Daily Archives: December 17, 2020

Joel Osteen’s Lakeland Church Received $4.4 Million in Federal PPP Loans — Protestia

Joel Osteen’s Texas based megachurch received a huge chuck of stimulus money after taking advantage of the CARES Act’s Paycheck Protection Program, receiving nearly $4,400,000 to help offset their several months of virtual services.

The program, which the federal government passed in response to the pandemic early this year in a big way, is a forgivable loan that companies don’t have to pay back so long as it is spent on wages and other related expenses. 

When reached out for comment as why they would even apply for it, a church spokesman said that given the church shut down in-person services for over 7 months, that closure negatively impacted their ability to garner tithes, offerings, and other “substantial donations.” Lakewood spokesperson Don Illof explains:

“Believing the shutdown would only last a few weeks, Lakewood did not initially apply for PPP assistance during the first half of the program. However, as the shutdown persisted month after month, given the economic uncertainty, Lakewood finally applied for the PPP loan and has been able to provide full salaries and benefits including health insurance coverage to all of its employees and their families.”

The church, which has an annual budget of over $90 million dollars, received the money to retain 370 jobs. 

The revelation of receiving such a largess has many small business owners crying foul, as thousands of Texas business owners were denied claims, while Osteen got one of the largest in the State. In particular, critics are making the following arguments, which appear sound in our estimation:

  1. The entire time the church was shut down for in-person services they were still holding online services and were fundraising and receiving money.
  2. The decision to shut down their church for in-person services for 7 months was a decision that the church made, and was not mandated in any way. They would have opened up way sooner, but chose not to. 
  3. Osteen is a multi-millionaire with a net worth of between $60-100M dollars. He lives in a 17,000 square foot mansion that is worth over $11.5M. Were he so concerned, he could have easily paid for it out of pocket, rather than causing others to lose out.

We reached out to Lakewood for further comment and will update this post accordingly. 

Joel Osteen’s Lakeland Church Received $4.4 Million in Federal PPP Loans — Protestia

Joel Osteen Releases New Book ‘Live Your Best Life Now By Taking Millions In Small Business Aid From The Government’ — The Babylon Bee

HOUSTON, TX—Joel Osteen is a prolific author, having instructed his ghostwriter to pen dozens of bestselling books over the course of his career. Now, he’s got a new book that’s set to top the New York Times Bestseller List: Live Your Best Life Now by Taking Millions in Small Business Aid from the Government.

The book will teach Christians to name and claim up to $4 million in small business aid, allowing them to use their positive mental energy to redirect the loans from businesses who desperately need it to their own lives and ministries.

“Are you struggling to make the payment on your mansion or your third yacht? This is the book for you,” Osteen said in a promotional trailer released today. “Learn how you can claim victory over the PPP program and get millions of dollars redirected from locked-down restaurants, gyms, and hair salons to your massive ministry or megachurch.”

Osteen said the book is based on principles he’s learned over the past nine months of lockdowns and pandemic restrictions. “I said to myself, ‘Self, what are you going to do here? Are you going to sit down and let the government lockdowns hurt the profitability of your ministry? No. No siree Bob.’ Then, I shouted declarations of victory over the distribution of the funds, and the next thing I knew, there was a massive check in the mail.”

“Yes, Lord, thank you for your blessings!” he said as he prepared to dive into his giant pile of cash, safe and sound thanks to the small business aid he’d named and claimed.

Joel Osteen Releases New Book ‘Live Your Best Life Now By Taking Millions In Small Business Aid From The Government’ — The Babylon Bee

Carl Lentz’s Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound and his ‘Green Room Girls’ — Christian Research Network

“Volunteers known as ‘green-room girls’ were tasked with keeping Lentz’s demands met. Four current and former Hillsong members said that while the pastor’s green room was stocked with snacks and hot meals, there were few provisions provided for volunteers who worked all day on Sundays.”

(Protestia)  Business Insider released a long-form article detailing accusations of racism, exploitation, and discrimination at Hillsong NYC and Hillsong Boston. Some of it is new and interesting, with much of the drama being self-inflicted due to their lack of clarity on homosexuality, with the article detailing how lesbians and bisexuals felt like second class citizens with little room for advancement within the church.

While the official church position of Hillsong is that homosexuality is a sin, Carl Lentz and the church have been bullish on that topic, making statements that would cause anyone to believe they don’t find it sinful and are ashamed of the church’s view of it. This is why Lentz could never give a straight answer on whether or not it is wicked, choosing instead to hem and haw and refuse to answer.   View article →


Carl Lentz

Hillsong Church

CRN has a list of professing Christians to mark and avoid (Rom 16:17-18). Scroll down to WARNING

Carl Lentz’s Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound and his ‘Green Room Girls’ — Christian Research Network

COVID Vaccinations: Information You Need to Know — VCY America

Date:  December 17, 2020  
Host: Jim Schneider   
​Guest: Barbara Loe Fisher  
MP3  ​​​| Order


Barbara Loe Fisher is president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a non-profit charity she co-founded with parents of DPT vaccine injured children in 1982.  For some 38 years she’s led a national, grassroots movement and public information campaign to institute vaccine safety reforms and informed consent protections in the public health system.  She has researched, analyzed and publicly articulated the major issues involving the science, policy, law, ethics and politics of vaccination to become one of the world’s leading non-medical, consumer advocacy experts on the subject.  She is co-author of DPT: A Shot in the Dark and author of The Consumer’s Guide to Childhood Vaccines as well as Vaccines, Autism and Chronic Inflammation: The New Epidemic and Reforming Vaccine Policy and Law: A Guide.

Barbara noted that this is a very unusual time that we’re all experiencing and as Jim pointed out, there’s a huge public relations campaign under way by the federal government and the pharmaceutical companies (Operation Warp Speed) to have everyone obtain 2 doses of the COVID vaccine that was approved under an emergency use authorization.

According to Barbara, just because you have an emergency use authorization approval, it doesn’t mean that the vaccine has been formally licensed.  Because of the pandemic, the companies are being allowed to ‘fast-track’ the vaccines to market so that they’re available for all individuals who want to use them.

Under emergency use authorization, the public is to be given informed consent.  We’re not to be coerced or forced in any way to get the vaccine.  

Has there been sufficient testing conducted for an aggressive public vaccination campaign?  How many people are indicating they don’t want the vaccine at this time?  What side-effects have been noted?  What about herd immunity?  These are just some of the questions looked at on this special health-focused edition of Crosstalk.   

More Information




COVID Vaccinations: Information You Need to Know — VCY America

Waiting For The Other Shoe To Drop… — The Economic Collapse

Do you feel like another major crisis could erupt at any moment?  If so, you are certainly not alone.  Here in 2020, it has just been one thing after another, and we have come to expect the unexpected.  Right now, so many people that I am hearing from are anticipating that more big trouble is just around the corner, but as we wait for “the other shoe to drop”, economic conditions all over the United States continue to rapidly deteriorate.  For example, on Thursday we learned that the number of initial claims for unemployment benefits last week was the highest in four months

The US job market continues to suffer, and Thursday brought more bad news. Another 885,000 people filed for first-time unemployment benefits last week — an increase from the week prior and higher than the 800,000 claims that economists were expecting.

The latest figures, which are adjusted for seasonal factors and reported by the Labor Department, are particularly grim since last week’s numbers were revised up to 862,000. And even before the revision, that week had been the highest level since mid-September.

This isn’t how the numbers were supposed to be trending.

For four of the past five weeks we have seen the number of new unemployment claims go up, and experts are warning that we should expect things to get even worse as we head into winter

‘US weekly jobless claims continue to head in the wrong direction,” Edward Moya, an analyst at the currency trading firm OANDA, wrote in a research note.

‘The labor market outlook is bleak as the winter wave of the virus is going to lead to more shutdowns.”

Could we soon see more than a million Americans filing new claims for unemployment each week like we did earlier in the pandemic?

To put this in perspective, the previous all-time record prior to 2020 was just 695,000, and that old record was set all the way back in 1982.

