airports, and it’s been almost 20 years since the 9/11 attacks. The government doesn’t give up power easily. 

The coronavirus has been an incredible boon to the ruling class. This includes government at all levels, where busybody mayors and governors have shown enthusiasm that rivaled slippery federal government frauds like Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Government now has almost unrestricted power to pick and choose the winners. Amazon, Wall Street, Zoom, and various virtual industries are booming. Meanwhile, the working class—made up of waiters and bartenders—finds its employers shuttered. These establishments’ entrepreneurial owners and their dreams are now broken. Many will never recover.

In addition to spreading pain to millions, the coronavirus has allowed the government to get involved in the most intimate parts of our lives. Privacy used to be a bipartisan concern. The right to such privacy is the ostensible foundation of a constitutional right to abortion. According to the courts, any restrictions would interfere with intimate relations and the sacred relationship of patient and her doctor. Yet now the government is glibly commanding how many people can come into your home over the holidays and what you must wear, and no one seems terribly embarrassed by the contradiction. 

Although there is a lot of passive resistance to these measures, there is very little active opposition and outrage. We’ve become a rather tame people. 

Liberty Demands an Independent People 

At home, as elsewhere, liberty is more endangered by gradual diminution than when it is taken all at once. People are rather adaptable. 

Part of the American people’s recent quiescence comes from their lack of economic independence. Over the last 100 years or so, we went from a nation of small farmers and shopkeepers to a nation of employees. The higher-paid employees are the managers. But all of their jobs depend upon the system—that is, on others. 

Both groups are dependent on their jobs because there is little wealth, but much consumption: of healthcare, housing, education, cars, and a few small luxuries. All of this consumption is financed by debt that must be paid, rain or shine. A debt-saturated economy makes one’s job a lifeline. 

Our apparent prosperity is mostly an illusion. Job loss shows rather quickly the distinction between wealth and income. 

The old system produced a different kind of man. America’s Founders spoke of “republican virtue,” which they saw demonstrated in the ancient Roman republic, as well as in their own War of Independence. The American system was not just about freedom or an elaborate hydraulic system that brilliantly channeled competing ambitions, though these were important aspects of it. It also strove to cultivate a certain kind of person, one interested in and capable of self-government. This required property and independence. Early America’s numerous small proprietors, farmers, and tradesmen were people who did not want to be ruled by anyone other than themselves and their laws. 

It turns out the new American system and the people it has produced are not terribly attached to these principles. They instead value predictability, safety, and status. 

The Managerial System Requires Conformity and Dependence

Since the 1960s, at least, this new system’s economic foundations have been under stress. Home ownership plateaued. Wages stagnated. Creditfilled in the gaps of stagnant wages, and products like the “reverse mortgage” became popular. Globalization rendered manufacturing vulnerable to the efficiencies of global labor markets. After the 2008 economic crisis, economic insecurity has been particularly manifest: a whole generation found itself many steps behind its predecessors, in spite of a long recovery. 

We sometimes look at the history of oppressive regimes and wonder why people didn’t revolt. Now we know. They had mortgages and rent payments and jobs and kids. They didn’t want to jeopardize their own or their family’s comfort and status. 

Oppressive regimes don’t have to throw people in jail for the most part—taking away their livelihoods is enough to keep them in line. In this sense, the recent coronavirus restrictions are a more severe form of the unwritten rules we have become used to that go by the umbrella term “political correctness.” 

America’s founding generation really did risk their “lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.” They weren’t poor or put upon. They were lawyers, importers, brewers, and large plantation owners; they likely would have continued to flourish under the British crown. But they perceived that King George’s policies consisted of “repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.” 

In other words, the Founders could see the consequences of a policy that deprived them of their liberty and their historic rights of self-government. They could plan for the future. And they had a spirit of independence and courage. 

Today, the mass of people in charge are both incompetent and selfish. Their failures include a 40-year pattern of huge deficits, which substitute plenty today for pain tomorrow. More subtle failures include the neglect of corroding infrastructure, increasingly useless schools, and a business climate that does not account for the good of workers and the nation. The ruling class’ combination of selfishness and incompetence is more visible today, as government and privileged professionals have shown themselves indifferent to the fates of those who are bound up in small private enterprises.

