Daily Archives: December 15, 2020

December 15th The D. L. Moody Year Book

Therefore his sisters sent unto him, saying, Lord, behold, he whom Thou lovest is sick.—John 11:3.

THE communion those sisters had with Jesus brought them so near to His heart that when the time of trouble came they knew where to go for comfort. A great many people do not learn that secret in prosperity, and so when the billows come rolling up against them, they don’t know which way to turn. The darkest and most wretched place on the face of the earth, is a home where death has entered, and where Christ is unknown. No hope of a resurrection, no hope of a brighter day coming.[1]

[1] Moody, D. L. (1900). The D. L. Moody Year Book: A Living Daily Message from the Words of D. L. Moody. (E. M. Fitt, Ed.) (pp. 223–224). East Northfield, MA: The Bookstore.

December 15 Life-Changing Moments With God

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Compassionate Lord, I will look out not only for my own interests, but also for the interests of others. Let this mind be in me which was also in Christ Jesus, who made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant. Even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many. He died for me, that I who live should live no longer for myself, but for Him who died for me and rose again.

When Jesus saw Mary weeping in sorrow, and the Jews who came with her weeping, He groaned in the spirit and was troubled. Jesus wept. I will rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.

I will have compassion for others; I will love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that I was called to this, that I may inherit a blessing.

Thank You, Lord God, for the example of servanthood You give me in Jesus—and for the power to follow His example You give me through Your Spirit.

Galatians 6:2; Philippians 2:4–7; Mark 10:45; 2 Corinthians 5:15; John 11:33, 35; Romans 12:15; 1 Peter 3:8–9[1]

[1] Jeremiah, D. (2007). Life-Changing Moments With God (p. 374). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Now Get Ready For A Very Frail Joe Biden To Become The Temporary President As Kamala Harris And The Progressives Prepare To Take Everything Over — Now The End Begins

Now the last free nation on earth, America, is going to take its place in line along with all the other nations in the New World Order, so that God’s judgment will be fulfilled.

I want to write today to everyone that is feeling anger, hurt and/or confusion over the drama that is being played out across America right now with this stolen election, and remind you of a few very important things you might have forgotten or overlooked. Did the Democrats steal this election? Absolutely, no question about it, but it goes deeper than the Democrats and Progressives and their plan to create a Marxist state. What is happening right now is the active judgment of God, and we told you to prepare yourself for it. Don’t be so surprised that it’s here.

“Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.” Daniel 2:20-22 (KJB)

For over a decade now, we here at Now The End Begins have told you of the plan by the global elites of the Deep State to bring in the New World Order, a plan that went fully active in 2020. Please allow me to remind you of the original banner art we placed on NTEB back from the very beginning in 2009, here it is, take a look, and pay close attention to what is written in the bottom left hand corner:


So you see, none of what happening right now is new, this has always been the plan and it has been steadily unfolding since the start of the 20th century. When God placed Donald Trump into office in 2016, as we told you would happen, we also told you that it was a global judgment on the world. Why? Because now the last free nation on earth, America, is going to take its place in line along with all the other nations in the New World Order, so that God’s judgment will be fulfilled. This is what the Great Reset is all about, and America has to fall in order to bring that about.

“And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.” Zechariah 12:9 (KJB)

“Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy. For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.” Zephaniah 3:8,9 (KJB)


Are you starting to see the picture now? Joe Biden has to win, as crooked as it may be, because the New World Order cannot rise under Donald Trump, but let me tell you something else. No matter who is actually president, Joe BidenKamala Harris or Donald Trump, it all takes you to the same place eventually. Who was it that created Operation Warp Speed and the Messenger 33 coronavirus vaccine that leads you to the Mark of the Beast? Trump. Who was it that created the Abraham Accords that will lead you to the Daniel 9:27 (KJB) covenant? Trump. All these things are happening because God’s judgment is active and working to accomplish His will. Joe Biden and Donald Trump ultimately take you to the same place, it’s just that you feel better with Trump. Don’t get mad at me for telling you the truth.

“Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” Galatians 4:16 (KJB)

The coming year of 2021 will be many times more intense that 2020 has been so far, with the stakes far greater and higher. In 2021 we will see the Messenger 33 vaccine made mandatory, the establishment of Green, Yellow and Red occupation zones, and foreign troops from nations like China and Russia will soon be stationed outside our borders. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are going to give away the store to the Marxists, that’s a guarantee. So you need to resolve in your mind right now what you believe, and what side you are on.

Let your passion burn for the things of the Lord, not the things of this world. Jesus gives out no crowns for American patriotism at the Judgment Seat of Christ, and when the Bible tells you that all the nations of the world will come against Israel, that’s means all the nations of the world including the United States of America. God has only ever made a covenant with one nation, Israel, America has no such covenant with God, and never did. 2 Chronicles 7:14 can only be applied to one nation, Israel. You are deluded and deceived if you think that verse will ever apply to America, it won’t.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJB)



11:30am Sunday Preaching 12/13/2020 Hank Kunneman

I show you this video to illustrate the confusing and distorted message you get when you insist on merging American patriotism with biblical truth. America is not a Christian nation, we were founded by other people than just Christians. America is not a theocracy, we are a constitutional republic. I am the son of a WWII veteran and the brother of a IUS Marine, and I love America as much as anyone. But my loyalty is not to any nation, it is to Jesus Christ, and to preach the gospel of the grace of God. If you cannot see that America is under the judgment of God, then you need to get back into The Book, and stop listening to preachers preaching patriotism instead of the gospel of the grace of God. 

Now Get Ready For A Very Frail Joe Biden To Become The Temporary President As Kamala Harris And The Progressives Prepare To Take Everything Over — Now The End Begins

December 15, 2020 Evening Verse Of The Day

1 God is the source of all benefits. His grace is the basis of his blessing, an undeserved expression of his love for his children. The blessing of God makes life on earth not only possible but also enjoyable. He removes the curse and judgment characteristic of the created world since the fall (cf. Ro 8:20–21). He delights in his own (“upon us”). An Oriental monarch revealed in his facial expression either his pleasure or displeasure with the party who sought an audience with him. Similarly God, the Great King, assures his own that he receives them and cares for them with joy.[1]

the plea (v. 1)

This plea borrows the language of the priestly prayer of Numbers 6:24–26. This prayer was given by God to Moses for use by Aaron and his sons in the tabernacle worship. It came to be used regularly in the temple service. Perhaps the psalmist, finding this prayer to be lingering in his thoughts after attending one of the major festivals in Jerusalem, decided to use it as the basis for this psalm.[2]

1. Is not this prayer an answer of faith to the blessed precept of Jehovah given to Aaron the high-priest? Numb. 6:22, &c. If we read this scripture with reference to this injunction, nothing can be more interesting, for then it becomes the exercise of faith on God’s promises in Christ. It is as if the church with one voice should say, Hath the Lord Jehovah appointed our almighty Aaron to bless his people? Is Jesus still exercising this high-priestly office? Doth God our Father bless and keep his people? Doth God the Son make his face to shine upon us, and be gracious unto us? And doth God the Holy Ghost lift up his countenance upon us, and give us peace? Then, Lord, hear thy church while exercising faith in these promises, and do thou be merciful to us, and bless us, and do as thou hast said.[3]

1. God be merciful unto us, and bless us. The psalm contains a prediction of Christ’s kingdom, under which the whole world was to be adopted into a privileged relationship with God; but the Psalmist begins by praying for the Divine blessing, particularly upon the Jews. They were the first-born, (Exod. 4:22,) and the blessing was to terminate upon them first, and then go out to all the surrounding nations. I have used the imperative mood throughout the psalm, as other translators have done, although the future tense, which is that employed in the Hebrew, would suit sufficiently well, and the passage might be understood as encouraging the minds of the Lord’s people to trust in the continuance and increase of the Divine favour. The words, however, are generally construed in the form of a prayer, and I merely threw out this as a suggestion. Speaking, as the Psalmist does, of those who belonged to the Church of God, and not of those who were without, it is noticeable that yet he traces all the blessings they received to God’s free favour; and from this we may learn, that so long as we are here, we owe our happiness, our success, and prosperity, entirely to the same cause. This being the case, how shall any think to anticipate his goodness by merits of their own? The light of God’s countenance may refer either to the sense of his love shed abroad in our hearts, or to the actual manifestation of it without, as, on the other hand, his face may be said to be clouded, when he strikes terrors into our conscience on account of our sins, or withdraws the outward marks of his favour.[4]

1. If the spirit of the psalm, as already suggested, is that of the Abrahamic hope, its text is the Aaronic Blessing. This verse echoes three of the key words of Numbers 6:24f.; and the Selah which follows it, together with the change of person (his to thy), sets it slightly apart from its sequel. It is as though the Blessing at the festival lingered in the poet’s mind, to germinate in a prayer that explored its possibilities, following them beyond the narrow circle in which he stood and where they might have seemed to terminate.[5]

[1] VanGemeren, W. A. (2008). Psalms. In T. Longman III & D. E. Garland (Eds.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Psalms (Revised Edition) (Vol. 5, p. 510). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

[2] Ellsworth, R. (2006). Opening up Psalms (p. 110). Leominster: Day One Publications.

[3] Hawker, R. (2013). Poor Man’s Old Testament Commentary: Job–Psalms (Vol. 4, p. 370). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.

[4] Calvin, J., & Anderson, J. (2010). Commentary on the Book of Psalms (Vol. 3, pp. 2–3). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.

[5] Kidner, D. (1973). Psalms 1–72: an introduction and commentary (Vol. 15, p. 255). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

Advent- Thirty Days of Jesus: Day 18, The Highest King — The End Time

Further Reading

Though the verse is literally speaking about King David, the relation of David to Christ means the verse also prefigures the preeminence of King Jesus. The throne, through David’s line, would last forever through Christ.

Gill’s Exposition says,

Also I will make him my firstborn,…. Or, “make him the firstborn”; make him great, as Jarchi interprets it; give him the blessing, the double portion of inheritance: so Christ is made most blessed for ever, and has all spiritual blessings in his hands; and is heir of all things, and his people joint-heirs with him. Christ is God’s “firstborn”, or “first begotten”, Hebrews 1:6, being begotten by him, and of him; … even him the Father promises to make “higher than the kings of the earth”; having a kingdom of a superior nature to theirs, and a more extensive and durable one; and even they themselves shall be subject to him; hence he is called “King of kings”, Revelation 19:16.

The King of Kings shall reign forever, His Kingdom shall endure.

Thirty Days of Jesus Series-

Day 1: The Virgin shall conceive
Day 2: A shoot from Jesse
Day 3: God sent His Son in the fullness of time
Day 4:  Marry her, she will bear a Son

Day 5: The Babe has arrived!
Day 6: The Glory of Jesus
Day 7: Magi seek the Child
Day 8: The Magi offer gifts & worship
Day 9: The Child Grew
Day 10: The boy Jesus at the Temple
Day 11: He was Obedient!
Day 12: The Son!
Day 13: God is pleased with His Son
Day 14: Propitiation
Day 15: The gift of eternal life
Day 16: Two Kingdoms
Day 17: Jesus’ Preeminence

Advent- Thirty Days of Jesus: Day 18, The Highest King — The End Time

December—15 The Poor Man’s Evening Portion

They did eat manna until they came unto the borders of the land of Canaan.—Exodus 16:35.