We absolutely shattered that record once COVID-19 started spreading widely in the United States, and we have been above that old record every single week throughout this entire pandemic.

Just think about that.

We are seeing numbers that we have never seen before in all of U.S. history every single week, and now they are starting to climb higher once again thanks to the new lockdowns.

In addition, the number of Americans that are collecting unemployment aid from two major federal programs is also on the rise again

The number of jobless people who are collecting aid from one of the two federal extended-benefit programs – the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program, which offers coverage to gig workers and others who don´t qualify for traditional benefits – surged to 9.2 million from 8.6 million for the week that ended Nov. 28.

But the number of people receiving aid under the second program – the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation program, which provides 13 weeks of federal benefits to people who have exhausted their state aid – also rose from 4.5 million to 4.8 million.

By now, the “recovery” was supposed to be in full gear, but instead major companies keep laying off more workers at an astounding pace.

For example, on Thursday we learned that Coca-Cola will be eliminating 12 percent of their entire U.S. workforce…

Coca-Cola is planning to cut 2,200 jobs, including 1,200 in the United States, as it faces declining sales during the pandemic.

In the United States, where there were about 10,400 employees at the end of last year, the cuts represent roughly 12% of the workforce. In Atlanta, where the company is headquartered, about 500 jobs are being eliminated, the company said Thursday.

Coca-Cola wouldn’t be doing this if the U.S. economy was about “to turn a corner”.

All of these big corporations that are letting workers go can see what is about to happen, and they are slimming their payrolls in an attempt to make it through the coming storm.

Meanwhile, Congress is getting close to approving yet another “stimulus package”, and the Federal Reserve is promising to do whatever it takes to support the financial markets.

Trillions upon trillions of dollars are being slammed into the system, and as a result M2 is up more than 60 percent so far this year.

In other words, our money supply has been increasing at an almost vertical rate in 2020.

Back in November I included a chart in an article that I wrote which shows exactly what I am talking about.  If you are not one of my regular readers, you can find that article right here.

For many years, many of us have been warning that hyperinflation would arrive someday.

But now we can stop warning, because the process has actually started.

Other industrialized nations have also been flooding their systems with new money, and this is really starting to drive up food prices all over the globe.  The following comes from Zero Hedge

The reason this has suddenly become a hot topic is because while overall inflation remains subdued (we will spare a discussion here of why the CPI is purposefully distorted to stay as low as possible – readers can catch up herehere and here), food inflation has been on a tear in recent months. In fact, it has gotten so high that earlier this week Goldman published a report looking at “The Recent Spike In Food Inflation”, in which it noted that “in recent months, inflation has risen and surprised to the upside across a number of major EM economies (e.g. Turkey, South Africa, India, Brazil andRussia).” According to Goldman, one of the main drivers of these increases has been higher food inflation, which has coincided with a sharp increase in the price of some key agricultural commodities (e.g. grains, oils and soybeans).”

Sadly, this is just the beginning.  Eventually, the food riots which have already started on the other side of the planet will start happening in the western world too.

And as hungry people become increasingly desperate, I believe that eventually companies will start putting armed guards on food trucks.

We aren’t quite there yet, thankfully, but things are really starting to get crazy out there.

A few days ago I went to the supermarket again, and I really tried to economize and get things that were on sale, but I still spent more than 260 dollars on one cart of food.

Just one cart!

As the cost of living continues to soar into the stratosphere, many American families are going to discover that they are no longer able to afford enough food for the week.

And once millions upon millions of Americans get desperately hungry, that is when we will see absolutely insane economic riots in this country.

All of these things are coming, and we definitely will not have to wait very long at all for “the other shoe to drop”.

Waiting For The Other Shoe To Drop… — The Economic Collapse

December 17th The D. L. Moody Year Book

They have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.—Hosea 8:7.

WHENEVER I hear a young man talking in a flippant way about sowing his wild oats, I don’t laugh. I feel more like crying, because I know he is going to make his grey-haired mother reap in tears; he is going to make his wife reap in shame; he is going to make his old father and his innocent children reap with him. Only ten or fifteen or twenty years will pass before he will have to reap his wild oats; no man has ever sowed them without having to reap them. Sow the wind and you reap the whirlwind.[1]


[1] Moody, D. L. (1900). The D. L. Moody Year Book: A Living Daily Message from the Words of D. L. Moody. (E. M. Fitt, Ed.) (p. 225). East Northfield, MA: The Bookstore.

December 17 Life-Changing Moments With God

Revive us, and we will call upon Your name.

It is Your Spirit, Lord God, who gives life. The Spirit also helps in my weaknesses. For I do not know what I should pray for as I ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for me with groaning which cannot be uttered. You who search the heart know what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to Your will. I will pray always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance.

I will never forget Your precepts, for by them You have given me life. The words that Jesus speaks are spirit, and they are life. The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. If I abide in Jesus, and His words abide in me, I will ask what I desire, and it shall be done for me. This is the confidence that I have in You, Lord God, that if I ask anything according to Your will, You hear us.

No one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.

Father God, keep me walking in the power of Your Spirit and according to the truth of Your Word.

Psalm 80:18; John 6:63; Romans 8:26–27; Ephesians 6:18; Psalm 119:93; John 6:63; 2 Corinthians 3:6; John 15:7; 1 John 5:14; 1 Corinthians 12:3[1]


[1] Jeremiah, D. (2007). Life-Changing Moments With God (p. 376). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Does the Bible actually teach that we’re not to judge others? — Christian Research Network

In the work I do I often name names. When I expose a false teacher, invariably someone will call me judgmental. When that happens it is always best to respond with Scripture: “The spiritual person judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one. ‘For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?’  But we have the mind of Christ.”

(Marsha West – Christian Research Network) Some professing Christians become infuriated when those of us in a discernment ministry has the chutzpah to report on a false teacher by name, as if naming names is unbiblical.  High-profile leaders and bloggers who mention heretics by name are often accused of demonizing or judging them. 

Invariably someone will cite Matthew 18:15-17:

If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.

Whenever I write about a false teacher, I’m frequently asked if I’ve gone privately to that person in an effort to correct him or her.  My response is “Of course not!”  Why?  For the reason that Christian celebrities are generally inaccessible.  Many are, in fact, akin to Hollywood celebs.  No doubt some of them rationalize that their popularity affords them certain privileges, one of which is to choose not to have a dialogue with anyone who “attacks” them.

Yet the Bible says that those who are in sin (false teaching is sin) must be admonished.  In 3 John 1:9 the Apostle John calls out Diotrephes and promises to publicly correct him upon his return; like we see in Galatians 2:11-14 Paul standing up to the highly esteemed Apostle Peter!   He chastised Peter for fearing false teachers. What resulted from Peter’s “fear of man”?:

And the rest of the Jews acted hypocritically along with him, so that even Barnabas was led astray by their hypocrisy.  But when I saw that their conduct was not in step with the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas before them all, ‘If you, though a Jew, live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how can you force the Gentiles to live like Jews?’ (bold added)

In context, Matthew 18 addresses how Church leadership is to discipline a brother or sister who have fallen into sin and provides the proper steps to take before excommunicating an unrepentant sinner.  First, we are to go to him privately. If he refuses to repent we must go to him a second time along with two or more witnesses.  If he remains unrepentant, the pastor must go before the church and proclaim his sin.  Ouch!

It is essential for Church elders to be involved in the process.

Likewise, Matthew 18 does not apply to doctrinal issues, nor does it apply to Christians who have put their work before the world.  Those who go public are fair game. Anyone in the public eye will get scrutinized, even unfairly criticized, for their work. Consequently, Christians who cannot stand the heat should not go into the kitchen.

Making A Judgment

Is it biblical for a Christian to judge another Christians teaching or their actions?  I’ll get to what the Bible teaches on this in a moment. But first, we are never to make a judgment without having as many of the facts as it is humanly possible to obtain. As well, we are not to judge self-righteously. Never judge a person’s heart or motives because you have no way of knowing for sure what is driving either of these. Moreover, it is always a good idea to examine your own motives. Is there a just cause for judging someone? Do you really want what is best for him or her? Are you driven by anger? Are you getting even? Are you jealous of the person?  Your motive must be that you want what is best for him or her.  Report only the facts. No gossip. No slander. No twisting his or her words.