Without being cruel, and while recognizing many exceptions, there is a whiff of “Boomerism” about much of this. As with large deficits and cheap imported goods, it is one more example of sacrificing the well-being of their children and grandchildren to eke out a few more years of the high life. Missing is any demonstrable principle of stewardship or proportion.

If the rulers are incompetent and selfish, those ruled over are cowed, dependent, and lacking in energy. The long habits of accommodation fostered by economic insecurity and compliance with arbitrary edicts have siphoned off most of the spirit of resistance. 

The Election Was Stolen Long Before 2020

Over the past month, we’ve heard a lot of talk about a stolen election. The story certainly seems to have some legs. But, regardless of the particulars of this contest, the election was stolen long before 2020. 

It was stolen in 1965, when millions of foreigners began to be imported to enrich corporate balance sheets and increase the ranks of Democratic voters. No one would think it democracy to make China or Mexico the 51st state, with these new “citizens’” votes overwhelming those of Daughters of the American Revolution or former members of Patton’s Army. But importing 60 million people over 50 years, a population equivalent to the nation of Italy, is treated as a perfectly normal thing. America only had 180 million or so people when this radical social engineering began. 

In other words, our country and the ability of the American people to pick its leaders was taken away long before 2020. The swift “bluing” of conservative strongholds such as Texas, Georgia, and Arizona is all part of the plan. The end result will be the one-party governance that we see in places like California. 

California was once the quintessential symbol of the American dream—a state where Ronald Reagan twice won the governorship. It is now a place with habits and customs more reminiscent of Chinese oligarchy or Mexican corruption than anything recognizably American. Its coronavirus restrictions are some of the most severe in the country. Its foreign-born population is the highest in the nation.

A lot of people have reacted to the ideological straightjacket and economic consequences of the blue states by moving to places like Florida and Arizona. It’s one of the abiding copes of traditional Americans: to find a little place and get away from all the craziness. 

But Texas and Georgia are turning blue for a reason. There is nowhere left to move. The army of newcomers and the indoctrinated young people from our schools are everywhere. Even if we wanted to depart en masse, and even if there were somewhere to go, one doubts we would be allowed to leave. 

Whether democratic or not, a country’s laws, customs, and leaders reflect and embody its character. If Trump was the last gasp of the old America, Biden is the embodiment of the new America and its managerial ruling class. Biden will leave little personal mark upon things, and not only because he is senile and lacks independence. He is not really in charge. No one person is. 

In this new nation, which has slowly emerged from the social revolution of the 1960s and the managerial revolution of a generation before, the elected leader—like the old Soviet party secretaries—is simply a figurehead for a vast, complex, consensus-oriented party apparatus. And that class does not want an independent people, capable of self-government or resistance. They’ve locked nearly everyone into a system that makes any such gestures a fast track to poverty and powerlessness. 

The new America doesn’t need bread and circuses, it has credit scores and Netflix and human resource departments to keep its people in line. People don’t even need to leave the house. And it’s all quite a bit easier for them that way. 

The widespread propaganda, rules, and restrictions of 2020 provide a glimmer of hope. Those attached to this new order know that in mingling with one’s fellows at the pub, the water cooler, and in church, we would quickly realize we’re not alone in our anger and frustration. Real-life connections and organizing are the key to an authentic right-wing political movement. 

It’s not a coincidence that the Founders met in taverns, nor one that our current ruling class is closing them down. 

— Read on amgreatness.com/2020/12/08/no-bread-no-circuses-no-problem/

Arkansas, Alabama & Louisiana support Texas before US Supreme Court, alleging ‘unconstitutional’ election in four states — RT USA News

Arkansas, Alabama & Louisiana support Texas before US Supreme Court, alleging ‘unconstitutional’ election in four states

Attorneys-general of Arkansas and Alabama have now joined Louisiana in backing the push by Texas to challenge the presidential election results in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin before the US Supreme Court.

“After reviewing the motion filed by Texas in the US Supreme Court, I have determined that I will support the motion in all legally appropriate manners. The integrity of our elections is a critical part of our nation and it must be upheld,” Arkansas AG Leslie Rutlege announced on Tuesday evening.

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall issued a statement likewise supporting the effort of his Texas colleague Ken Paxton, saying that “unconstitutional actions and fraudulent votes in other states not only affect the citizens of those states, they affect the citizens of all states.” 