How graciously God the Holy Ghost taught Israel, by type and shadow, concerning good things to come! It must be our duty, and it will prove our happiness, to read in every event, as far as the Holy Ghost teacheth, our New Testament blessings dressed up in the Old Testament figures. The feeding of the Church in the wilderness with manna forty years, was a standing miracle, and, as such, became a most suitable type of Jesus. My soul! look at it, this evening, in this point of view, and behold what the Spirit holds forth in it, concerning the Lord Jesus. The continuance of this supply from heaven became a beautiful resemblance of the state of believers in all ages. The rebellion of Israel occasioned not any suspension of the mercy; for though Israel murmured and rebelled, the manna was sent the same, “new and pure every morning.” Sweet thought to the poor timid believer! Though we fail in our duty, Jesus will not diminish in his love: and though we neglect him, yet will he not forget us. Moreover, morning by morning, the blessing came; not a day, not an hour omitted. Jesus is all this, and more: “For it shall come to pass, that before my people call” (saith Jehovah) “I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.” (Isaiah 65:24.) There is another precious thought suggested in the view of the type, and the thing signified: all the people partook of the rich mercy. There was enough manna for every one; for each, and for all. Such is Jesus to his people. Every state and every circumstance he is able to supply, and he doth and will supply; and, therefore, between the old Church of the Old Testament believers, and the new Church of New Testament saints, there is a great analogy and agreement. Christ is the sum and substance of all and every one of the people. One thing more: As Israel had no other sustenance until they came to the borders of Canaan, so the people of God now have no other, yea, they desire no other, until they come to the Canaan above. In Jesus there is a fulness of grace, and life, and glory. Hail, thou heavenly bread! thou word of God! Be thou my portion, the bread of life, until I am brought down to the waters of Jordan. Help me, Lord, by faith, to feed on thee and on thy great salvation; and “may my meditation of thee be sweet!”[1]

[1] Hawker, R. (1845). The Poor Man’s Evening Portion (A New Edition, pp. 344–345). Philadelphia: Thomas Wardle.

December 15 -Migdal Eder, Tower of the Flock — VCY America

December 15
Micah 1:1-4:13
Revelation 6:1-17
Psalm 134:1-3
Proverbs 30:1-4 

Micah 1:1 –  Micah is a contemporary of Isaiah – he was around in the days of  Hezekiah. Notice that even during good king Hezekiah, Samaria (capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel) and Jerusalem (capitol of the southern Kingdom of Judah) still had sin problems.

Micah 1:13 – Micah is warning Lachish of coming judgment – this was fulfilled when Sennacherib destroyed Lachish as he moved toward Jerusalem.

Tel Lachish ruins

Micah 2:2 – “even a man and his heritage” – This is written 100 years after 1 Kings 21:3 , where Naboth refused to sell “the inheritance of my fathers” to Ahab. In Joshua 18-19 (that was a while back!) we read about the division of the land. The LORD God used up two chapters of Scripture to assign property – it must be important to Him – and yet constantly people are trying to redraw maps to benefit themselves.

Micah 3:4 – The scariest verses in the Bible talk about people crying “unto the LORD, but He will not hear them: he will even hide his face from them at that time.” Let’s turn to God while we still can, before it’s too late! Learn more at 2019pray.org

Micah 3:11 – They are violating some of the oldest commands in the Bible (Exodus 23:8).

Micah 3:12 – This prophecy was quoted in Jeremiah 26:18. In the days of Jehoiakim, Jeremiah prophesied against Jerusalem and the leadership wanted to execute Jeremiah (Jeremiah 26:11). But the “cooler heads” (see Gamaliel in Acts 5:34) pointed out the precedent (Jeremiah 26:17-19) of not executing prophets. By way of context, this was in the days of Hezekiah that the judges were corrupt and the priests were for pay. Even though Hezekiah cleaned up the temple, it appears he let things go 

Micah 4:1 – Remember Micah preceded Daniel (even though Daniel’s book comes first). Micah is prophesying the “mountain of the house of the LORD.” This mountain would be seen by Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2:35 and explained in Daniel 2:45.

Let Us Beat Swords into Plowshares, sculpture by Yevgeny Vuchetich – 1959 gift of the Soviet Union to the United Nations – garden of the United Nations Headquarters in New York City

Micah 4:3 – This verse  is almost identical to his contemporary Isaiah in Isaiah 2:4. Outside  the UN headquarters is a statute of beating swords into plowshares, but that is not yet fulfilled! We can’t do that with human strength, we need the Prince of Peace!

Micah 4:4 – “Under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid.” We saw this phrase used once – in 1 Kings 4:25 under Solomon. (In the apocrypha – 1 Maccabees 14:12 – they claim that this was the status under Simon). George Washington loved this phrase according to Dan Dreisbach, author of Reading the Bible with the Founding Fathers. From the Library of Congress:

In his letters he referred often, as an expression of this devotion and its resulting contentment, to an Old Testament passage. After the Revolution, when he had returned to Mount Vernon, he wrote the Marquis de Lafayette on Feb. 1, 1784: “At length my Dear Marquis I am become a private citizen on the banks of the Potomac, & under the shadow of my own Vine & my own Fig-tree.” This phrase occurs at least 11 times in Washington’s letters. “And Judah and Israel dwelt safely, every man under his vine and under his fig tree” (2 Kings 18:31).


Micah 4:8 – The “Tower of the flock” is where the King will come. From Jimmy DeYoung:

Author’s photo, model “tower of the flock” in Israel.

Micah 4:8 says that the Messiah’s birth at Migdal Eder, the tower of the flock, is evidence that Jesus will one day come back to Jerusalem and set up his kingdom. The tower of the flock, Migdal Eder, is at the edge of the Shepherd’s fields where Priestly Shepherd’s watched over their lambs that were to be sacrificed at the Temple about three  miles away in Jerusalem. Therefore, the sacrificial lamb, Jesus Christ, had to be born at Migdal Eder.


Revelation 6:9 – “slain for the word of God.” We’ve put together on Facebook a small collection of people throughout history who have been “slain for the word of God.” 

Revelation 6:12 – This was prophesied of in Joel 2:31, and reiterated in Acts 2:20. 

Revelation 6:16 – The first coming of the Lamb was the silent sacrifice (Isaiah 53:7). The second coming of the Lamb is the forewarned wrath.

Psalm 134:1-2 – Behold, Bless Ye the Lord is a song based on these two verses.


Proverbs 30:4 – From EnduringWord:

c. His Son’s name: Agur knew there was something special about the Son of God. We don’t know to what extent he prophetically anticipated the Messiah, God the Son, Jesus Christ – but Agur knew that God had a Son, and the Son had a name.


December 15 -Migdal Eder, Tower of the Flock — VCY America

December 15 God’s Presence

They shall mount up with wings like eagles; They shall run and not be weary; They shall walk and not faint.
(Isaiah 40:31, NKJV)

Have you been exhausted lately? Have problems made you feel like quitting and walking away? Before you do, try one more thing—get into God’s presence. As you stay there, you’ll discover that He can cause you to “mount up with wings” as eagles. It’s called “miraculous intervention” and God did it over and over again for His children in the Bible. He can lift you above it, too! (See Psalms 91:15.)

Or, He can cause you to “run and not to be weary.” When you’re emotionally drained and you’ve nothing left to give, listen: “He gives power to the tired and worn out, and strength to the weak” (Isaiah 40:29, TLB). He wants to put you back in the race! He wants to give you a new direction! Listen: “He will be … a source of strength to those who turn back the battle at the gate” (Isaiah 28:6, NIV).

Or, He can help you to “walk and not faint.” When you can’t see any way out, just put one foot in front of the other and start walking. As long as you’re in motion, you’re a winner.

With God, winning is beginning—whichever way He does it, He’s promised to bring you through![1]

[1] Gass, B. (1998). A Fresh Word For Today : 365 Insights For Daily Living (p. 349). Alachua, FL: Bridge-Logos Publishers.

Christmas: God In The Manger (Part 4)

Will This News Really Come True

Personal empathy and identification with other people’s experiences and problems is a fascinating thing. It happens regularly and in various ways. You might hear that doctors have told a fellow church member he has lung cancer. Or a good friend could phone you and reveal that her husband has lost his job. On the other hand, a relative could send you a letter or an e-mail message informing you that he has won a free vacation to Europe.

No matter what the example, if the event matches what you’ve experienced, you naturally want to provide helpful information, understanding, or hope to the other person. And even if you can’t identify directly with the other person’s experience, you’ll probably want to rejoice with him over his good fortune or express your concern about the difficulty he’s facing.

The story of Jesus’ birth includes a large measure of personal empathy and identification between one of the central characters, Mary, and an important supporting character, Mary’s older relative Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist. Luke’s Gospel reveals the overlap between the extraordinary experiences of those two special women. And it does so in such a way that it’s obvious Mary would want to have fellowship with Elizabeth—a fellowship centered on their parallel encounters with the same angel and their desire for reassurance from another believer that God’s promise would actually come true.

A Case of Incredible Similarities

Luke begins his Gospel with the story of two conception miracles, both involving women who at the time could not naturally have children. Elizabeth was in her sixties or seventies, barren, and yet with her elderly husband, Zacharias, she conceived and carried in her womb John the Baptist, the prophesied forerunner of the Messiah. Mary, as we just saw in the previous chapter, was a virgin girl of twelve or thirteen who became pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit and as a result would give birth to Jesus, the incarnate Son of God. Even though there were differences in their ages and circumstances, both mothers were chosen by God to be human instruments in the two most unusual and significant births in the New Testament. The births marked the great peak in redemptive history, and the Holy Spirit providentially filled the two accounts with incredible, unmistakable similarities.

The two narratives of Luke 1 run as parallel accounts, with the same kind of narrative flow. First, they both begin with an introduction of the child’s parents, or parent. Second, both mention specific obstacles to childbearing—Elizabeth’s barrenness and Mary’s virginity. Third, the angel Gabriel made both announcements, each time to someone living in a small-town, out-of-the-way location. Elizabeth and Zacharias lived in the hill country south of Jerusalem; Mary lived in Nazareth, a small Galilean town north of Jerusalem. Fourth, in both stories there was a fearful first reaction to Gabriel’s words and a statement of reassurance from him. Then there was a description of the coming son and, in each case, an objection raised—by Zacharias, unbelief; by Mary, lack of understanding. Last, before Gabriel’s respective departures, he guaranteed his announcement would come to pass. So Luke reported on two distinct incidents, separated by several months yet with the same basic elements, all leading to a wonderful convergence.

Encourages Mary

The separate encounters of Mary and Elizabeth with Gabriel, which neither woman knew the other had experienced, finally dovetailed shortly after the divine messenger left Mary:

Now Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste, to a city of Judah, and entered the house of Zacharias and greeted Elizabeth. And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! But why is this granted to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For indeed, as soon as the voice of your greeting sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy. Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a ful-
fillment of those things which were told her from the Lord.”
(Luke 1:39–45)

The special visit between Mary and Elizabeth poses some obvious questions. What was the main purpose of such a meeting? Why did Mary go with such eagerness and haste to visit Elizabeth? What did it mean when the baby leaped in Elizabeth’s womb? And what was the prophecy that Elizabeth gave?