In the work I do I often name names. As I previously indicated, when I expose a false teacher, invariably someone will call me judgmental. Whenever that happens, I respond to them with Scripture:

The spiritual person judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one. ‘For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?’  But we have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:15-16)

What?  You mean Christians have the mind of Christ?  Those who are regenerate do. To clarify this difficult concept, I’ll point you to Bible expositor Matthew Henry.  He writes:

The apostles were not guided by worldly principles. They had the revelation of these things from the Spirit of God, and the saving impression of them from the same Spirit. These things they declared in plain, simple language, taught by the Holy Spirit, totally different from the affected oratory or enticing words of man’s wisdom. The natural man, the wise man of the world, receives not the things of the Spirit of God. The pride of carnal reasoning is really as much opposed to spirituality, as the basest sensuality. The sanctified mind discerns the real beauties of holiness, but the power of discerning and judging about common and natural things is not lost. But the carnal man is a stranger to the principles, and pleasures, and actings of the Divine life. The spiritual man only, is the person to whom God gives the knowledge of his will. … And the apostles were enabled by his Spirit to make known his mind. In the Holy Scriptures, the mind of Christ, and the mind of God in Christ, are fully made known to us. It is the great privilege of Christians, that they have the mind of Christ revealed to them by his Spirit. They experience his sanctifying power in their hearts, and bring forth good fruits in their lives. (bold added — Source)

In short, it is the spiritual man (regenerate) who possesses the mind of Christ and has received the knowledge of His will which is laid out for us in Scripture.  Therefore, the believer who is truly walking with the Lord— in His will—has been given the authority to judge words and actions, especially when what’s being taught is unbiblical.

How do we know when someone’s teaching is unbiblical?  We are to test his or her teaching against the Word of God. If their teaching doesn’t line up with what’s in the Bible, then it’s not from God. And if a certain teaching is not in the Bible? Then it is coming from another source. To be specific, false teaching is inspired by the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places!

Bible teacher and expositor John MacArthur cautions:

It should be noted that [Matthew 7:1-5] has erroneously been used to suggest that believers should never evaluate or criticize anyone for anything. Our day hates absolutes, especially theological and moral absolutes, and such simplistic interpretation provides a convenient escape from confrontation. Members of modern society, including many professing Christians, tend to resist dogmatism and strong convictions about right and wrong. Many people prefer to speak of all-inclusive love, compromise, ecumenism, and unity. To the modern religious person those are the only “doctrines” worth defending, and they are the doctrines to which every conflicting doctrine must be sacrificed.  (Source)

In my experience, many professing Christians stubbornly stick to their position that those who expose the unbiblical teaching of Christian celebs are unfairly judging them. So they play the Matthew 7:1-5 card: “Judge not, that you be not judged” followed by a resounding rebuke from verse 5: “You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye?”

It boggles the mind that Christians fail to grasp the notion that those who are Spirit-filled have the mind of Christ.  Only believers can make this claim — no one else can.

God’s ways and His Word make little sense to the unsaved.  Listen to what Paul says:

The natural person [unregenerate] does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.” (1 Corinthians 2:14)

The only way to learn about the things of the Spirit of God is by reading the Bible. For believers, the Bible’s our final authority in all matters of faith.  2 Timothy 3:16 says “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” According to  2 Peter 1:21 “no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.”

Every page of Scripture is God-breathed, yet a growing number of Christians choose to reject some of hard to understand Bible stories and Church doctrines.  Two examples are the Creation story in Genesis chapters 1 & 2 and our Lord’s teaching that hell is a place of fire, demons and everlasting torment. Christ spoke more on hell than anyone else in the Bible.

Today a growing number of professing Christians reject much of what is taught in the Bible even though they rarely study it.  They may attend church regularly but because they are biblically illiterate, they wouldn’t know if their pastor is teaching God’s truth or filling their minds with outright heresy. In many cases, professing believers would not know biblical truth if it walked up and bit them on the nose!

I regularly hear from Christians whose heart’s desire is to attend a healthy well-balanced church where they can be confident that they are hearing the gospel and receiving good solid biblical teaching.  They lament that they’ve searched high and low to find a gospel preaching church near their home, but to no avail.  So, they have become discouraged.  But the sad fact is that only a handful of ministers still preach the true gospel of Jesus Christ.  My advice to these people is not to give up searching.  Finding a biblical church is best left for another article.

Naming Names

Many ministers and so-called Bible teachers come to us via the airwaves. The term for them is televangelist. The televangelist’s lifestyle is clearly identified by opulence, luxury and riches. They assure viewers that you can live in the lap of luxury like they do if only you will apply certain principles to your life. We also have TV preachers who are CEO’s of mega churches. Worship services are interrupted by commercials for the purpose of promoting upcoming events and to sell their books. Buyer beware!  Many TV preachers also sell consumers a false gospel that saves no one. What they offer is a counterfeit Christianity.  Front and center is the word-faith/name-it-and-claim-it/prosperity charlatans such as Joel OsteenT.D. JakesPaula WhiteKenneth CopelandBenny HinnCreflo Dollar and Joyce Meyer, to name a few.

Be on the alert for the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) a heretical movement that holds to the view that God is restoring the lost offices of church governance such as the prophets and apostles.  The late “Super Apostle” C. Peter Wagner headed up the NAR and there are a swarm of so-called apostles and prophets worldwide.  The wolves in this movement believe they possess the same gifts as the Old Testament prophets and the New Testament apostles.

Other apostates, false teachers, “frauds, phonies and money grubbing religious quacks” to be weary of can be found here.

Again, we’re not to judge a person’s heart or motives, but we can certainly judge the fruit they produce!  Jesus himself said:

Every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits. (Matthew 7:17-20)

Believers who read and study their bibles are far less likely to blindly follow false teachers.  But it’s not out of the realm of possibility for mature believers who cease being Bereans to have the wool pulled over their eyes.  For this very reason John warned:

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1).

This article was adapted from “Does the Bible really say we’re not to judge others?”

Copyright by Marsha West, 12/17/20

Does the Bible actually teach that we’re not to judge others? — Christian Research Network

December 17, 2020 Evening Verse Of The Day

1 While most scholars see v. 1 as part of the complaint over personal distress, there is enough similarity between vv. 1 and 29 to argue for a thematic inclusio. Both verses contain a cognate of the word “salvation.” Both verses also speak of the dire situation. Verse 1 pleads for God to save, for “the water has come to my neck.” The trouble is characterized by the metaphor of deep water, but what is at stake is not just a wet neck—it is the very life of the one praying. Likewise, v. 29 summarizes the distress presented in the whole of vv. 1–29: “I am afflicted and in pain.”[1]

69:1 Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck. The same metaphor of waters is also used in Isaiah 8:7–8. Note that the first part of the psalm (69:1–4) is centered on “me,” the psalmist, a figure of the Suffering Servant (see “your servant,” 69:17).[2]

1. Save me, O God! for the waters, &c. Under the figure of waters, the Psalmist represents his condition as so extremely distressing that it brought him even to the brink of despair; and yet we know that, so far from being a soft and an effeminate person, he was one who encountered and overcame dreadful temptations with extraordinary courage. Whence we may infer the bitterness of the distress with which he was at that time afflicted. Some understand the word soul as denoting life; but this gives a very cold and unsatisfactory meaning. It rather signifies the heart. A man when he falls into an abyss of waters, may prevent for some time the water from entering his body, by stopping his mouth and his nostrils, but at length, from its being impossible for a human being to live without respiration, suffocation will compel him to let in the waters, and they will penetrate even to the heart. David by this metaphor would intimate, not only that the waters had covered and overwhelmed him, but also that he had been forced to draw them into his body.[3]

[1] deClaissé-Walford, N., & Tanner, B. (2014). Book Two of the Psalter: Psalms 42–72. In E. J. Young, R. K. Harrison, & R. L. Hubbard Jr. (Eds.), The Book of Psalms (p. 558). Grand Rapids, MI; Cambridge, U.K.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

[2] Bullock, C. H. (2015). Psalms 1–72. (M. L. Strauss & J. H. Walton, Eds.) (Vol. 1, p. 524). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.