Every unlawful vote counted, or lawful vote uncounted, debases and dilutes citizens’ free exercise of the franchise.

The four battleground states declared Democrat Joe Biden the victorm based on large numbers of mail-in ballots counted after Election Day.

While Marshall stopped short of signing on to the Texas lawsuit, he said that he expects the Supreme Court to “quickly” decide whether to hear the case, and that the decision will “instruct” Alabama how to continue fighting to ensure election integrity.

Earlier in the evening, Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry said his state had “deep concerns” about how the elections were run in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

 Also on rt.com

Louisiana BACKS Texas case before US Supreme Court against Biden ‘winning’ elections in four battleground states

While Landry did not sign onto the Texas lawsuit either, he said it echoes the claims made in the previous amicus brief by several states, backing Pennsylvania Republicans who wanted the election results in the Keystone State voided due to irregularities.

Both Mainstream media and social networks hastened to declare Biden the winner of the election and label as “false” or “disputed” anything that challenged that, in particular President Donald Trump. 

 Also on rt.com

Texas sues four battleground states in effort to halt finalization of Biden win, cites ‘voting irregularities’

Unlike the cases brought by Trump’s own lawyers and allies, however, Texas is not alleging election fraud, but arguing that the four states engaged in “voting irregularities,” improper “amendments to States’ duly enacted election laws,” and even potential suppression of the Republican vote, “whether lawful or unlawful.”

“These flaws cumulatively preclude knowing who legitimately won the 2020 election and threaten to cloud all future elections,” said the motion filed by Texas AG Ken Paxton, which the Supreme Court has placed on the docket, but has yet to adjudicate.

Paxton argues that the four states’ declaring Biden the winner is “unlawful” and should be reviewed by state legislators, who under the Constitution have the power to appoint electors themselves. Republicans control all four state legislatures.

The Supreme Court has given the four states until Thursday afternoon to file responses to Paxton’s suit.

— Read on www.rt.com/usa/509074-alabama-texas-supreme-court/

Trump calls on Supreme Court, GOP legislatures for ‘courage’ to fix election fraud – Washington Times

President Trump insisted again Tuesday that he won reelection, and called on Republican-led state legislatures and the conservative-majority Supreme Court to step in and correct “fraud and deception” in the voting. 

— Read on m.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/dec/8/trump-calls-supreme-court-gop-legislatures-courage/

[VIDEO] Dinesh D’Souza Exposes The Real Reason Why GOP Legislatures Aren’t Helping Trump – WayneDupree.com

Dines D’Souza seriously has one incredible mind.

He can always take an issue with so much confusion and contention, and just break it down laymen’s terms.

Like ever since the start of Trump’s 2020 election legal battle, supporters have been absolutely ripping their hair out over these do-nothing Republicans and are just flabbergasted at their inability to stand up for what’s right.

Well in this video, Dinesh breaks down exactly why GOP legislatures aren’t lending a helping hand to Trump and let me tell ya, he’s right on the money.

Watch the video:

Many on Twitter also agreed with Dinesh’s brilliant observations and some who think it’s time to move on from the GOP:

Thanks for the perspective Dinesh. I totally agree. Patriots, we need to protect these legislators against the radical mob waiting to do them harm.

Totally agree with Dinesh, @realDonaldTrump should provide protection to all republican state legislators to stiffen their spine so that they can do their constitutional duty

Basically, they’re softies who liked the job when it was easy. Not up for it when the job becomes *critically * important however.

GOP is dead. We are moving on, MAGA > GOP. Politics need to change, and neither party has represented the PEOPLE in a very long time. Ted Cruz should be the first to run as MAGA in 2024

Ur point is brilliant, but then again isnt that a part of the job? I joined the military for about 1/4 or less of that pay and went to war, knowing what I signed up for. Most of them run on the statement they are gonna “fight 4 us.”

The GOP is certainly in trouble.

With the election stolen from Trump they’re in a horrible pickle, and to make matters even worse, they’re doing almost nothing about it.

There needs to be a BIG revolution in the GOP if it’s ever to survive.

— Read on www.waynedupree.com/2020/12/dinesh-dsouza-gop-legislature/

December 8th The D. L. Moody Year Book

I know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which 1 have committed unto Him against that day.—2 Timothy 1:12.

NOTICE the confidence that breathes through Paul’s last words to Timothy. It is not a matter of doubt, but of knowledge: “I know,” “I am persuaded.”