It’s easy to deduce why Mary would have wanted to meet with Elizabeth as soon as possible. The news Mary had just heard from Gabriel was startling and mind-boggling. The angel understood how Mary was feeling and graciously gave her a sign that prompted her to quickly embark on the eighty-mile journey to Elizabeth’s home: “‘Now indeed, Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age; and this is now the sixth month for her who was called barren. For with God nothing will be impossible’” (Luke 1:36–37).

Mary believed the angel, but his news was nevertheless beyond normal comprehension. First of all, angels didn’t usually speak to mortals, and second, conception miracles just didn’t routinely happen. Therefore, it’s easy to understand that Mary would welcome anything that might bolster her faith—anything that might underscore the reality that such miracles do occur. After all, the conception that would take place within her body would be completely the result of God’s miraculous intervention, without her even knowing when it happened.

Those unique circumstances lead inevitably to further questions, for Mary and for us. How could she withstand the emotional and spiritual strain that went with being the mother of God’s Son? And because her pregnancy would not be physically noticeable for a period of time, how could Mary be certain right away that the angel’s words had really come to pass? All of those factors compelled Mary to go without delay to visit Elizabeth—the one person who could verify for her that God was able to do a conception miracle.

Mary Receives a Personal Confirmation

The reason the Lord arranged for Mary and Elizabeth’s meeting was to confirm the truth of Gabriel’s words to Mary. And the first aspect of this confirmation was that it came from Elizabeth, the only one who could provide such personal authentication.

When Mary first heard Elizabeth was pregnant (Luke 1:36), she realized an older woman such as her relative could not be pregnant solely by human means. Mary also knew Elizabeth was far enough along (six months) so that her pregnancy would be clearly evident. Because she planned to leave her elder relative after just three months’ visit (1:56–57) and before Elizabeth gave birth, Mary wasted no time in making the trip. She embarked on the four-day journey within days of hearing Gabriel’s announcement.

When Mary arrived at Elizabeth’s home, she greeted Elizabeth according to the Near Eastern customs of that day. Such greetings were much more lengthy and involved than the simple “Hi, how are you?” that we are accustomed to using today. Exodus 18:7 contains a good illustration of the classic Near Eastern greeting: “So Moses went out to meet his father-in-law, bowed down, and kissed him. And they asked each other about their well-being, and they went into the tent.” As verses 8–9 of that chapter go on to describe, those ancient greetings were very special social occasions. The persons involved would embrace, physically display genuine affection for one another, and then engage in a lengthy dialogue about how life was going for each of them. It’s safe to assume that’s what occurred when Mary first met Elizabeth.

The two cousins definitely had much to talk about. Surely they each would have recounted their recent experiences with the angel Gabriel and marveled at how many similarities the two stories contained. Just listening to Elizabeth and realizing she was indeed pregnant provided a great personal confirmation to Mary. Since God fulfilled what He had promised to Elizabeth, He would also fulfill what He had promised to Mary.

For Mary, it only made sense to tell Elizabeth first about her encounter with the angel a few days earlier. That way Mary’s older relative could be a support for her when she told everybody else. Otherwise, if one so young had attempted on her own to share her good news with others, there would have been just a small likelihood that they would accept her amazing story. But Elizabeth was the one person who would have any rationale to accept Mary’s testimony. And that’s because Elizabeth was a living, personal confirmation that God was doing conception miracles. What a tremendous initial affirmation that must have been for Mary!

Mary Witnesses a Physical Confirmation

During her visit with Elizabeth, Mary also witnessed an amazing physical phenomenon that further confirmed for her that God had placed within her body His only begotten Son. Luke reported this remarkable incident as follows: “And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb” (1:41).

Such movement of a baby in its mother’s womb is certainly not abnormal. In fact, it’s probably one of the more enjoyable pleasures of childbearing to feel a baby moving before he or she is born. Almost every parent knows what it’s like to place his or her hands on the mother’s abdomen and feel the kicking and moving of the infant in the womb. Sensing the baby’s movements is thrilling because that action indicates a new person is on the way.

But the movement of Elizabeth’s baby was far more significant than that of a normal fetus in a mother’s womb. That’s because this fetus was a prophet, and not just any prophet, but, according to Scripture, the greatest prophet who ever lived—John the Baptist. His special leap was John’s first proclamation, a silent prophecy in his earliest role as the forerunner announcing Christ’s coming.

The unborn John was also fulfilling part of the angel’s prophecy to his father, Zacharias: “‘He will also be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb’” (1:15). But why would God cause such an unusual action? The supreme reason He did so was to achieve something supernatural through John the Baptist while he was still a fetus. God in effect used the unborn John to make an unspoken but enthusiastic prophecy of support for the coming Messiah.

What God did through John was very unusual, but not without precedent. He also prophesied through the unborn Jacob and Esau the future conflict between Israel and the Arabs (Gen. 25:21–23). When it suits His purposes, God can even use the activity inside a mother’s womb to preview His plans. We would expect such extraordinary occurrences leading up to the arrival of the Messiah, and John’s special prenatal leap was motivated by nothing less than Spirit-filled joy when he sensed the arrival of Mary, the mother of the forthcoming Savior.

The divinely inspired delight John’s fetus displayed in approval of the birth of Jesus wonderfully foreshadowed his teaching later on as the forerunner of Christ. “‘He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice. Therefore this joy of mine is fulfilled’” (John 3:29). If there was anything that characterized John the Baptist and his ministry, it was supreme joy. Ultimately, he was joyful because Christ the Bridegroom had arrived; but his joy originated at the prompting of the Holy Spirit while he was still in Elizabeth’s womb.

Would Gabriel’s news to Mary really come true? By this point in her visit to Elizabeth, an affirmative answer was coming into clearer focus. First, the testimony of the six-months’ pregnant Elizabeth gave Mary personal confirmation that conception miracles can happen. Second, the joyful movement of Elizabeth’s son within her womb provided Mary physical confirmation that she would indeed bear the Savior, a fact that would bring joy to many besides John. Next came a divine interpretation through the mouth of Elizabeth of the significance of Mary’s extraordinary situation.

Mary Hears a Prophetic Confirmation

During her visit with Elizabeth, Mary received a third confirmation that the angel’s recent announcement was true. Luke, the historian and theologian, recorded Elizabeth’s prophetic verification this way: “and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said, ‘Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! But why is this granted to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For indeed, as soon as the voice of your greeting sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy. Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord’” (1:41–45).

Being filled with the Holy Spirit was often linked to speaking a message from God (2 Sam. 23:2; Luke 1:67; 2:25–28; 2 Pet. 1:21). And when the Spirit filled Elizabeth prior to her crying out, it was simply an example of a familiar scriptural pattern and an indicator that she spoke divine revelation.

When Elizabeth literally shouted in such an unusual manner, she did so in enthusiasm over the incredible truth that Mary was going to bear the Christ. The older cousin also wanted, under the Spirit’s direction, to dramatically emphasize the authority of that amazing news. Mary was undoubtedly moved with awe and encouragement as she heard this loud hymn of praise and blessing—one that pronounced blessing in almost every direction.

First, Elizabeth’s message pronounced blessing on Mary: “‘Blessed are you among women.’” This blessing is from a simple Hebrew construction that means, “You’re the most blessed of all women.”

Elizabeth made such a sweeping statement because in ancient Jewish culture a woman’s greatness was based on the greatness of the children she bore (Luke 11:27). Thus Elizabeth was telling Mary that she was most blessed because she was going to give birth to the greatest child ever, the Lord Jesus.

The opening words of Elizabeth’s prophecy were actually quite humble because they acknowledged the superiority of her younger relative’s privilege. Even though just months earlier God had told Elizabeth and her husband, Zacharias, that her son would be great, she now knew he would not be as great as Mary’s son. Elizabeth’s son would be the forerunner of the Messiah, but Mary’s son would actually be that long-promised Messiah. Therefore, Elizabeth was thrilled to concede that Mary was a greater beneficiary of God’s goodness. As a righteous woman, Elizabeth was overjoyed to declare that Mary’s calling and privilege was far greater than her own. It was one thing to bear a prophet but another thing altogether to bear the Lord.

Next, Elizabeth had great words of blessing for the child: “‘Blessed is the fruit of your womb!’” This was a familiar Old Testament phrase that literally means, “Blessed is the child you will bear.” According to the unerring prompting of the Holy Spirit, Elizabeth knew Mary’s son was going to be the most blessed child ever born. He would receive the full, unmixed, unmitigated blessing of heaven; He would be holy, harmless, undefiled, and perfectly sinless; He would receive all that the Father possesses, including a vast body of redeemed men and women to serve, praise, and glorify Him forever. Without any doubt, Jesus deserved more praise and blessing than any child born before or since.

Third, Elizabeth’s prophetic confirmation included a blessing of herself. In amazement, humility, and awe she wondered aloud how and why it was that the mother of her Lord would have visited her. “The mother of my Lord” was a great statement of prophetic confirmation that the child within Mary’s womb was truly the Lord—He was already Elizabeth’s Lord. “Lord” is an exalted title of divinity used twenty-five times in Luke 1–2 to refer to God, which further indicates that Elizabeth’s statement can only mean that Mary’s son was God.

Elizabeth closed her prophetic statement with a general beatitude that was a blessing on all who believe: “Blessed is she [anyone] who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord” (Luke 1:45). Certainly Elizabeth initially directed this beatitude toward Mary, but its being in the third person demonstrates that the Spirit widened it to include anyone who believes God’s revelation. Isn’t it true that if we believe God’s Word and accept His fulfilled promises, we are blessed?

Mary is a wonderful example of how we should respond to God’s message. He did not bless her just because she was privileged to bear the Messiah or because of her elite status in society or because she had a record of good deeds. Instead, God blessed Mary simply because she believed.

Mary is therefore a model of faith. She believed that the angel’s divine message to her would be fulfilled. And she settled that faith in her heart and mind by pursuing a sure confirmation of the truth from Elizabeth.

After Mary received Elizabeth’s threefold confirmation and all the encouragement that surely accompanied it, she must have rejoiced as she returned home three months later. She apparently did not need to stay for the birth of John the Baptist, and besides, it was time for her to get on with her life because by then she herself was three months’ pregnant.

Mary’s pattern is how we ought to live our lives. When God speaks to us through His Word, whether it’s about the miracle of the Incarnation or any other truth, we must believe He will fulfill His promises. Then we must worship Him and follow up with obedient service. That’s the real issue as we consider Mary’s visit to Elizabeth and all the other aspects of the story of our Lord’s birth.[1]


[1] MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (2001). God in the manger: the miraculous birth of Christ (pp. 43–51). Nashville, TN: W Pub. Group.

Christmas: Celebrate His Love (Part 3)

The Wonder of Christmas

In this lesson, we revisit, with a sense of reverent awe, the events of the first Christmas.


If we can read the Christmas story in Luke 1 with a sense of wonder today, it will most assuredly take on new meaning for us. We’ve heard it so many times that if we are not careful, it settles down into the comfort zone of our mental process and we lose the sense of the incredible wonder of what happened when Christ was born.