[3] Calvin, J., & Anderson, J. (2010). Commentary on the Book of Psalms (Vol. 3, pp. 46–47). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.

Advent- Thirty Days of Jesus: Day 20, Jesus as the Teacher — The End Time

How can we know God unless He reveals Himself to us? The creation confirms His existence, but what does the creature know of His attributes, Person, or Power? Unless He teaches us about Himself, we will not know. God sent His Son Jesus to earth as a born-babe, to live the full life of sinlessness under the Law, and to teach us about Himself. He was prophesied to die as the atoning sacrifice, and then rise again to receive His people through His work on the cross. Grace abounds.

We are in the section of these verses throughout the series where we examine His works and ministry. Yesterday, we saw the He first emptied Himself. This is the kenosis, and it’s explained on Day 19.

Today we see Jesus as Teacher. I mentioned earlier that Jesus’ first recorded words in His incarnation was when He was in the temple as a boy. His desperate parents sought him for three days, and upon discovering him there, He said, “Did you not know I must be about my Father’s business?” Jesus had been

sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers. (Luke 2:46-47).

The following is from the Christian Courier.

Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, conceded that Jesus of Nazareth was “a teacher” from God, as documented by the “signs” which he did (John 3:2). A wealthy young ruler approached the Lord asking, “Teacher, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?” (Matthew 19:16). Even Jesus’ enemies addressed him as “Teacher” (Matthew 22:16, 24), though their use of the expression was not always genuine. The Lord is addressed as “Teacher” twenty-nine times in the Gospels. The noun (teacher) and verb (teach) combined are used of Jesus some ninety times.

Christ’s teaching was informative, logical, buttressed by Old Testament evidence, well-illustrated, documented by divine power, original, and uniquely authoritative (Matthew 7:28). When officers once were sent to arrest him, they returned to their superiors empty-handed, exclaiming: “Never man so spoke” (John 7:46). The Lord’s various methods of teaching beg for careful study. Source-

Jackson, Wayne. “Jesus: The Master Teacher.” ChristianCourier.com. Access date: December 16, 2017. https://www.christiancourier.com/articles/1497-jesus-the-master-teacher

Go to the link for more.

Jesus as the Teacher astounded his audience, His critics, and His disciples because He is the incarnated Word, author of the Word, and subject of the Word. Of course. But He is also God-man, the only man who did not have a sin nature. His mind was clear and perfect. He was able to teach without the filter of sin nor through a glass darkly. His Light shone from His glorious mind to teach those who sought him. What a wonder that must have been.

GTY Sermon: Jesus Teaches the Teacher


Thirty Days of Jesus Series-

Day 1: The Virgin shall conceive
Day 2: A shoot from Jesse
Day 3: God sent His Son in the fullness of time
Day 4:  Marry her, she will bear a Son

Day 5: The Babe has arrived!
Day 6: The Glory of Jesus
Day 7: Magi seek the Child
Day 8: The Magi offer gifts & worship
Day 9: The Child Grew
Day 10: The boy Jesus at the Temple
Day 11: He was Obedient!
Day 12: The Son!
Day 13: God is pleased with His Son
Day 14: Propitiation
Day 15: The gift of eternal life
Day 16: Two Kingdoms
Day 17: Jesus’ Preeminence
Day 18: Jesus is highest king
Day 19: Jesus emptied Himself

Advent- Thirty Days of Jesus: Day 20, Jesus as the Teacher — The End Time

December—17 The Poor Man’s Evening Portion

All my springs are in thee.—Psalm 87:7.

Sweet thought! And this, as Solomon saith upon another occasion, forms the conclusion of the whole matter. Jesus is the source, the fountain, the author, the finisher of all our mercies; for every thing of life and salvation, of grace and glory, flow from him, centre in him; and therefore in him and from him, as the source of blessedness, all our springs must flow. In him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily! All glories are in him: the glory of the Church above; the glory of the Church below; yea, the glory of angels and of God himself: for the Father hath given all his glory into his almighty hands. Hence, my soul, from whom should thy springs flow, but from Jesus? If all divine attributes, all divine perfections are in him; if grace be nowhere but in Jesus; no blessing, no redemption, but in his blood; if all gifts and graces flow from him, and can nowhere else be found, to whom shall the gathering of the people be, or from whom shall all blessings come? And what a refreshing consideration is this, under all the barren, dry, and withering frames of the believer’s heart. See to it, my soul, that thou art coming to Jesus, day by day, for suitable supplies; and let not thine emptiness discourage thee, or keep thee away, but rather let a sense of thy poverty endear to thee Jesus’s riches. Thou art as exactly suited for him as he is suited to thee; and much as thou needest his fulness, Jesus no less needs vessels to fill into, and to pour out upon, of his blessings. Precious Lord Jesus! behold, then, I am come to thee; I find, in every thing beside thee, sin, death, and misery. Oh, the rapturous thought! “All my springs are in thee!”[1]


[1] Hawker, R. (1845). The Poor Man’s Evening Portion (A New Edition, p. 346). Philadelphia: Thomas Wardle.

December 17 -Nahum the Comforter brings Judgment to Ninevah. — VCY America

December 17
Nahum 1:1-3:19
Revelation 8:1-13
Psalm 136:1-26
Proverbs 30:7-9 

Nahum 1:1 – Nahum means “comforter” – but there is little comfort in this book. We’ve jumped ahead 150 years since the book of Jonah. The revival faded away, the people forgot when they repented. J. Vernon McGee asks why Jonah was sent to Ninevah but Nahum just sent a letter? “Why doesn’t Nahum go? Because they have already had the light, and they’ve rejected it.”

Nahum 1:3 – “will not at all acquit the wicked” – we’re seeing the need for forensic justification (Jesus didn’t come to just make good people better, or poor people rich, but to set guilty people free!) outlined here. God cannot let guilty people go free – unless there is a substitute.

John MacArthur sees the qualities of the LORD in this chapter: “He is a God of inflexible justice, irresistible power and infinite mercy.”

Nahum 1:7 – How can a good God be furious like fire (Nahum 1:6)? 

“God has the absolute right to rule and authority over His creatures because He is God. He makes the laws, He determines the standard and He judges in terms of the results. He created everything at His own pleasure. He didn’t have to therefore He has the total and the perfect right to set the principles by which His creation must function.”


Nahum 1:11 – Contrast the wicked counsellor with the Wonderful Counsellor of Isaiah 9:6. A wicked counsellor plots evil against his Creator, a Wonderful Counsellor is the Creator reconnecting with His creation.

Nahum 1:15 – We’ll notice parallels between Nahum and Isaiah. Nahum 1:15 excerpts Isaiah 52:7. Nahum 3:5 references Isaiah 47:3.

Nahum 2:4 – John MacArthur jokes that this verse may be talking about Los Angeles traffic.

Nahum 3:4 – Notice the list of sins.  The 7th Commandment and Witchcraft (Exodus 22:18 / Deuteronomy 18:10). In Nahum 1:14 we’ve seen the 2nd Commandment, in Nahum 3:1 the Sixth, Ninth, and Eighth Commandment.  At the end of the chapter, we see the rhetorical question, “upon whom hath not thy wickedness passed continually?”

Apocalypse 8. Opening the seals. Revelation cap 8 v 1-5. Mortier’s Bible. Phillip Medhurst Collection

Revelation 8:7 – We saw in Nahum that the LORD held all nations accountable for His laws, now we see Him judging all nations for their sins.  The Seven Seals now lead to the Seven Angels. Notice the universal nature of the judgment:

  • First Angel – 1/3 of Trees burnt up 
  • Second Angel – 1/3 of Sea becomes blood
  • Third Angel – 1/3 of Rivers became bitter
  • Fourth Angel – 1/3 of Sun became dark

Psalm 136:1 – We’re on the second lap thru the Psalms – remember Psalm 136? “for his mercy endureth forever.” While we’re on this lap, notice again the universal character of God.