The word “Hope” is not used in the Scripture to express doubt. It is used in regard to the second coming of Christ, or to the resurrection of the body. We should not say that we “hope” we are Christians. I do not say that I “hope” I am an American, or that I “hope” I am a married man. These are settled things. I may say that I “hope” to go back to my home, or that I hope to attend such a meeting. If we are born of God we know it; He will not leave us in darkness if we search the Scriptures.[1]


[1] Moody, D. L. (1900). The D. L. Moody Year Book: A Living Daily Message from the Words of D. L. Moody. (E. M. Fitt, Ed.) (pp. 218–219). East Northfield, MA: The Bookstore.

COVID-19 World Seems ‘Perfectly Suited for the Antichrist to Come’: John MacArthur – Michael Foust

On Sunday, Pastor John MacArthur told his congregation that today’s world seems “perfectly suited for the Antichrist to come.”

Pastor and author John MacArthur told his congregation on Sunday that today’s world – with a virus spreading through every country and governments ordering citizens to stay home – seems “perfectly suited for the Antichrist to come.’

MacArthur, the pastor of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, Calif., and a popular author and radio pastor, made the comments during a Sunday evening service in which he discussed COVID-19, government restrictions and Scripture.

The world’s governments, MacArthur said, “have done something that’s never been done in human history.” That is, they have made the issue and the response “global,” he asserted.

“Now we are a global world. And that is a setup that we’ve been waiting for through redemptive history since the Lord promised that there would come, in the future, an Antichrist who would have a global government,” he noted.

“This is the first time in my lifetime that we literally have such power over people globally that we can shut them down so they can’t function,” he said of lockdowns. “… This suits the world of Antichrist. As you look at the book of Revelation, there’s the mark of the beast, the number, and if you don’t have that, you don’t buy, you don’t sell, you don’t exist. Everything about you, they know – the people who have access to all your data. They know all of it. You can go out of existence virtually any moment [and] somebody decides that. This is the kind of world that appears to be perfectly suited for the Antichrist to come, bring a certain amount of peace, [and] the world falls at his feet.

“He is the instrument of Satan,” MacArthur said of the Antichrist. “And of course, all hell breaks loose, and in that time of the Great Tribulation, God’s judgment comes – at the end of which Christ returns.”

MacArthur said he’s not predicting that “the Lord is coming soon.” But he said many of today’s events mirror those prophesied in Scripture.

“The Bible says in the End Times there will be lawlessness. And there is lawlessness [today] and an escalating lawlessness and an effort to create more lawlessness by taking restraints away,” he said. “This is a world that could find itself in such absolute chaos that the right satanic leader who promises to fix everything could be given the title of king of the world. That Antichrist, aided by the false prophet, is what we see in the book of Revelation.

“… It seems that this is the world that we never knew could exist. We have the kind of weaponry that could destroy a third of the population, a fourth of the population, as you see in the book of Revelation. We have the kind of technology that can literally erase people out of existence. So, it’s just up to us to be sure that we’re looking at the signs of the times.”

Photo courtesy: ©Grace Community Church

Michael Foust has covered the intersection of faith and news for 20 years. His stories have appeared in Baptist Press, Christianity Today, The Christian Post, the Leaf-Chroniclethe Toronto Star and the Knoxville News-Sentinel.

— Read on www.christianheadlines.com/contributors/michael-foust/covid-19-world-seems-perfectly-suited-for-the-antichrist-to-come-john-macarthur.html

‘I’m Doing the Right Thing for God,’ Trump Lawyer Asserts of Her Efforts to Challenge Election Results – Milton Quintanilla

One of Donald Trump’s lawyers, Jenna Ellis, says she is “doing the right thing for God’ in challenging the election results.

Jenna Ellis, a lawyer on President Trump’s legal team, asserted on Monday that she’s doing ‘the right thing for God’ in her continued efforts to challenge the results of the 2020 election.

Ellis, a professing Christian, was asked by Fox Business host Charles Payne about how she deals with criticisms concerning her legal efforts in overturning the election for Trump.

“My life is in service and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ and so whatever anybody else says really doesn’t bother me,” Ellis asserted.

“Ultimately at the end of the day, as long as I know that I’m pursuing truth and I’m doing the right thing for God and my country, that’s all that matters. So that’s what gives me my optimism and my hope,” she continued.