  1. Five Statements that Were Fulfilled
  2. The Virgin Birth
  3. The Humanity of Jesus
  4. The Messiahship of Jesus
  5. The Omnipotence of God
  6. The Deity of Jesus
  7. Two Statements Yet to Be Fulfilled
  8. The Throne of David
  9. He Shall Reign Forever


In Luke 1:26–38 we read:

Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. And having come in, the angel said to her, “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!” But when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and considered what manner of greeting this was. Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.” Then Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I do not know a man?” And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God. Now indeed, Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age; and this is now the sixth month for her who was called barren. For with God nothing will be impossible.” Then Mary said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.

A young virgin named Mary is engaged to be married to a man named Joseph. Then Mary is visited by an angel. This particular passage is referred to as “The Annunciation.” Many believe that Luke learned the details of this story directly from Mary as he researched the background of the gospel.

The angel Gabriel, who appeared to Mary, is one of two angels mentioned by name in the Bible. Michael is the great defender, while Gabriel is the great revealer. This whole dialog probably took place in Mary’s home. She lived in a city of questionable reputation, yet we know she was of a pharisaic line and of royal descent. When the angel came to Mary, many people of her day were totally oblivious to any events that would have a permanent or universal influence. But one thing was true: every woman desired to become the mother of the long-awaited Messiah.

In verse 28 we read that the angel spoke to Mary and said, “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women.” This was the introduction to the message that would change the course of the world.

Perhaps no section of the gospel narrative has been more misunderstood than the words the angel spoke to Mary. When the angel said, “Rejoice, highly favored one,” he was simply giving to her a greeting of great importance. In the King James Version, it is translated “full of grace.” Likewise, the Latin Vulgate speaks of her as being “full of grace.”

One commentator points out that “if by full of grace we mean full of grace received, then we understand the passage. But if we mean full of grace to give to others, then we have totally misapplied the words of the angel. Mary does not have grace that she bestows on others, no matter what anyone may teach.”

Then the angel said, “Blessed are you among women.” Elizabeth uses the same expression later on in the same chapter. “Blessed are you among women” is simply an expression that explains how Mary had been chosen from among the women to be the mother of our Lord. There is no indication that this choice was due to Mary’s own worthiness. She was selected by the sovereignty of God.

“The Lord is with you,” said the angel. That does not mean that at that moment conception took place miraculously. It simply conveys the idea that through this very difficult process the Lord would be with her and help her to comprehend all of the imponderables that were cast upon her that day.

And then in verses 30–31, the message of this great wonder comes home to the heart of this young woman. The angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus.” Once again, when the angel said that Mary had found favor with God, he was conveying no more than was communicated about Noah in the Old Testament, where we read that Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

The Child’s name is given by God, and we are told that His name is Jesus.

In verses 30 and following, seven statements that the angel gave to Mary are prophetic statements of great importance. Five of them were fulfilled when Jesus came the first time. Two of them will be fulfilled in the future.

Five Statements that Were Fulfilled

Notice what the angel told Mary about her yet-to-be-born baby: “You will conceive in your womb.” “You will … bring forth a Son.” “You … shall call his name Jesus.” “He will be great.” And, “He … will be called the Son of the Highest.”

Wrapped up in those first five statements by the angel to Mary are some of the greatest doctrines of the Christian faith. “You will conceive in your womb.” That’s the doctrine of the virgin birth.

“You will … bring forth a Son.” That’s the doctrine of the humanity of Jesus.

“You … shall call his name Jesus.” That’s the truth of His Messiahship. He is our Messiah.

“He will be great.” That’s the doctrine of the omnipotence of God.

And “He … will be called the Son of the Highest” tells us that Jesus is Deity.

All of these things were true of Jesus as He was born. Every prophecy of the angel to Mary was borne out in the birth of Jesus.

Two Statements Yet to Be Fulfilled

The Bible says that yet to come are these two dimensions of our Savior: “The Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David,” and, “He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.” Just as surely as the first five of those prophecies were fulfilled in the person of our Lord, you can be confident that the next two also will be fulfilled. The day is coming when Jesus Christ will reign on the throne of His father David; and He shall reign over the house of Jacob, and of His kingdom there shall be no end. It is yet future, but it will come to pass.

Isaiah the Prophet says, “Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever” (Isaiah 9:7). Jesus Christ who came in a manger will someday come in glory.

Now put yourself for a moment into the heart and mind and spirit of Mary. She is perhaps 16 years old. In that day, girls often were married at the age of 14 and had given birth by the time they were 15 or 16. So perhaps at the age of 16 or 17 she heard this overwhelming message from an angel, and then had to absorb it all.

We should have no difficulty comprehending her confusion. Verse 29 says, “When she saw him, she was troubled at his saying.” That has to be one of the great understatements of the New Testament! She was perplexed. The angel’s words awakened in her a sense of wonder and uneasiness, and she began to wonder what this could mean. In verse 29 she considered what manner of greeting this was.

And then she begins to ask the normal questions. These are the questions you would expect her to ask. Her first one is, how can this be? “Then Mary said to the angel, ‘How can this be, since I do not know a man?’ ” (Luke 1:34). She is not talking about casual acquaintance here. This is the New Testament word for a sexual relationship. She is saying, “How can I be pregnant when I have not had any sexual relationship with a man?”

The angel said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God” (Luke 1:35). In other words, “Mary, you are going to be with child in a way that no one has ever been with child before, or shall ever be afterwards.” She will be with child by the Holy Spirit.

There are many ways humanity has come into being. Adam and Eve were created directly by God. They did not come through the birth process. Today, we are the products of a relationship between our mother and our father. But Jesus was uniquely born in the sense that He was born of His mother, but had no earthly father. So Mary was asked, at the age of 16, to comprehend a concept, a birth process, that had never before occurred in the history of humanity. No wonder she was perplexed!

This is the glory and the wonder of Christmas, that God could plant not only into the womb of this woman the Son of God, but He could plant in her heart the faith to believe the message that she received from the angel. Her response has always overwhelmed me with a sense of absolute submission that ought to be in the heart of every child of God. Mary said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.”

In one of his writings, C. S. Lewis said: “The whole thing narrows and narrows until at last it comes down to a little point, small as the point of a spear: A Jewish girl at her prayers. Today as I read the accounts of Jesus’ birth, I tremble to think of the fate of the world resting on the response of two rural teenagers. How many times did Mary review the angel’s words as she felt the Son of God kicking against the walls of her uterus? How many times did Joseph second guess his own encounter with an angel—just a dream?—as he endured the hot shame of living among villagers who could plainly see the changing shape of his fiancé.”

The Virgin Mary, whose parenthood was unplanned, heard the angel out, pondered the repercussions, and replied: “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” Often a work of God comes with two edges, great joy and great pain. In this matter-of-fact response, Mary embraced both pain and joy. She was the first person to accept Jesus on His own terms, regardless of personal cost. She accepted Him as her baby.

The wonder of Christmas!

We should be overwhelmed that God should love us so much, that Christ His Son would allow Himself to be born into humanity to ultimately pay the penalty for our sin.


  1. Based on your understanding of Jewish culture, what response to her unwed pregnancy might Mary have expected from the community around her?

Where, in Luke 1:46–55, does she project what others will call her in the future? What does this reveal about Mary’s spirit and attitude?

  1. What does Luke 2:19 reveal about Mary’s perspective on the events surrounding Jesus’ conception and birth?

Why was this remarkable?

  1. What word does Mary use to describe herself in Luke 1:38 and in Luke 1:48?

Does this seem to confirm or contradict other aspects of her character?

How does this compare or contrast with the view of Mary held by some religious groups?

  1. Why do you think Joseph and Mary did not “go public” with the news of the angelic visits? In addition to Mary’s humiliation, what might Joseph have had to endure?

What attitude do you think made it possible for them to do this?

  1. What was Simeon’s attitude concerning the arrival of Messiah, according to Luke 2:29–32? How did Joseph and Mary respond to his statements?
  2. How might we respond to the season celebrating His birth, in light of the responses of those closest to Him at His birth?

Did You Know?

Because the timetable for the arrival of Messiah is so precise in Daniel 9:25–26, there were some during the days leading up to Jesus’ birth who were faithfully watching for Messiah’s birth somewhere near the “69 weeks” (483 years) following the decree of Artaxerxes found in Nehemiah 2:1–8 (made in 444 b.c.). But that also meant there were a multitude of imposters trying to cash in on Daniel’s prophecy by claiming to be the Messiah.

God’s solution to the problem of imposters was to provide a multitude of qualifications Messiah would have to meet—including genealogical criteria, the ability to effect Messianic signs, a sinless life, and ultimately power over Satan and death itself. And, although most (if not all) believing Jews did not foresee the death and resurrection of Messiah, once it was all accomplished, they could write with great wonder and awe about the perfection of God’s plan as it unfolded in Jesus the Messiah. Thus the New Testament is filled to the brim with quotations and allusions to the Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in the Babe born at Bethlehem.

Star of Wonder

Atop many a Christmas tree is the Christmas Star. To most Christians it is a symbol of Jesus, who is often called the ‘bright and morning star.’ Ancient people looked upon stars as gods and created myths about them. Before there was Christmas, stars held importance in ancient religions.

The Babylonians used three stars to represent a god. The Egyptians believed that certain gods controlled different stars and constellations. The six-pointed star of David became the symbol of the Hebrew nation. The North American Blackfoot Indian tribe believed that every star at one time was a human being. But the five-pointed star of Christmas holds center stage. Its appearance is recorded in the Bible in the New Testament, which says it appeared over Bethlehem and served as a guiding light to lead the wise men to the Holy Child.[1]


[1] Jeremiah, D. (1999). Celebrate his love: Study guide (pp. 40–49). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Mid-Day Snapshot · Dec. 15, 2020


“Determine never to be idle. … It is wonderful how much may be done, if we are always doing.” —Thomas Jefferson (1787)

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A Great American Vaccine

Douglas Andrews

It’s hard to imagine what our nation’s COVID death toll would’ve been under a President Joe Biden, but we can be certain that the number would be higher than 300,000.

Consider these two stubborn facts: First, President Donald Trump shut down travel to and from China early on, a crucial decision that bought our nation time and likely avoided an early, overwhelming blow-up of COVID-19 cases. A day later, Biden called the decision “hysteria, xenophobia, and fearmongering” before flip-flopping and retroactively embracing it more than two months later.

Too late, Joe.

The other fact could be seen with our lyin’ eyes, rolling out of a Pfizer plant in Portage, Michigan, Sunday morning on so many tractor-trailers: a COVID-19 vaccine imagined, created, tested, manufactured, and now being distributed nationwide. In less than a year, compliments of Trump’s Operation Warp Speed. This, too, will save countless lives. And Biden and his ilk said it couldn’t possibly be done.

“Mainstream journalists celebrated news of the country’s first COVID-19 vaccinations on Monday,” reports National Review’s Tobias Hoonhout, “after claiming for months that the Trump administration’s push to deliver a vaccine in record time was ill-advised and unrealistic.”

“Ill-advised and unrealistic”? Remember Biden’s DNC nomination acceptance speech? That’s when Debbie Downer declared, “No miracle is coming.”

As Hoonhout continued, “CNBC reported Monday morning that the vaccine’s development ‘shattered every record in modern medical history,’ considering that Pfizer and BioNTech began their vaccine partnership on March 17 of this year. But in October, CNBC clipped a segment of the final presidential debate — in which President Trump stated that the vaccine is ‘going to be announced within weeks, and it’s going to be delivered’ — with the headline ‘President Trump says Covid-19 vaccine will be coming by the end of the year, despite contrary evidence.’”