  • God of gods, Lord of lords, that alone doeth great wonders (Psalm 136:2-4)
  • Made the heavens, the earth, the sun and the moon (Psalm 136:5-9)
  • Divided the Red Sea, and led Israel through it (Psalm 136:13-14)
  • Giveth food to all flesh (Psalm 136:25)

Our God is Great! Let’s thank the God of heaven! (Psalm 136:26).

Proverbs 30:9 – The dangers of poverty and riches.  Notice the conclusion – stealing is not just a violation of the 8th Commandment – but of the 3rd Commandment. Someone that claims to follow God but disobeys Him, takes the name of their God in vain.

December 17 -Nahum the Comforter brings Judgment to Ninevah. — VCY America

December 17 Dealing with Prejudice

He must needs go through Samaria.
(John 4:4)

Jesus had to go through Samaria—and so must we! Listen to what the woman at the well told Him: “The Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans” (John 4:9). This may be touchy, but the God who sees our hearts won’t put up with racism—He’s color blind! One of the worst offenders was Peter, but God dealt with him in a vision and then sent him to preach the first sermon ever heard by Gentiles. Listen to what Peter told those Italians, “It is against the Jewish laws for me to come into a Gentile home like this. But God has shown me … that I should never think of anyone as inferior” (Acts 10:28, TLB). Paul said, “Jews and Gentiles are the same” (Romans 10:12).

I was raised in a divided Belfast and grew up among “my own kind.” We went to school together, played together, and believed we should avoid “the other kind”—for God wanted it that way! Christians in America are amazed when I tell them about it; but you should see their reaction when I ask why black children had to ride in the back of the bus? We’ve all got to go through Samaria, because we’re all going to live together in an “undivided city,” with a “a great multitude … from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne” (Revelation 7:9).


Today take a look into your heart.[1]


[1] Gass, B. (1998). A Fresh Word For Today : 365 Insights For Daily Living (p. 351). Alachua, FL: Bridge-Logos Publishers.

Christmas: God In The Manger (Part 6)

The Heavenly Announcement of Jesus’ Birth

Throughout history, people have continually looked for deliverers, majestic leaders they could hail as great saviors from all their troubles. It was no different at the time just prior to Jesus’ birth. The Romans hoped for some kind of world savior, and archaeological evidence shows that they actually gave Caesar Augustus the title “Savior of the World.” But while Caesar Augustus was in Rome feeling the pride and prestige of that status, the true Savior of the world was born in obscurity in Bethlehem of Judea.

Jesus Christ was born in a small, little-known town, and at first no one knew about it. None of the residents of Bethlehem or its many visitors knew. The officials in Rome and the inhabitants of Jerusalem had no idea what had occurred. For anyone who was near enough to hear it, Jesus’ infant cry was just the cry of another baby. The event was so far from center stage that no earthly authority was even aware enough to make a community announcement. However, Mary and Joseph knew that an extraordinary, unprecedented birth had transpired, and others would soon realize it as well.

All heaven broke loose when angels appeared and started praising God to a small and most unlikely audience. Some anonymous shepherds were about to hear news of one of the greatest events in the saga of God’s eternal plan:

Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find the Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.”

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:

“Glory to God in the highest,

And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” (Luke 2:8–14)

The Proclamation of the Good News

The supernatural announcement that cold night near Bethlehem was truly the high point of redemptive history to that time. The angels’ message was nothing less than the good news—the gospel proclaimed with great joy. God’s messengers could not wait to proclaim to the shepherds and the world that at last the Savior was here, the One who would deliver His people from the curse of sin, death, and hell, and who would bring them the blessings of His kingdom and the glories of eternity in heaven.

The Unlikeliness of the Shepherds

If you were a modern public relations agent in charge of getting out the news of Christ’s birth, the last group you would have picked to be the first to inform would have been a small band of shepherds. Instead, you likely would have targeted the influencers, the real movers and shakers.

You might have considered telling the high priest first, because he was the religious leader of the nation. Or you might have weighed the advantages of going first to the chief priest and scribes, the leading teachers in Israel. On the other hand, you might have thought it smart to go first to the Sanhedrin, the body of seventy elders that was the theocratic leadership of Israel. Or you might have insisted on informing the Pharisees first. After all, they were the religious fundamentalists who were very strict about Old Testament prophecies and looked forward to the Messiah’s arrival. You might even have wanted to send an official press release to Caesar Augustus to make sure he knew the true Savior had recently come into the world.

But none of those alternatives was God’s option for revealing the news of Christ’s birth. Instead, He first took the special message to one of the unlikeliest classes of people imaginable, an obscure group of shepherds. They were not so unlikely, however, if you consider Isaiah’s prophecy about Messiah’s mission: “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound” (61:1; Matt. 11:5; Luke 4:18). Thus when Jesus came, He did not go first of all to the people of prestige, influence, and clout. He came first to the poor and lowly, the meek and afflicted—anyone who was outcast—and the shepherds fit that category.

They were the kind of people for whom God always has a special place. After she learned she would be the mother of Christ, Mary praised God for honoring the humble: “‘He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted the lowly’” (Luke 1:52). And the apostle Paul teaches us that the lowly were and are the primary objectives of God’s saving plan: “For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, that no flesh should glory in His presence” (1 Cor. 1:26–29). The Lord’s preference for the lowly started at the very beginning of the Gospels, reflected in the angels’ bringing the good news of the Savior’s birth to shepherds, some of the commonest and most unappreciated of laborers in Jewish society.

The point is not that shepherding was somehow an inherently illegitimate occupation. To realize this, we need only to remember a few prominent biblical examples of shepherds. Abraham was a herdsman who owned much livestock, including sheep. Moses worked for a number of years in Midian as a shepherd for his father-in-law. And a thousand years before Jesus was born, David watched sheep in fields near Bethlehem.

So shepherding was not a shameful profession, just a lowly one that included many menial tasks. Shepherds were basically an insignificant class of workers, poorly educated and poorly paid. In fact, because it did not require much skill, people often gave the task of shepherding to children.

Shepherds were also the lowest people on the Jewish social ladder because they had to care for sheep seven days a week. That work schedule meant they could not observe the Sabbath the way Mosaic Law dictated. Neither could shepherds keep the myriad fastidious, man-made regulations the Pharisees had foisted on top of the Law. Such legalism confounded most of the common Jews, and certainly the shepherds couldn’t abide by all of those rules either. Therefore, to one degree or another, people viewed shepherds as outcasts because they violated religious law.

In fact, as the strict legalism of the Pharisees grew and permeated more and more of Jewish society, shepherds became more despised than ever. Soon they were considered unreliable, dishonest, unsavory characters, guilty of sheep stealing and many other illegal activities.

Such an unfavorable portrait of shepherds in Bible times might well be completely contrary to the Sunday school teaching you received. There the lessons usually portrayed shepherds as some kind of special people; but they were actually the least special of any class. Nonetheless, God used the shepherds’ social and religious status to perfectly implement His plan for announcing the Savior’s arrival.

The Lord’s favor toward the shepherds aligned well with His historic disdain for the religious establishment’s hypocritical attempt to be right with Him through their own efforts. Thus the Lord effectively underscored the superiority of His grace over man’s works when He announced Messiah’s birth to a group of lowly shepherds. During His ministry, Jesus further demonstrated His love and acceptance for the humble when He gladly called Himself the Good Shepherd.

All of this is a wonderful metaphor of God’s salvation sovereignly extended to the undeserving sinner. The apostle Paul understood this truth when he wrote to Timothy “that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief” (1 Tim. 1:15). The lower the sinner, the greater is God’s glory when He saves him.