Ellis hopes that she can be a light and inspiration to others regardless of what others may say about them.

“It’s all about just who you are as a person made in the image of God and in Christ,” she added.

As of Monday, Joe Biden stands ahead of Trump by 7,061,839 popular votes and 72 electoral votes.

Newsweek reports that Trump and his legal team have filed about 40 lawsuits alleging widespread voter fraud in several swing states in hopes that the election would be overturned.

On Tuesday, the state of Texas filed a lawsuit against 4 swing states in the U.S. Supreme Court for allegedly making unconstitutional changes to election laws that he claims skewed the results of the presidential election.

The lawsuit, filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, accused the battleground states of exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic “to justify ignoring federal and state election laws and unlawfully enacting last-minute changes, thus skewing the results of the 2020 General Election.”

“Trust in the integrity of our election processes is sacrosanct and binds our citizenry and the States in this Union together,” Paxton said in a statement. “Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin destroyed that trust and compromised the security and integrity of the 2020 election. The states violated statutes enacted by their duly elected legislatures, thereby violating the Constitution.”

“By ignoring both state and federal law, these states have not only tainted the integrity of their own citizens’ vote, but of Texas and every other state that held lawful elections,” he continued. “Their failure to abide by the rule of law casts a dark shadow of doubt over the outcome of the entire election. We now ask that the Supreme Court step in to correct this egregious error.”

This is a developing story.

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Rey Del Rio/Stringer

Milton Quintanilla is a freelance writer. Visit his blog Blessed Are The Forgiven.
— Read on www.christianheadlines.com/contributors/milton-quintanilla/im-doing-the-right-thing-for-god-trump-lawyer-asserts-of-her-efforts-to-challenge-election-results.html

12/08/2020 — Wretched


  • What has Christmas become and what will it become?
  • How much of my Christmas celebration is actually driven by the Gospel?
  • What do our kids really believe about truth?
  • What is the heart of the human problem?
  • We should not be surprised that suicide rates increase as atheism increases.
  • We’re not progressing, we’re regressing.

12/08/2020 — Wretched

The Media’s Impact on the 2020 Election — VCY America

Date:  December 8, 2020  
Host: Jim Schneider   
​Guest: Don Feder  
MP3  ​​​| Order


We’re 5 weeks past election day and the outcome is still uncertain with numerous challenges taking place at various court levels in a number of states.  In spite of this, many mainstream media sources continue to describe Joe Biden as president-elect.

This should surprise no one as the guest on this Crosstalk contends that the media stole this election before a single vote was cast.  How did they do it?

Joining Jim to answer that question was Don Feder.  Don is a writer, researcher and columnist.  He was a Boston Herald editorial writer and syndicated columnist for 19 years.  More than 40 newspapers and e-magazines picked up his columns.  His writings have appeared in The Washington Times, The Weekly Standard, Front Page Magazine, Human Events and many others. Since 2002 he has served as a communications consultant, writer and conference organizer for various pro-life and pro-family NGO’s.  He’s recipient of numerous awards.

The creation of false narratives was a key to the stealing of this election.  For example, Jim had Don comment on the following media descriptions of the president: 

  • He’s a bigot and racist.
  • His ban on people from terrorist states means he hates Muslims.
  • He exploits racial tension for political gain.
  • He’s a Russian agent.
  • He refused to take the coronavirus seriously until it was too late.
  • He refused to aid COVID victims.
  • His go-it-alone foreign policy made us the laughing-stock of the world.

This broadcast has much more to offer with the second half of the hour featuring the views of callers from across the nation.

More Information:


The Media’s Impact on the 2020 Election — VCY America

Karl Marx Was a Racist — Wretched

Episode #2774

Karl Marx should be canceled. He was openly racist and anti-Semitic. His contemporary Charles Spurgeon, on the other hand, was openly an abolitionist and ally to people of all different skin colors. Today Todd dives into nineteenth century London to compare these two competing ideologies.

Karl Marx Was a Racist — Wretched

IS THIS HOW ANTICHRIST WILL MAKE HIS APPEARANCE ON EARTH? According to Former Head of Israeli Space Program – Aliens Live Among Us — Absolute Truth from the Word of God

Whenever I have pondered the appearance of the ‘Wicked’ (Antichrist), I Have Wondered if AI Would Play a Part.