Typical of the mainstream media’s dismissiveness — even derision — of President Trump ever since he said months ago that we could have a vaccine by year’s end was a May 15 conversation between MSNBC’s Brian Williams and the Trump-hating network’s house “expert,” Dr. Irwin Redlener, who referred to the president’s statement as “another day of POTUS in Wonderland” and “preposterous.”

Who’s looking preposterous now, Doc?

Typical of the mainstream media’s mad scramble to pour cold water on this spectacular news, to downplay this great American success story, to describe as a loss this unequivocal win for the Trump administration is the following headline from the Associated Press: “Vaccine comes too late for the 300,000 US dead.”

Really? That’s the worst you can do, AP?

The article continues down the same path of abject misery and unalloyed Trump hatred, telling us how the awful path of destruction taken by this pandemic “represents an extraordinary failure in our response” and how our efforts to resolutely cope with some 3,000 deaths per day “as though it were just business as usual … represents a moral failing.”

Good news comes out eventually, though, despite our media’s efforts to ignore it. Like the story of the first front-line worker to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

“I felt a huge sense of relief,” said Sandra Lindsay, a Jamaican immigrant and an ICU nurse at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in Queens, “hope for everyone around the world that healing is coming, that we took a step in the right direction to finally put an end to this COVID-19 pandemic.”

Responding to fears about the vaccine — fears that have been shamefully stoked by Democrats from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on down — Lindsay said, “As a nurse, my practice is guided by the science. I believe in science. What you should not trust is COVID-19. I hope that me taking the vaccine today is an inspiration to you.”

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Electoral College Reunion: Biden Is Elected

Thomas Gallatin

The Electoral College electors from all 50 states formally convened on Monday to cast their votes for the presidency, and the result was as expected — Joe Biden defeated President Donald Trump 306 to 232. Interestingly, the number of votes exactly matched Trump’s 2016 victory over Hillary Clinton. While Biden plagiarized Trump in touting his EC victory as a “landslide,” the truth of the matter is that his margin of victory in the swing states was even smaller than that of Trump’s in 2016. Trump won by besting Clinton by 77,744 total votes in the swing states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, whereas Biden slipped by Trump by 42,918 votes combined in Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin.

Meanwhile, Trump has still refused to concede defeat, arguing that some of his continued legal challenges have yet to be ruled on. That said, Trump has had little success in the courts, and it is all but impossible that there remains a genuine means for Trump to remain in the White House. Trump’s lack of concession clearly raised the ire of Biden, who blasted the president and Republicans following the EC vote. He derided their legal challenges as an “unprecedented assault on democracy” while falsely asserting that “no cause or evidence was found to reverse or question or dispute the results.”

But oh, by the way, Biden then talked of this being the “time to turn the page,” “to unite,” and “to heal.” Sure thing.

Biden and the Left spent four years “assaulting democracy” and denying Trump’s legitimacy, and they continue to act as if Trump’s presidency was a disaster. The facts demonstrate the exact opposite, of course, and Biden’s false characterization of the past four years does nothing to encourage Americans to come together. Yet he opined, “In America, politicians don’t take power — the people grant it to them. The flame of democracy was lit in this nation a long time ago. And we now know that nothing — not even a pandemic, or an abuse of power — can extinguish that flame.” That’s a rich statement dripping in irony and abject hypocrisy coming from the number-two man in Barack Obama’s White House, an administration that’s infamous for its abuse of power, that initiated a deep-state cabal in an attempt to oust a duly elected president, and that actively sowed the seeds of divisiveness, identity politics, and racial animus that are currently roiling the nation.

What may have been the most obtuse comment by Biden, however, was his reference to the now more than 300,000 Americans who have died as a result of contracting COVID. Biden continued to push the false narrative that Trump’s response to the novel virus from China was an abject failure even as the lifesaving coronavirus vaccine, developed in record time thanks to Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, was literally being delivered to all 50 states.

On a final note, despite Biden securing the EC vote, demonstrating that a Democrat can still win an election via the Founders’ well-designed system, one New York state elector believes she knows better even as she registered her vote for Biden. Hillary Clinton delivered the same old sore-loser message: “I believe we should abolish the Electoral College and select our president by the winner of the popular vote, same as every other office. But while it still exists, I was proud to cast my vote in New York for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.”

While it would be tempting to claim that Clinton’s remark demonstrates her abject ignorance of federalism, the truth is she knows exactly what federalism is and rejects it because it serves as a roadblock to leftist elitists’ desire to perpetually run the nation without having to consider and be held accountable by voters in red states.

The bottom line: Unless some massive unforeseen developments occur, Joe Biden will be inaugurated the 46th president of the United States on January 21. Buckle up.

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Barr Heads for the Door

Nate Jackson

Attorney General William Barr resigned on Monday, effective December 23. Barr was one of the two smartest and most effective Trump administration employees (the other being Secretary of State Mike Pompeo), and he was one of the best AGs in recent memory. As we have written on occasions too numerous to list, he served his country well, and every Patriot should thank Mr. Barr for doing his job with integrity and tenaciousness.

It’s admittedly unusual that he’d depart a month before the end of President Donald Trump’s term, but perhaps the Electoral College vote was sufficient. Barr’s resignation letter was certainly gracious to the president, who undoubtedly at times made Barr’s job more difficult. “I am greatly honored that you called on me to serve your Administration and the American people once again as Attorney General,” Barr wrote. “I am proud to have played a role in the many successes and unprecedented achievements you have delivered for the American people. Your record is all the more historic because you accomplished it in the face of relentless, implacable resistance.”

Specifically, Barr wrote, “You built the strongest and most resilient economy in American history — one that has brought unprecedented progress to those previously left out. You have restored American military strength. By brokering historic peace deals in the Mideast you have achieved what most thought impossible. You have curbed illegal immigration and enhanced the security of our nation’s borders. You have advanced the rule of law by appointing a record number of judges committed to constitutional principles. With Operation Warp Speed, you delivered a vaccine for coronavirus on a schedule no one thought conceivable — a feat that will undoubtedly save millions of lives.”

Trump was likewise gracious, tweeting, “Our relationship has been a very good one, he has done an outstanding job!”

Yet their very public disagreements of late were likely the real reason Barr decided to take an early retirement from his second stint as attorney general. There was the lack of a full report from U.S. Attorney John Durham on Obama’s malfeasance, the quiet way in which the DOJ conducted its probe of Hunter Biden, and Barr’s statement last month that Justice had “not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election.” All three led to disparaging remarks from Trump toward his AG.

As for the job Barr did, consider the cleanup he faced upon taking the job. Barack Obama had turned the Justice Department into a political weapon not just against Trump but against conservatives all over the nation. Barr was tasked with returning the department to upholding Rule of Law, and in the deep-state swamp, that’s a tall order.

In particular, take note of how Barr handled the aforementioned ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden — he did what he was supposed to do and kept it under wraps while it proceeded. That may not have helped Trump politically and, again, Trump certainly complained that Barr didn’t help him, but that’s not the attorney general’s job. To that point, and by contrast, Loretta Lynch secretly met with Bill Clinton on the Phoenix tarmac in July 2016. No, they did not merely talk about grandchildren as they claimed; anyone who says they didn’t discuss the “matter” of the DOJ’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illegal email server is lying.

Lynch and Eric Holder before her viewed the AG post as primarily serving as Obama’s political wingman. Barr is nobody’s wingman, and that’s why he didn’t politically leak details of the Biden investigation or push Durham for faster results just to benefit Trump. And yet some folks, including the president, will unfortunately always resent Barr for not giving Democrats a sufficient “dose of their own medicine.”

Just remember that the Left will always denounce Barr for supposedly having been Trump’s political stooge, fixer, and hitman.

However, one of Barr’s final acts was giving “special counsel” status to Durham so he can continue conducting his newly expanding probe into the Obama-Biden administration’s criminal actions regarding Trump’s 2016 campaign and the ensuing coup attempts. That status at a minimum makes it politically difficult for Biden to fire Durham or interfere in any way.

In his resignation letter, Barr noted of the Russia-collusion hoax that Trump’s presidency was “immediately met by a partisan onslaught against you in which no tactic, no matter how abusive and deceitful, was out of bounds” and that “the nadir of this campaign was the effort to cripple, if not oust, your Administration with frenzied and baseless accusations of collusion with Russia.”

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, one of Trump’s greatest defenders, praised Barr. He was, Graham said in a statement, “the right man at the right time in overseeing highly political investigations, and stood in the breach at times against both the left and the right.” Barr stood for the Constitution. While Biden has not chosen his own AG yet, we don’t hold any hope that the same will be said of him or her.

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Trump v. Biden — The Middle East Then, and Again

Mark Alexander

On January 28, a joint statement by President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu set the stage for a series of historic agreements this year. President Trump has now received multiple Nobel Peace Prize nominations for those successes. Notably, those are earned nominations, unlike the “participation trophy” given to Barack Obama for just showing up.

At that historic meeting, Netanyahu said: “Like you, Mr. President, I understand the magnitude of this moment. With you, Mr. President, I am prepared to seize the moment and change history. I know that there will be opposition; there’s always opposition. I know there will be many obstacles along the way — much criticism. But we have an old Jewish saying: ‘If not now, when? And if not us, who?’”

Last week, Morocco became the fourth Islamic nation to signal peace by normalizing relations with Israel — which is a prerequisite for a broader historic peace deal in the region. The previous nations already normalizing relations are the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Sudan. We may well hear more from Saudi Arabia before the end of the year.

According to Netanyahu: “I want to first thank President Trump for his extraordinary efforts to expand peace, to bring peace to Israel and the peoples of the Middle East. President Trump, the people of Israel and the State of Israel will be forever indebted to you for your magnificent efforts on our behalf. … The light of peace on this Hanukkah day has never shone brighter than today in the Middle East.”

Recall the words of Obama’s inept secretary of state — not Hillary Clinton, but her successor, the enhanced version of ineptitude, John Forbes Kerry. In 2016, Kerry, the author of the “Iran Nuke Deal” who, with Clinton, gave rise to the Islamic State, declared regarding Middle East peace: “There will be no separate peace between Israel and the Arab world. I want to make that very clear with all of you. I’ve heard several prominent politicians in Israel sometimes saying, ‘Well, the Arab world is in a different place now. We just have to reach out to them. We can work some things with the Arab world and we’ll deal with the Palestinians.’ No. No, no, and no. There will be no advance and separate peace with the Arab world without the Palestinian process and Palestinian peace. Everybody needs to understand that.”

I am quite sure that presumptive President-elect Joe Biden, his soon-to-be successor Kamala Harris, and their former Obama administration retreads support Kerry’s feckless effort to ensure there would never be a “separate peace between Israel and the Arab world.” They will do their best to undermine the extraordinary Trump administration successes in the region.

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A Strategy to Handicap the Paris Climate Accord

Jordan Candler

Barack Obama, with the help of his secretary of state, John Kerry, made the Paris Climate Accord a staple of his presidency. That accord was portrayed as a do-good framework aimed at lowering the global temperature via a reduction in worldwide carbon emissions. The reality, though, was that it would only negligibly lower temperatures at best, and it also wrongly assumed member countries would follow our lead. (Trusting China to follow through on a commitment is tantamount to believing its “official” COVID death toll or that its coronavirus vaccine is 86% effective.) Oh, and most importantly, the climate agreement didn’t follow our Constitution’s protocols. More on that in a bit.