God’s Glory Revealed to the Shepherds

The angel revealed the greatness of God’s glory in a spectacular way to the shepherds in Luke 2:9: “an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid.” That occurred during the same twenty-four-hour period in which Jesus was born in nearby Bethlehem; and it was right in the midst of the shepherds’ usual nighttime sequence of watching the sheep, taking turns sleeping, telling stories, and perhaps playing their flutes.

We can hardly even imagine what startled, frightened feelings the shepherds had when suddenly, with no warning whatsoever, the highest of all created beings showed up in blazing glory. In fact, it’s difficult to describe the dramatic significance of that moment. Luke says, “the glory of the Lord shone around them,” an expression we often take for granted but which denotes one of the high points in all of history.

The full impact of Luke’s portrayal hits home if you just consider what the glory of the Lord is. Simply defined, it is the presence of God revealed in light. We know that God does not have a physical body, but exists as the invisible Spirit. But when He has revealed Himself to human beings, He has done so with an incomprehensible, brilliant manifestation of pure light. That light is so powerful that if God revealed it fully to mortals, they would be incinerated at once. Here’s how the Lord dealt with Moses when he wanted to see the divine glory: “But He said, ‘You cannot see My face; for no man shall see Me, and live.’ And the Lord said, ‘Here is a place by Me, and you shall stand on the rock. So it shall be, while My glory passes by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock, and I will cover you with My hand while I pass by. Then I will take away My hand, and you shall see My back; but My face shall not be seen’” (Exod. 33:20–23).

The glory of God appeared at other times to His people in the Old Testament. When Moses and the people finished building and arranging the Tabernacle according to God’s instructions, “Then the cloud covered the tabernacle of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. And Moses was not able to enter the tabernacle of meeting, because the cloud rested above it, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle” (Exod. 40:34–35). It was a monumental episode when the Lord blessed the establishment of the true place of worship. The people finally had an official place to offer sacrifices for sin and receive access to God, and that’s why He gave His approval by sending the dazzling cloud of His Shekhinah glory.

Centuries later, when Israel completed Solomon’s Temple, the same phenomenon occurred (1 Kings 8:10–11). However, in a relatively short time, the people turned away from God and He responded by withdrawing His glory (see Ezek. 8–10, especially 10:18–19). What a sad moment that had to be for the prophet Ezekiel as he witnessed the divine glory departing.

But God’s glory returned the night the angels confronted the shepherds near Bethlehem. This signifies the tremendous importance of that extraordinary night—the presence of God returned to earth, not in a tent or a building as before, but in human flesh in the person of the Messiah.

The Shepherds’ Initial Reaction

So the shepherds, the lowliest class of people, witnessed the momentous return to earth of God’s glory. And understandably, they did so initially with a great deal of fright. They were absolutely awestruck, overwhelmed, and certainly intimidated by what they were seeing. But there’s nothing new about that reaction. In similar circumstances, other figures in the history of God’s program responded the same way.

For example, when the prophet Isaiah saw God in a vision, he was so terrified that he pronounced a curse on himself and expected to die immediately (Isa. 6:5). When Ezekiel saw a similar vision of God’s glory, he fell on his face in a coma (Ezek. 1:28). When the angel Gabriel came to Zacharias and Mary, respectively, each of them was very fearful (Luke 1:12, 29). When Peter, James, and John saw Christ’s glory on the Mount of Transfiguration, they fell down on their faces in terror (Matt. 17:6–7). And at the end of the New Testament, when the apostle John saw the Shekhinah glory of the ascended Christ, he passed out from fear (Rev. 1:17).

If those were the responses of great men and women of faith when they witnessed the glory of God, how could we expect some common, unlearned shepherds to behave any differently or more bravely when the angel suddenly appeared to them? They were ordinary men, probably without any interesting life experiences, who certainly did not expect to witness anything as phenomenal as they did the night of Jesus’ birth. But the fact that they did establishes the magnitude of what was going on. Not just any baby was born in nearby Bethlehem. God’s own Son, the Savior of sinners, had just come into the world, and the Father was announcing the news in an extraordinary fashion through heavenly messengers.

But if the shepherds’ reaction upon suddenly seeing an angel was normal, was it necessary? Scripture on many occasions says sinful people ought to fear God’s wrath if their sins are not forgiven. However, the angel in this instance told the shepherds, “‘Do not be afraid’” (Luke 2:10). Therefore, this is a sure indicator that the shepherds were devout men whose sins were forgiven. As such, they understood the need for men and women to fear and reverence God (Deut. 10:12–13; Ps. 111:10). But this was not a time when the shepherds should have been afraid of God’s impending judgment.

Often when the phrase “Do not be afraid” is used in Scripture it means that, in the particular context, one truly does not need to fear because God’s grace has been revealed (Gen. 15:1; Exod. 14:13; Deut. 31:6; Isa. 43:1; Matt. 28:5; Luke 1:13, 30; 5:10; Rev. 1:17). And so it was for the shepherds the night the angel came to them. We need not be afraid in God’s presence when He heralds His gracious purpose or announces good news.

That is exactly what the angel announced to the shepherds. It was not dread news of punishment or judgment, but very good news that would elicit great joy in the hearts of those who looked for the Messiah. The phrase “I bring you good tidings” (Luke 2:10) is from the Greek verb euangelizo, from which we get the transliterated English word evangelize. Of course, that’s the familiar term that literally means to tell people the good news. The noun form of the word occurs frequently in the New Testament and is synonymous with the essential message of Christianity, the gospel.

The angel proclaimed the good news of a merciful God who had just sent a Savior who would die on the Cross and forgive forever the sins of all who believe. And the angel knew that such good news ought to produce “great joy” (literally, “laughter, hilarity”), the utter opposite of debilitating fearfulness. Anyone who genuinely receives the good news of the gospel cannot do so without rejoicing tremendously. In essence, the shepherds went from sheer terror to supreme glee when they heard the supernatural announcement. News of the gospel produces the highest joy for repentant sinners and ought to overshadow all other news in importance.

The Pervasiveness of the Good News

Just how widespread is this joyous good news? Is it for only the favored few or restricted to just the educated elite? We know that’s not true if the angel appeared to the lowly shepherds and confirmed the pervasiveness of the gospel by telling those ordinary men that it “‘will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David, a Savior who is Christ the Lord’” (vv. 10–11).

“All people” refers primarily to the people of Israel, because salvation was first promised to God’s people, the Jews. That night God was delivering and ratifying the New Covenant in fulfillment of the Abrahamic and Davidic promises, and He knew the shepherds would have a general understanding of the covenant concept that God was the Redeemer of Israel.

But the expression “all people” encompasses far more than just the nation of Israel. Eight days later, the aged Simeon uttered these prophetic words as he held the baby Jesus in the Temple: “‘For my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared before the face of all peoples, a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel’” (Luke 2:30–32). That statement expands the angel’s words and makes “all people” truly mean all people without distinction, namely, the Gentiles throughout the world. Isaiah indicated the same truth centuries earlier: “Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord [Messiah] is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the
people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light” (Isa. 60:1–3; 9:2; 42:6; 49:6–9; 61:1). The prophet was describing the arrival and spread of the gospel. From the beginning of God’s plan, the gospel of Christ went to Israel first and then through Israel to all the nations.

The pervasiveness of the gospel, however, also includes an individual aspect. The angel told the shepherds that Christ the Savior had been born “to you.” He could have said it this way: “The Savior has been born, and His salvation will be sufficient for everyone, and He will save individuals like you who repent and by faith embrace His work on the Cross.” The gospel is for the humblest and lowliest, the most uneducated and unskilled, the most despised, even the worst of sinners. The Son of God, the One born as a baby that special night, came as the Savior for the shepherds and everyone who believes.

The Person of the Good News

Any kind of significant good news will always involve people, but those who are the most important in the story will not be the same ones every time. Sometimes the one who discloses the news is the key player. In other instances, the people directly affected by the news are the most important. And sometimes the one who is the author of the news is the most noteworthy. That third scenario definitely applied to the announcement of the good news of salvation.