Now, after reading the article which originated in the Jerusalem Post – I’m more inclined to believe that artificial intelligence would not be needed. After all, we are talking about Satan and his demons (fallen angels).

I believe that the so-called “Aliens” of which the former head of Israeli Space program speaks are actually demons.

But the unbelieving “World” must believe that these beings are Aliens. Why? This is how the Rapture of the church will be explained away. The powers that be will say that Christians were taken off the planet because they would not agree to take care of “Mother Earth.” (Global warming)

I truly believe this scenario.

Appearing first in the Jerusalem Post – This is taken from dailycaller.com

The former head of the Israeli space program says not only do extraterrestrial beings live among us, but they convinced President Donald Trump not to reveal their identity because “humanity was not ready yet,” according to the Jerusalem Post

87-year-old Haim Eshed, the former head of the Defense Ministry’s Space Divison for over three decades, told Yediot Aharonot that aliens have been secretly interacting with the US and Israeli government “for years.” He went on to claim that Trump, at one point, wanted to expose their existence to the world.

“The UFOs have asked not to publish that they are here, humanity is not ready yet. Trump was on the verge of revealing, but the aliens in the Galactic Federation are saying: Wait, let people calm down first. They don’t want to start mass hysteria,” said Eshed, according to the Jerusalem Post. “They want to first make us sane and understanding.”

Eshed continued:

They have been waiting for humanity to evolve and reach a stage where we will generally understand what space and spaceships are. There’s an agreement between the US government and the aliens. They signed a contract with us to do experiments here. They, too, are researching and trying to understand the whole fabric of the universe, and they want us as helpers. There’s an underground base in the depths of Mars, where their representatives are, and also our American astronauts.

If I had come up with what I’m saying today five years ago, I would have been hospitalized. Wherever I’ve gone with this in academia, they’ve said: the man has lost his mind. Today they’re already talking differently. I have nothing to lose. I’ve received my degrees and awards, I am respected in universities abroad, where the trend is also changing.

Eshed’s statement comes months after the Defense Department announced the establishment of the “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Task Force (UAPTF).” Back in May, the Pentagon released declassified videos showing three encounters between a US Navy aircraft and “unidentified aerial phenomena,” according to CNN

(RELATED: Former Military Intelligence Official: UFO Materials Being Analyzed Could ‘Make Some Sort Of Definitive Conclusion’ Of Origins)


Brethren, when I began to read the Daily Caller piece, it struck me that if I had read this five years ago, I would have immediately thought that this was Satire.

But in light of what has transpired in 2020, I took this very seriously. But unlike the Jerusalem Post and the Daily Caller – as a born again believer in Christ and His Word – I know that these so-called aliens are demons doing the bidding of their leader, Satan.

And isn’t it feasible that if the world can be “taught” that aliens live among us, and the world accepts this as a good thing; then couldn’t it be said that Antichrist is the head of all aliens? The irony here is that we know that the aliens are demons, and their head is Satan.


I believe that we are so close to the rapture of the church, and this should bring comfort to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ, and are looking to the clouds daily for His appearing.

How Can I Be Saved?

Shalom B’Yeshua


IS THIS HOW ANTICHRIST WILL MAKE HIS APPEARANCE ON EARTH? According to Former Head of Israeli Space Program – Aliens Live Among Us — Absolute Truth from the Word of God

December 8 Life-Changing Moments With God

Through love serve one another.

If a man is overtaken in any trespass, we who are spiritual are to restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering ourselves lest we also be tempted. I must also bear others’ burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

If anyone among us wanders from the truth, and one turns him back, know that He who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins. Since I have purified my soul in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, I will love others fervently with a pure heart. I will owe no one anything except love, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law. I will be kindly affectionate to others with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to others. I will be submissive to others, and clothed with humility, for “You, God, resist the proud, but give grace to the humble.”

I who am strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and not to please myself.

Lord, help me serve by speaking to my brothers and sisters about their sin, loving them fervently, and—in humility—submitting and deferring to them.

Galatians 5:13; Galatians 6:1–2; James 5:19–20; 1 Peter 1:22; Romans 13:8; Romans 12:10; 1 Peter 5:5; Romans 15:1[1]


[1] Jeremiah, D. (2007). Life-Changing Moments With God (p. 367). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.