President Donald Trump, then, was wise to say au revoir to the accord. However, Kerry and his henchmen strategically included in it a contingency plan. And given Trump’s unfathomable win in 2016, that plan may end up proving to be quite useful to the Joe Biden administration — unless Trump takes immediate action to do something he should have done from the get-go.

Article 28 of the Paris Climate Accord stipulates: “1. At any time after three years from the date on which this Agreement has entered into force for a Party, that Party may withdraw from this Agreement by giving written notification to the Depositary. 2. Any such withdrawal shall take effect upon expiry of one year from the date of receipt by the Depositary of the notification of withdrawal, or on such later date as may be specified in the notification of withdrawal.”

In other words, any nation’s exit is willfully delayed by four years. And since the accord became official on November 4, 2016, that means the U.S. exit wasn’t official until November 4, 2020. The election, you’ll recall, was on November 3. As the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Marlo Lewis warned in 2018, “That means the next president could rejoin the pact with a stroke of the pen, picking up where President Obama left off.”

Pretty sneaky, eh?

Lewis was concerned about Trump’s method of abandoning the accord for this very reason. According to Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution, “[The president] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur.” And as Lewis advised at the time, “To ensure future executives do not try this underhanded maneuver again, Mr. Trump should submit the agreement to the Senate with a recommendation that it be voted down.”

Fortunately, there’s still time — but not much. As reported by The Washington Times, “Presumptive President-elect Joseph R. Biden reiterated his vow Saturday to reenter the Paris climate agreement on the first day of his administration, but that could become a problem if the accord’s foes can ferry it to the Senate first. Conservatives behind the scenes are seeking to foil his plans by persuading President Trump to transmit the 2015 agreement to the Senate for ratification, thus treating the accord as Republicans say it should have been handled all along: as a treaty. … If Mr. Trump transmits the agreement to the Senate after the start of the next Congress on Jan. 3 … then foes of the accord suddenly have a potent new legal argument to block a Biden effort to enter the agreement via executive action.”

Importantly, “Even if Democrats capture both Georgia Senate seats to gain a chamber majority, and swing a few votes from moderate Republicans, nobody thinks they could cobble together enough votes to clear the two-thirds hurdle.” Putting the climate agreement up for a vote wouldn’t just be a fitting tit-for-tat. More to the point, it’s the constitutional thing to do.

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California’s Business Exodus Grows

Thomas Gallatin

Oracle joined a growing list of big companies pulling up stakes to flee California for greener business pastures. Oracle’s Friday announcement means it’s following in the footsteps of fellow Silicon Valley tech giant Hewlett Packard, which just weeks ago announced its coming move to Austin, Texas.

But this exodus of businesses out of California is not a recent phenomenon that can be blamed on COVID and Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom’s draconian lockdowns, although they have certainly contributed. Instead, this problem has been years in the making, thanks to California’s high taxes and over-regulation. It is estimated that over the last decade some 17,000 businesses have left the state. Tesla CEO Elon Musk is also moving to Austin, where he plans to set up a new auto plant by next year. The Daily Wire pulled up stakes from LA and moved to Nashville. Popular podcaster Joe Rogan left California for — where else? — Austin. Even Tinseltown is bleeding businesses, with tax-friendly Georgia fast becoming the Hollywood of the South.

Jim Wunderman, CEO of the Bay Area Council, rang the alarm bells about Oracle when he stated, “Anyone who doesn’t believe that this latest departure isn’t a threat to California’s economy is a business-climate denier. We are watching the unraveling of one of the world’s mightiest economies and the consequences will be devastating.”

What might have been a trickle a few years ago of businesses leaving has fast become a steady stream, with the tax-happy Golden State making it harder and harder for businesses to justify staying. As prominent California entrepreneur Tom Siebel has advised, “I think every responsible chief executive officer has to consider moving their company out of California. If you’re not considering that, you’re not fulfilling your job for your shareholders and your employees.”

National Review’s John Fund observes, “If California continues its economic decline, something Texas-sized in its ambitions may be called for — whether it’s a moratorium on new business regulations or a restructuring of the state’s corrupt unemployment compensation or reining in suffocating litigation. Nothing less is likely to stem the outflow of businesses and jobs from the Golden State.”

The problem for Texas and Georgia — to name just two of the aforementioned refuges for California businesses — is that the states should welcome the new arrivals but beware the leftist policies the companies and their employees bring with them. “Hollywood of the South,” for example, sounds great … until the Peach State turns blue. Silicon Valley in Austin may be a boon … until deep-blue Austin flips the Lone Star State.

But for now, California serves as a warning to the rest of the country. This is the result of leftist Democrats’ anti-business policies, which prize symbolism and virtue signaling over substance, truth, and individual liberty.

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The Road Ahead for Our Compromised Republic

Harold Hutchison

With his Electoral College victory putting Joe Biden one step closer to the presidential oath on January 20, grassroots Patriots have to face a sobering reality: The Supreme Court’s refusal to even grant Texas a hearing in its suit against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin leaves millions of Americans believing our republican form of government as established by the Constitution has been compromised — badly.

The issue isn’t even fraud, although ballot fraud will have to be addressed if Republicans expect to win the White House ever again. The real issue is the failure to follow the law and the U.S. Constitution. When election officials and judges in the aforementioned four states usurped electoral powers reserved by the Constitution to their respective state legislatures, they did far more damage to the norms, standards, and traditions of America than Donald Trump was ever accused of doing.

We simply cannot be confident that every legal vote was counted, nor every illegal vote disallowed. For example, Scott Adams notes that we were forcibly denied transparency during the vote counts in crucial states. That alone is good cause to question just how free and fair the 2020 election was — although Joel Pollak noted in an interview with Adams that there are other reasons to do so as well. The simple question is this: If they had nothing to hide, why did they go to such great lengths to avoid transparency?

Worse, they’ll claim that those who did stand up in opposition to and then demanded accountability for the extra-constitutional changes are the ones harming the country, and then they’ll use such nonsense to justify retaliation. Assuming Biden takes office, that threat will become much greater — especially should he pick Andrew Cuomo for attorney general, given the war on dissent currently being waged by the Cuomo regime in New York.

The situation is undeniable: Our rights under the First Amendment will be in danger. The Second Amendment will also be in their sights. We noted earlier that the deck would (continue to) be stacked against grassroots Patriots by Big Tech and the mainstream media, but we must also be wary of the state and its ever-growing powers.

We’re at a dangerous point. The Left may indeed have defeated Trump, but doing so may prove to be a Pyrrhic victory. Already, there are glimmers of good news. Robert Cahaly of the Trafalgar group — a pollster who called the 2016 election accurately — notes that grassroots Patriots are demanding answers from their leadership. Georgia Republican Party chairman David Shafer is also taking steps to ensure election integrity, even taking on a fellow Republican to do so.

No matter what happens over the short term, grassroots Patriots must maintain hope that the Republic can be reborn from the ashes of this compromised state. Anything less would be a failure, and failure cannot be an option.

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A Necessary Defense of Girls’ Sports

Douglas Andrews

How surreal it must’ve been for Selina Soule and the other girls to watch it disappear like it did. Everything they’d worked so hard for in track and field had just evaporated.

Soule had run a great race, missing her personal best in the 55-meter dash by a mere hundredth of a second. And yet she was denied a spot in the Connecticut high school state finals by two “transgender” runners who smoked the rest of the field.

“It’s just really frustrating and heartbreaking,” she said last year, “because we all train extremely hard to shave off just fractions of a second off of our time. And these athletes can do half the amount of work that we do, and it doesn’t matter. We have no chance of winning.”

Soule, who’s been smeared by the always-classy Left as “transphobic” and a “sore loser,” was speaking about her state’s anti-science policy of allowing high school student athletes to compete based solely on their expressed gender identity. This policy is at odds with both the International Olympic Committee and the National Collegiate Athletic Association, which require “transgender” athletes to take testosterone-suppressing drugs to compete in the women’s category. It’s a policy that cost Soule and a number of other girls the satisfaction and the college scholarships that typically accompany championship-level performances in track and field. (To get a sense of the ridiculousness of expressed gender identity, check out Oxford-educated British rapper Zuby, who one day expressed himself as a female long enough to smash the British women’s deadlift record.)

Of course, as our Arnold Ahlert pointed out back in February of 2019, the Left insists there’s no difference whatsoever between boys and girls, men and women.

Connecticut is one of 18 states that allow this abomination — this pitting of biological boys against competitors who are, on average, 9% shorter; whose bones are smaller and weaker both in terms of size and density; whose heads are smaller; whose elbows, shoulders, fingers, and pelvises are physically different; whose torsos are longer and whose arms and legs are shorter; and, critically, whose bodies have a significantly smaller proportion of muscle mass. But hey, that’s just the science talking.

Soule, along with two fellow athletes, Alanna Smith and Chelsea Mitchell, finally had enough, and in February the Alliance Defending Freedom filed suit on their behalf. Their argument is that allowing boys to compete in the female category denies girls “opportunities for participation, recruitment, and scholarships,” and is thus at odds with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its Title IX prohibition of discrimination on the basis of sex.

Congress has been curiously silent about this issue. Perhaps our elected representatives are afraid to run afoul of the Rainbow Mafia or be disinvited from all the best cocktail parties. But outgoing Hawaii Representative and former Democrat presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard isn’t afraid. Nor is Oklahoma Republican Congressman Markwayne Mullin, himself a former professional MMA fighter. Last week, they introduced a bill called the Protect Women’s Sports Act to secure the sanctity and fundamental decency of women’s sports by clarifying that Title IX rules apply to female athletes based on their biological sex rather than their preferred “gender identity.”

“Title IX,” says Mullin, “was designed to give women and girls an equal chance to succeed, including in sports. Allowing biological males to compete in women’s sports diminishes that equality and takes away from the original intent of Title IX.”

The bill is a nice parting shot from Gabbard, a major in the U.S. Army Reserve and a libertarian-leaning progressive who’s been a steady thorn in the side of the Democrat establishment, as this paint-peeling 2019 Twitter takedown of Hillary Clinton will attest. She’s represented Hawaii’s second congressional district since 2012 and ran for president this year, but she didn’t seek reelection to the House. Not surprisingly, she’s taken plenty of incoming fire from the Left for her bill, but she spent the weekend hitting back via Twitter and educating via an explanatory video.

“My ‘Protect Women’s Sports Act’ is based on science. It safeguards equality & ensures a level playing field for girls & women competing in sports. It upholds Title IX’s original intent which was based on the general biological distinction between men & women athletes based on sex.”

This is all well and good, of course, but unless this bill gets to the House floor for a vote, it’s little more than posturing. And, come to think of it, what are the odds that Nancy Pelosi and her hard-left caucus will actually acknowledge the science and stand up for our daughters?

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The Bill of Rights

December 15, 1791, marks the ratification of our Bill of Rights, the first 10 Amendments to our Constitution, and the Rule of Law it enshrines.

The Bill of Rights was inspired by three remarkable documents: John Locke’s 1689 thesis, “Two Treatises of Government,” regarding the protection of “property” (in the Latin context, proprius, or one’s own “life, liberty and estate”); in part from the Virginia Declaration of Rights authored by George Mason in 1776 as part of that state’s Constitution; and, of course, in part from our Declaration of Independence authored by Thomas Jefferson.