The angel hastened to direct the shepherds’ attention to the One bringing salvation, the person of the good news: “‘For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord’” (Luke 2:11). The angel didn’t use the Child’s earthly name, Jesus, as he did when he announced His birth to Joseph (Matt. 1:21). Instead, he identified the One born that night by His twofold heavenly title, “Christ the Lord.”

Jesus is the Christ

Christ is quite an exalted title for a baby born into such humble circumstances as Jesus was. He wore no gold crown and had no halo over His head to identify Him as someone special. There were no outwardly distinctive marks of His deity, His sovereignty, or His Messiahship. As we noted before, in physical appearance Jesus was simply like any other baby. Therefore it’s all the more remarkable that Jesus should bear the title “Christ.”

In both the Greek translation of the Old Testament and the Greek New Testament, the title Christos (“Christ”) means “the anointed one.” That usage in reference to the future Savior occurs as early as Daniel 9:25–26 (where Christos is simply the equivalent of the Hebrew Messiah). Whenever the term was used in biblical times, it signified that an ultimate authority was anointing someone and placing him in a very high office.

In Jesus’ case, the ultimate authority who anointed Him was His Father. And God did so first of all because Jesus is the King. Anointing was the symbolic way kings were recognized and set apart above their subjects. Therefore, Jesus’ being called the Christ indicates that He is God’s anointed King. He is the eternal King of kings who will sit on David’s throne and reign over His Kingdom forever. Jesus, at the very end of His earthly ministry, confirmed the truth of His Kingship in this exchange with Pontius Pilate: “Pilate therefore said to Him, ‘Are You a king then?’ Jesus answered, ‘You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth’” (John 18:37).

God also anointed Jesus as our great High Priest (which, as with kings, paralleled an actual ancient practice, that of anointing priests and high priests). “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus” (1 Tim. 2:5). Thus Jesus is the ultimate, glorious High Priest, the great Intercessor who alone can truly take sinners into the presence of a holy God (Heb. 9:11–15). His atoning death literally severed the veil that previously separated men and women from God.

Finally, God anointed Jesus to be our Great Prophet. It was also standard practice in the Old Testament era to anoint prophets because they were thereby set apart as God’s spokesmen. But now Jesus would be God’s ultimate spokesman, the greatest preacher who ever lived: “God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things” (Heb. 1:1–2).

It remains ever amazing that the angel was identifying the average-looking baby in the Bethlehem travelers’ shelter as the greatest King, Priest, and Prophet the world would ever know. Therefore Christ’s coming as a lowly infant is even more humanly incomprehensible because from before the foundation of the world He was already the Father’s anointed Ruler, Intercessor, and Spokesman. In gracious love and mercy, God chose Him to be our Messiah, the Christ.

Jesus is the Lord

The angel also told the shepherds that momentous night that the One born in Bethlehem is the Lord. That title of honor may at first seem insignificant because in ordinary usage it simply denotes a highly esteemed benefactor, patron, or authoritative leader. Over the centuries, for example, the aristocratic class in England has had many men with the title “lord,” and that’s been a tradition in some other European countries as well.

The New Testament does affirm the use of lord as a legitimate designation for certain people: “as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord” (1 Peter 3:6). The apostle Peter recognizes that submissive wives will view their husbands as those who have a degree of authority over them. So we can use the term to speak of a proper type of human authority.

However, when the angel used “Lord” in his declaration to the shepherds, he was not using a mere human designation. Instead, he was using a divine designation and claiming that the Child in Bethlehem is God. To say that Jesus is Lord is to say that He is first and foremost God. In fact, it is the most fundamental and essential confession of the Christian faith. It is unequivocal that if any person desires to be saved, he must make the heartfelt and vocal confession that Jesus is Lord (Rom. 10:9).

In addition to that, the expression “Jesus is Lord” implies all the sovereignty and authority associated with One who is God. For “Lord” in Luke 2:11, the angel used the Greek word kurios, which expresses an authority that is valid and lawful. The ultimate lawful authority in the universe, of course, is God. So the angel was saying Jesus is lawfully Lord because of who He is, the Son of God. The Greek translators of the Old Testament and the writers of the New Testament used kurios so often to refer to God that it became synonymous for the name of God. So when the angel declared Jesus to be Lord, he was declaring Him to be the true God, the One who possesses all authority and sovereignty.

The heavenly messenger was certain of the identity of the baby in the manger. The Child was none other than the person of the good news—the Christ who was Prophet, Priest, and King, and the Lord who was God in human flesh. That identity was perfectly in line with Isaiah’s words centuries earlier, “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isa. 9:6).

The Purpose of the Good News

Just when we thought Luke’s narrative of Jesus’ birth could not get any more exciting, the divinely inspired historian takes us to new dramatic heights. As the good news unfolds, it has a purpose: “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!’” (Luke 2:13–14).

Those eloquent, well-known verses bring us to the highest point of truth and action in Luke’s account, and indeed in all of Scripture. They describe the highest, most sublime response to truth that can occur in the created universe. The angels, as supernatural beings created by God, were glorifying Him, which is the ultimate purpose of the gospel.

But many Christians might say, “I thought the purpose of the good news was to save sinners.” And they would be right; that is a vital purpose of the gospel. However, the gospel’s ultimate purpose is to save sinners so they can join the angels in glorifying God. The final reason for anything believers do is to glorify God.

Besides the basic announcement of Christ’s birth, the angel had to proclaim to the shepherds the awesome purpose of such good news—our giving glory to God. And in keeping with the extraordinary nature of that night, he revealed the additional message in dramatic fashion. As if it were not incredible enough that one angel had moments before appeared to them, many angels glorifying God abruptly flashed into view before the shepherds: “suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God” (Luke 2:13).

We don’t know precisely how many angels constituted the heavenly host, or army, but “multitude” is the translation of the Greek that means “ten thousand.” Years later, the apostle John saw “ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousand of thousands” of angels (Rev. 5:11; 1 Kings 22:19), so it’s safe to say that there could have been at least one hundred million. Obviously, not every single angel in heaven appeared to the shepherds, but they did see and hear a very large, representative group. The point is that a vast array of angels—perhaps more than anyone in redemptive history had ever seen—suddenly joined the single angel and did what God’s messengers always do, praise and glorify Him.

But why were they praising and glorifying God? On that most unusual of nights, the angels praised Him because Jesus the Savior was born. God had informed them long ago of His plan of salvation. They understood humanity’s fall into sin and that Jesus Christ, the majestic second member of the Trinity, would lay aside His riches, come to earth in humility for undeserving sinners, live a perfectly righteous life, and finally die on the cross to bear the curse and punishment of their sins. They understood the true significance of Christ’s birth and were praising God because at last they saw the beginning of the final phase of His redemptive plan.

The shepherds heard the angelic host’s entire praise summarized in one magnificent sentence: “‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!’” (Luke 2:14). This is a declaration of the profoundest truth, yet over the years people have greatly misunderstood and underappreciated the last two phrases of it.

First, “on earth peace” does not refer to peace of mind, rest for the weary, or absence of wars. The angels meant peace with God that results from genuine salvation. Because His Son has brought reconciliation, we no longer need to be God’s enemies. The angels were praising the Father, giving Him glory in heaven, because He sent salvation down to earth in the person of Jesus Christ.

The second phrase, “goodwill toward men,” also deserves an accurate understanding. For decades people have used this phrase out of context and trivialized it to mean pleasant sentiments at Christmas or kind words and deeds extended to others. Those thoughts are obviously not what the angels had in mind. But even if we seek to know the actual intent of those very recognizable words, we can go astray if we’re not careful.

Both the New King James Version, “goodwill toward men” (which is identical to the King James Version), and the New American Standard Bible, “with whom He is pleased,” sound as though God is going to grant spiritual peace to those who deserve it or earn it. But an alternate reading makes the meaning more clear: “Peace among men of His good pleasure.” Men and women do not earn God’s peace, but He gives it to them because He is pleased to do so.

There are some to whom God sovereignly gives the peace of His salvation. The multitude of angels was not rejoicing for what people had done or would do to merit salvation. Rather, the heavenly host was glorifying God because, though none can merit salvation, God is delighted to give it to a vast number of sinners solely by His own good pleasure.