Though the Bill of Rights is commonly referred to as “the first ten amendments” to our Constitution, it is important to distinguish these ten articles from amendments — the former being an integral part of our Constitution, while the latter, over the course of our nation’s history, having modified it.

Because of that distinction, the addition of the Bill of Rights was hotly debated among our Founders, many of whom argued that the mere reiteration of these innate and unalienable Rights of Man within the Constitution might imply that they are somehow subject to amendment, as if granted by the state.

Alexander Hamilton argued in Federalist No. 84, “[B]ills of rights, in the sense and in the extent in which they are contended for, are not only unnecessary in the proposed constitution, but would even be dangerous. They would contain various exceptions to powers which are not granted; and on this very account, would afford a colorable pretext to claim more than were granted. For why declare that things shall not be done which there is no power to do?”

On the other hand, George Mason was among 16 of the 55 Constitutional Convention delegates who refused to sign because the document did not adequately address limitations on what the central government had “no power to do.” Indeed, he worked with Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams against its ratification for that very reason.

As a result of Mason’s insistence, the first session of Congress incorporated those 10 additional limitations upon the federal government for the reasons outlined by the Preamble to the Bill of Rights: “The Conventions of a number of the States having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best insure the beneficent ends of its institution.”

Read in context, the Bill of Rights is both an affirmation of innate “unalienable rights” of man, and a clear proscription upon any central government infringement of those rights. As oft trampled and abused as the Bill of Rights is by those who’ve sworn an oath “to Support and Defend” our Constitution, most notably “judicial supremacists,” or the “despotic branch” as Jefferson called the judiciary, Patriots must remain ever vigilant in order to sustain our rights.

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Jordan Candler

Election Debrief

  • Despite record turnout, 80 million Americans didn’t vote (NPR)
  • Judge releases Dominion audit report, which claims system “designed” to “create systemic fraud” (Daily Wire)

Regardless of the real cause of the 6,000-vote error in Michigan’s Antrim County, the point is that if this can happen in one place, it can happen any place. It undermines the credibility of not just this election but future elections. The potential for fraud needs to be eliminated — and if that means Dominion ultimately gets forced out, so be it.

Georgia Runoff

  • Mail-in ballot requests top one million as early voting begins (Disrn)
  • Jon Ossoff says feds should ensure illegal immigrants receive good wages (Free Beacon)

Government & Politics

  • Michigan Rep. Paul Mitchell leaving GOP over Trump’s attempt to overturn election (NBC News)
  • Special Counsel John Durham is expanding team with prosecutors, making “excellent progress” (Fox News)


  • The New York Times has not covered the Eric Swalwell honeytrap scandal a single time (Not the Bee)
  • The Times slams writer not calling Jill Biden “Dr.” Here’s how the NYT referred to Dr. Ben Carson for years. (Daily Wire)
  • Media scramble to un-remember their dismissals of Trump’s Operation Warp Speed win (National Review)


  • Just 1 in 5 with COVID passes it to others in household, data show (UPI)

Business & Economy

  • Governor Cuomo is destroying New York City’s restaurant industry (FEE) | And yet, NYC could face “full shutdown” beyond indoor dining, Mayor de Blasio warns (NY Post)
  • United Auto Workers union pays $1.5 million to settle corruption probe (Free Beacon)

Annals of the “Social Justice” Caliphate

  • Portland autonomous zone removing barricades after totally weak-kneed mayor and police chief apologize (Daily Caller)
  • California church displays nativity scene that incorporates Black Lives Matter (Just the News)
  • NFL ratings plummet, despite a pandemic forcing millions to sit at home with nothing to do (Post Millennial)

Double Standards

  • Oregon’s newly elected secretary of state violates governor’s order on gatherings (PJ Media)


  • Four-year-old girl donates over $600 of bake sale earnings to food bank (News 9)

Closing Arguments

  • Policy: The Right should be relieved SCOTUS rejected judicial activism in Texas v. Pennsylvania (The Federalist)
  • Policy: America first is not America alone (Examiner)
  • Humor: Biden to introduce new Medal of Honor for Bravery in Journalism (Babylon Bee)

For more of today’s editors’ choice headlines, visit Headline Report.

The Patriot Post is a certified ad-free news service, unlike third-party commercial news sites linked on this page, which may also require a paid subscription.

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Portland CHAZ Sequel Beats Back Attempted Police Shutdown — Ted Wheeler bends the knee again.

Leftists Triggered After Convicted Murderer Executed — Brandon Bernard was complicit in the barbaric killing of two youth ministers.

Price Transparency: How to Fix Healthcare — “We have no idea how much we’re paying for healthcare services,” says Will Bruhn.

Satire: How the Media Wants You To Think — “I’m brave enough to know that what they tell me to think is what I think.”




For more of today’s columns, visit Right Opinion.


Insight: “Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law breaker, it breeds contempt for the law.” —Justice Louis D. Brandeis (1856-1941)

Non compos mentis: “When federal [immigration] agents arrive at one of these farms, it should be to make sure people are being paid the minimum wage, working in humane conditions.” —Georgia U.S. Senate candidate Jon Ossoff

Alpha jackass, Part I: “[Donald Trump], you are weak, scared, stupid, inept, negligent, vindictive, narcissistic, criminal. I hope you live a long life in prison where you become the most popular boyfriend to the all inmates.” —actress Debra Messing

Alpha jackass, Part II: “Rape is an act of violence. Trump has perpetrated violence on hundreds of millions of people. My hope is (and this is the first time in my life) that the tables are turned and he is the victim of perpetrators.” —Debra Messing

And last… “The Founding Fathers believed that a free press was essential to the preservation of freedom. But we don’t really have a free press today. We have a hyper-partisan press just as committed to one party rule as the talking heads of Pravda were.” —Gary Bauer

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Sean Davis: Media And Big Tech Rigged Election By Suppressing Biden Family Crime News

Federalist Co-Founder Sean charged big tech and big media of rigging the November election through their conspired suppression of the Hunter Biden story.

Source: Sean Davis: Media And Big Tech Rigged Election By Suppressing Biden Family Crime News

Do Twitter And Facebook Face Any Regrets For Blowing Up Their Reputations To Rig The Election?

By now the credibilty of The New York Post’s blockbuster reporting on Hunter Biden during the election has been cemented.

Source: Do Twitter And Facebook Face Any Regrets For Blowing Up Their Reputations To Rig The Election?

Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church received $4.4M COVID-19 PPP loan

Multimillionaire televangelist Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Texas netted $4.4 million in bailouts through the federal COVID-19 relief program, records show. The Houston megachurch, the largest in the nation with 52,000 weekly congregants, received the forgivable Paycheck Protection Program loan in late July, the Houston Business Journal reported on Sunday.

Source: Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church received $4.4M COVID-19 PPP loan

Article Addendum: Why?

Lakewood Church received a $4.4 million Paycheck Protection Plan loan during the coronavirus pandemic, according to federal data. The loan was disbursed in July of this year.

U.S. Small Business Administration data, which was released at the beginning of December, showed that Lakewood Church’s PPP loan was created by Bank of America. The megachurch’s hefty loan was the third-largest PPP loan approved for a Houston-area entity during all of July and August, according to Chris Matthews at Houston Business Journal.

Evidently Joel and Victoria couldn’t be bothered to help out their own staff and wanted taxpayers to do it, even though Joel and Victoria are multimillionaires.

Multimillionaire wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Source: Why Did Multi-Millionaire Joel Osteen’s Church Get Over 4 Million Dollars of PPP Funds? | Zwinglius Redivivus (wordpress.com)

“Talk To Your Twitter-Mob To Find Out If The COVID Vaccine Is Right For You…” | ZeroHedge News

Authored by Simon Black via SovereignMan.com,

Before committing heresy today and subjecting myself to the unforgiving courts of cancel culture, I’m compelled to state that I am not an ‘anti-vaxxer’.

Now, we live in a world where when you say you’re NOT something, you’re immediately guilty of being exactly that thing.

But the facts speak for themselves; even in my early 40s I still occasionally get vaccinated. Last year I tried a flu shot (though I still got the flu).

And since I spend a lot of time on a farm where rusty metals seem to grow out of the dirt, one of my physicians advised me to get a tetanus shot, which I did.

Some past vaccines have performed near miracles for human civilization. And I’m impressed by the brilliance of medical researchers and biochemists who developed these Covid vaccine candidates in record time.

I also think it’s poetic justice that the same Marxists who spent years threatening to nationalize the big drug companies are now singing their praises.

So I am in no way anti-vaccine.

(Though I do think the CDC’s recommendations to stick babies with dozens of shots before the age of 2 go a bit too far…)

I am, however, pro-freedom. And that includes the freedom to ask intelligent questions without ridicule.

For the last several weeks we’ve been hearing a steady stream of propaganda from the mainstream media insisting that ‘the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective’. And that’s been echoed by people shrieking the same refrain on Twitter over and over again.

I find this intriguing because it communicates a complete lack of understanding of basic facts.

For starters, there’s no such thing as “the” vaccine. There are multiple vaccines with multiple technologies, from Moderna’s ‘messenger RNA’ vaccine, to Shenzhen GenoImmune’s ‘dendritic cell’ vaccine.

More importantly, however, when the armchair immunologists on Twitter insist that ‘the vaccine is safe and effective,’ they don’t even realize that there is very little published research about the vaccines.

The US government’s public repository of clinical trial data for all drugs and vaccines, for example, does not publish current, detailed results for most Covid vaccine candidates.

And on Moderna’s own website, which had a special page set up for vaccine ‘data’, corporate executives instead chose to dazzle visitors with bombastic drivel about their diversity and inclusion, rather than publish actual research results.

Yet the media and Twitter mob continued to howl that ‘the vaccine is safe and effective’ despite limited published research.

Dr. Fauci said the vaccine was safe, and of course he never lies. The media latched on to this immediately without any further questioning. But isn’t it their job to ask questions?

Well, clearly not anymore. The media (and Twitter) only care to prevent others from asking questions and to ridicule anyone who commits the heresy of expressing concern.

These are the same people who are vocal about a woman’s ‘right to choose’. Yet they’re now calling for mandatory vaccination.

So abortions are just fine, but wanting to understand the vaccine more before rolling up your sleeve makes you a murderer.

And even more ridiculous, most people dispensing this wisdom from their ivory Twitter towers haven’t seen a scrap of data about any vaccine candidate.

They just keep screaming the same line over and over again that ‘the vaccine is safe and effective,’ because if you say something enough times, it becomes true.

They’ve been saying this for weeks. CNN was already running stories back in October slamming people who might express concern over a vaccine as ‘conspiracy theorists’.

And yet it was only a few days ago that the FDA released a 53 page report on Pfizer’s now-approved vaccine candidate. (CNN must be psychic…)

I’ll discuss this more later in the week, but overall the results are encouraging from an efficacy perspective: only 8 people out of the roughly 20,000 study participants who received the Pfizer’s BNT162b2 vaccine candidate ended up acquiring COVID-19.

But at the same time, the research does present some interesting safety results, stating clearly that “a higher proportion of vaccine recipients reported adverse events compared with placebo recipients…”

These adverse events among vaccine recipients included Bell’s palsy (a rare facial paralysis) that the study recommends monitoring, plus a disorder of the lymph nodes called lymphadenopathy that was “plausibly related to the vaccination.”

And ironically, a majority of the 20,000+ vaccine recipients acquired COVID-like symptoms, including fatigue, headache, nausea, fever, and chills.

There’s also an entire section in the report dedicated to what they still don’t know about the vaccine, including whether it even remains effective beyond two months.

(Remember, the FDA awarded Pfizer an ‘emergency authorization’, i.e. a short-circuited process that didn’t follow the normal scrutiny, so there’s a lot more testing to do.)

I’m in no way writing to sway anyone to take/not take the vaccine. I merely believe in knowledge and informed consent. And I’d suggest everyone read the FDA report for themselves.

Is it really so unreasonable that people should have the chance to discuss the vaccine trial results with their physicians before making a personal, medical decision?

US television networks run pharmaceutical advertisements all day, every day, covering every possible condition. Enlarged prostate. High blood pressure. Erectile dysfunction.

The commercials are totally bizarre– some couple walking on a beach while a background voice reads off a never-ending list of possible adverse side effects.

And in the end, the voice always concludes with the same message: “Talk to your doctor to find out if [insert catchy drug name] is right for you.

You can’t even take an erectile dysfunction pill without consulting your physician. But with regards to the vaccine, you’re not allowed to ask any questions or raise any potential concerns. This is heresy.

With regards to Covid, we’re only allowed to receive medical advice from Twitter.

Source: “Talk To Your Twitter-Mob To Find Out If The COVID Vaccine Is Right For You…”

Hunter Biden News Should Shame Dismissive Media Outlets | Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity


Hunter Biden announced Wednesday he is under federal investigation for his financial dealings in foreign countries, including China. While the news sent shockwaves through Washington, D.C., it shouldn’t have been surprising. The announcement confirms many of the allegations of corruption that were leveled against Hunter Biden in the months leading up to the November elections – allegations the media steadfastly refused to cover.

The nation’s largest social media companies went further: They made the shocking decision to actively censor the New York Post’s eye-opening scoop revealing evidence of Joe Biden’s son’s influence peddling that was recovered from an abandoned laptop. Twitter locked the newspaper out of its own account for weeks. Facebook prevented the Post’s story from being widely distributed, even though neither Joe Biden nor his campaign disputed the authenticity of the documents published by the paper.

In retrospect, not only do the documents appear to be authentic, but a Daily Beast report Thursday notes evidence that the Hunter Biden investigation was hiding in plain sight. One of the FBI documents from the laptop published by the Post “included a case number that had the code associated with an ongoing federal money laundering investigation in Delaware, according to several law enforcement officials who reviewed the document. Another document — one with a grand jury subpoena number — appeared to show the initials of two assistant US attorneys linked to the Wilmington, Delaware, office.” Hunter Biden claims he only learned of theinvestigation this past week, but these documents suggest otherwise.

Even a cursory inquiry by the New York Post’s competitors would have confirmed that Biden was under federal investigation. One journalist did behave like a reporter. In late October, Sinclair Broadcast Group correspondent James Rosen reported that Hunter Biden was under active investigation and a Justice Department official confirmed his scoop. Almost without exception, America’s press corps refused to follow up on Rosen’s revelation — or even report it.

It’s bad enough that the allegations were ignored, but the media response to the story was far worse. Without making any meaningful attempts to independently verify any of the details, they immediately asserted that Hunter Biden’s laptop was part of a “Russian disinformation” campaign.

Natasha Bertrand, a Politico reporter known among Trump supporters for her credulous reporting on the Steele dossier, wrote a piece headlined“Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say.” The New York Times reported, “Trump Said to Be Warned That Giuliani Was Conveying Russian Disinformation” and, further, that Trump “shrugged off” the warning about his aide, who was involved in bringing the laptop story to light.

Both stories appeared on Oct. 15, the day after the Post’s bombshell report. In the broader media, the default explanation for the laptop became – once again – a Vladimir Putin-backed conspiracy. By contrast, the idea that an erratic Hunter Biden, who once left a crack pipe and his dead brother’s state attorney general badge in a rental car, forgot to pick up his laptop at a computer repair shop a short distance from his house was deemed far-fetched.

Even setting aside the charges specifically connected to the laptop, what was known about Hunter’s foreign dealings was damning enough that the media should have demanded Joe and Hunter answer a slew of pointed questions. Instead, there was only one puffy, televised ABC News interview with Hunter Biden that also aired, probably not coincidentally, on Oct. 15, perfectly timed to rebut the Post.

When asked about his controversial job serving on the board of Ukrainian gas company Burisma, Biden’s response to ABC vacillated between self-serving and dishonest.“There’s been a lot of misinformation about me. … Bottom line is that I know that I was completely qualified to be on the board to head up the corporate governance and transparency committee on the board,” he said.

The assertion, absurd on its face, went largely unchallenged by ABC. Biden didn’t speak the language of the country where Burisma is headquartered, had no experience in the oil and gas sector, and had never served on the board of a for-profit company. Moreover, getting paid a million dollars a year to serve on a corporate board is unheard of. Corporate watchdogs have noted that his post was rife with conflicts that would have violated federal securities law if Burisma was a US company. He got the job weeks after it was announced his father was overseeing America’s Ukraine policy from the White House.

Instead, Hunter was allowed by ABC to present himself as the victim. “I gave a hook to some very unethical people to act in illegal ways to try to do some harm to my father. That’s where I made the mistake,” Biden told the credulous network. “So I take full responsibility for that. Did I do anything improper? No, not in any way. Not in any way whatsoever.”

ABC also whiffed on the China question. Biden told ABC News he hadn’t personally profited from a $1.5 billion deal with Chinese interests brokered by his investment firm, an implausible denial for which he presented no evidence. ABC did not ask him about an email in the New York Post report purportedly showing that Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, was paying Hunter Biden $10 million for “introductions alone.”

A recent Senate report reviewed by Fox News seems to confirm these troubling allegations. “Hunter Biden had business associations with Ye Jianming, Gongwen Dong and other Chinese nationals linked to the Communist government and the People’s Liberation Army,” the report says. “Those associations resulted in millions of dollars in cash flow.”

Nor did ABC News ask Hunter Biden about receiving a 2.8 carat diamond worth $80,000 that a shadowy Chinese tycoon delivered to his hotel room. Neither Joe nor Hunter were asked about this during the campaign, even though Hunter admitted to taking the diamond in the pages of the New Yorker magazine last year. This suspicious gift is now reportedly part of the FBI probe.

In fairness, some skepticism of an October surprise being foisted on the public by a right-leaning tabloid and Rudy Giuliani, who’s no stranger to getting out over his skis in defense of Trump, would have been warranted.

But some media figures so quickly descended into condescending arrogance that some apologies appear in order, given what we now know. The managing editor of taxpayer-funded NPR declared it a “waste of time” to report on the Hunter Biden allegations. The Atlantic’s Anne Applebaum assured us, “Those who live outside the Fox News bubble and intend to remain there do not, of course, need to learn any of this stuff [about Hunter Biden].”

However, many of the key allegations in the New York Post report weren’t just about Hunter. They raised questions about whether Joe Biden was a participant in his son’s foreign wheeling and dealing. Nonetheless, Applebaum’s Atlantic colleague David Frum went even further. “The people on the far right and far left that publicized the obviously bogus [New York Post] story were not dupes. They were accomplices. The story could not have been more fake if it had been wearing dollar-store spectacles and attached plastic mustache,” he wrote.

Unfortunately for Frum, the question of who was acting as an “accomplice” is now a bigger issue than ever. “According to Biden campaign metrics, online chatter about the Hunter Biden story during the election’s last week was greater than it was around Hillary’s emails during last month of ’16,” observed the Daily Beast’s Sam Stein last month. “The difference: it never spilled over into mainstream outlets.”

Given that Biden’s Electoral College victory was even narrower than Trump’s in 2016 – about 40,000 votes spread across three narrowly won states – Stein’s observation that the media suppression of the Hunter Biden story may have helped Joe Biden win now looks like a troubling indictment. A chilling media precedent has been set to not just discredit, but actively censor legitimate reporting on political corruption weeks before an election.

Reprinted with permission from Real Clear Politics.

Source: Hunter Biden News Should Shame Dismissive Media Outlets

Where’s Hunter? Biden Scandal Still AWOL from Network News | Newsbusters

Two months ago, the liberal media assisted Joe Biden’s presidential campaign by essentially ignoring the financial scandal surrounding Biden’s son, Hunter, and aggressively dismissing it as likely Russian propaganda.

Now that an FBI investigation into Hunter Biden for potential money laundering and tax fraud has been confirmed, the media aren’t bothering to call it Russian propaganda anymore — but they’re still pretty much ignoring the story.

Last Wednesday, December 9, Hunter Biden himself revealed that he was under investigation by the FBI. In the six days since then (through the morning of December 15), ABC’s morning and evening news (Good Morning America and World News Tonight) have given the story a grand total of just 97 seconds. CBS This Morning and the CBS Evening News have given the scandal slightly more attention (3 minutes, 4 seconds), while NBC’s Today and Nightly News allotted 4 minutes, 54 seconds to the story.

Add it all up, and that’s only 9 minutes, 35 seconds of airtime over 41 hours of network news programming. Even though the media now know there’s a real federal investigation about potentially serious crimes by the next President’s son, the broadcast networks aren’t any more interested than they were last fall, when they doled out a scant 21 minutes of (mostly dismissive) coverage over nearly two weeks.

And nowhere in the current round of coverage is there any suggestion that either the Biden campaign or their liberal media echo chamber were flat-out wrong in October when they scorned the story as a Russian trick. “Experts say it has all the hallmarks of information laundering and all the headaches of 2016,” CBS’s Nancy Cordes sighed on the October 15 Evening News.

Four days later on NBC’s Today, NBC analyst Jeremy Bash similarly instructed viewers to dismiss the story: “This whole operation looks right out of the Kremlin playbook, hack and dump.”

That’s also the angle CBS’s Norah O’Donnell took with Joe Biden himself, when on the October 25 60 Minutes she suggested the whole thing was a plot: “Do you believe the recent leak of material allegedly from Hunter’s computer is part of a Russian disinformation campaign?”

Here’s more of the media — before the election — insisting the only scandal was Russia’s supposed interference against Joe Biden:


The liberal media’s refusal to properly cover this story before the election (as well as the censorship supplied by Big Tech) probably tipped the election to Biden. A poll of 1,750 Biden voters in seven swing states, conducted by The Polling Company, found nearly half (45.1%) were unaware of Hunter Biden’s financial scandal; if they had known, enough would have abandoned the Democratic candidate to flip Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to Trump, giving the President a 311 electoral vote victory.


Source: Where’s Hunter? Biden Scandal Still AWOL from Network News

Tucker Carlson: Jill Biden Is Not a Doctor — Maybe in the Same Sense Dr. Pepper Is, Same Degree as Dr. Bill Cosby

Monday, FNC’s Tucker Carlson reacted to the backlash Wall Street Journal op-ed writer Joseph Epstein has faced for an article he penned last week questioning the credential of future first lady Jill Biden.

Source: Tucker Carlson: Jill Biden Is Not a Doctor — Maybe in the Same Sense Dr. Pepper Is, Same Degree as Dr. Bill Cosby