If you have received the gift of salvation, you have God’s good pleasure. And He deserves all the credit and all the glory for that gracious reality. In fact, what occurred on that evening near Bethlehem was a mere preview and foretaste of the kind of endless praise we will render once we are in heaven (Rev. 5:11–14).

If you know God is pleased with you, you will thank Him for the pervasiveness of the gospel—that you were privileged to hear it and believe it. And you will respond quickly and obediently to do His will throughout your life. That was the shepherds’ response, as chapter 7 will describe.[1]


[1] MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (2001). God in the manger: the miraculous birth of Christ (pp. 69–83). Nashville, TN: W Pub. Group.

Christmas: Celebrate His Love (Part 5)


In this lesson we consider the miraculous nature of “Immanuel”—the very presence of God in human form, incarnated as a Baby in Bethlehem.


The real story of Christmas is God becoming a man so that He could reveal Himself and reveal His love to all mankind. It is the very essence of the Gospel. It is the glad tidings of great joy which the angels spoke about on the hillside outside of Bethlehem.

  1. The Mystery of Immanuel
  2. The Meaning of Immanuel
  3. We Have the Confidence to Face the Challenges of Life
  4. We Are Certain that Our Prayers Are Heard and Understood
  5. We Have the Courage to Serve Him in Difficult Places


Seldom is this truth ever discussed at Christmastime. Yet it is one of the central doctrines of the Word of God. John the Apostle wrote in John 1:14: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”

In what some consider to be a hymn from the early church, we read of this great mystery in the Book of Philippians: “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bond-servant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross” (Philippians 2:5–8).

And writing in more formal tones in the Book of Galatians, Paul put it this way: “But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law” (Galatians 4:4).

The Prophet Isaiah predicted that the day would come when God would visit His people just like this; that the Son of God would come and confine Himself to a human body; and that His sacrificial love in doing that would forever remind them of His great compassion for their lost estate. Isaiah prophesied, “Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14).

And Matthew, in his gospel narrative of the birth of Christ, picked up what Isaiah had prophesied, and used it in application to the Lord Jesus. Listen to his words: “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel, which is translated, ‘God with us’ ” (Matthew 1:23).

There is an old poet who has presented the Son of God as having the stars for His crown, and the sky for His mantle, and the clouds for His bow, and the fire for His spear. And he rode forth in His majestic robes of glory, but one day He resolved in conference with His Father that He would come to earth, and He shed all of His clothes on the way. The stars were gone, the sky was gone, the clouds were divested. When He was asked what He would wear when He got to the earth, He replied with a smile that He had new clothes in the making down below, and those clothes were the clothes of humanity, the robes of flesh and blood. And with this new wardrobe He was given a new name, and that name was Immanuel.

The Mystery of Immanuel

Of all the names of the Lord Jesus that were given to Him for His time on this earth, this one is my favorite. His name is Immanuel, which being translated is “God with us.”

As Christians, we sometimes feel that in order to really appreciate our faith, we need to understand everything about it. But the more I study the Gospel, the more I become aware of the vastness of truth that I do not comprehend. The one thing I will never comprehend is God becoming a man. But I must not put myself in a corner and say that in order for me to appreciate and believe it, I must completely comprehend it. There always must be something mysterious about the God who created the heavens and the earth. Paul seemed almost overcome by the thought of it when writing to his young friend Timothy. In 1 Timothy 3:16 he wrote, “And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh.” Paul was saying to young Timothy, “I can’t explain this. But let me just tell you this. There is no controversy at all about it. Without controversy, great is the mystery.”

Isn’t it wonderful to be able to pause for a moment and reflect on the mystery and the wonder of our God? Wondering at the Christ Child. Wondering at Immanuel. Wondering at God manifested in the flesh. God became a man—like your neighbor, like you, like me.

Writer after writer has tried to help us understand the majestic mystery of God manifested in the flesh. For instance, C. S. Lewis, in Mere Christianity, wrote these words: “The second person in God, the Son, became human Himself: was born into the world as an actual man—a real man of a particular height, with hair of a particular color, speaking a particular language, weighing so many pounds. The Eternal Being, who knows everything and who created the whole universe, became not only a man but (before that) a baby, and before that a fetus inside a woman’s body.”

  1. W. Tozer, the great Alliance preacher, was also overwhelmed by this thought. He wrote: “The coming of Jesus Christ into this world represents a truth more profound than any philosophy. All of the great thinkers of the world together could never have produced anything even remotely approaching the wonder and profundity disclosed in the message of these words … He came … The words are wiser than all learning. Understood in their high spiritual context, they are more eloquent than all oratory, more lyric and moving than all music. They tell us that all of mankind, sitting in darkness, has been visited by the Light of the World!”

Finally, Frederick Buechner adds, “The claim that Christianity makes for Christmas is that at a particular time and place God came to be with us Himself. When Quirinius was governor of Syria, in a town called Bethlehem, a child was born who, beyond the power of anyone to account for, was the high and lofty One made low and helpless. The One who inhabits eternity comes to dwell in time. The One whom none can look upon and live—is delivered in a stable under the soft, indifferent gaze of cattle. The Father of all mercies puts Himself at our mercy.”

If one of us were God, is that the way we would have done it? Would we have made that plan to rescue lost mankind? Would we have sent the Redeemer in a manger, wrapped in strips of swaddling cloth? Would we have had Him born in a stable built for animals? Would we have had His first visitors be the hated shepherds of the hillside? It is a mystery beyond mysteries, a story written by the finger of God, and one that we will never comprehend. But it is also one that we should always appreciate.

The Meaning of Immanuel

The reason why Immanuel is such a precious name to all of us who know Him is that we understand the meaning of it. We may never comprehend the mystery of it, but we understand the meaning of it. God with us.

God is not distant. He is here, with us. He is not unapproachable, unreachable. He has reached down to us through His Son, the Lord Jesus. He has revealed Himself to us in the only kind of persons we know—human persons. He became one of us so that we could know Him, so that we could know how much He loves us.

What Christmas reveals to us is that we have a God who has condescended in the midst of our suffering, and He has come to help us and share with us and enable us to face it and conquer it. The Christmas name of our Lord reminds us of this wonderful truth: His name shall be called Immanuel. God with us.

We Have the Confidence to Face the Challenges of Life

We all face challenges in life, and we are so wonderfully blessed to be able to open the Bible and read there of a Savior who has come to be one of us. And because He is with us, He is able to encourage us in every manner of test and challenge we may ever face. Consider:

  • Hebrews 13:5–6: “Let your conduct be without covetousness; and be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’ So we may boldly say, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?’ ”
  • Psalm 27:1: “The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?”
  • Psalm 118:6: “The Lord is on my side, I will not fear; What can man do to me?”
  • Isaiah 43:2–3: “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. I gave Egypt for your ransom, Ethiopia and Seba in your place.”

God with us. Because God is with us, we have the confidence to face the challenges of life.

We Are Certain that Our Prayers are Heard and Understood

Sometimes, if we do not know what the Bible says, we wonder if God really even comprehends what we are praying. Aren’t you glad that when you pray you have someone who hears and understands you and knows what you feel? Why does Christ know that? Because the One to whom you address your prayers is Immanuel, the One who is God with us.

Listen to what the Book of Hebrews says concerning Immanuel: “For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:15–16).

When you go to the Lord God in prayer through Jesus Christ, and you tell Him your need, He is Immanuel who has been in every place you have been. He knows every need you have. He knows every burden you bear. He knows every sorrow you have felt. And He has borne those burdens and those sorrows to their ultimate. And you can pray with confidence because He is Immanuel.

We Have the Courage to Serve Him in Difficult Places

How do you continue to serve God? Of course, some might say, “What do you mean? I’m not in the ministry.” But the truth is that every Christian is in the ministry. You may not be formally ordained, but if you are a Christian, you are serving God. (And if you are not serving God, why aren’t you?)

Every believer serves God. And some serve God in some very difficult places. The place God has called us to serve is 90 percent pagan. The place where God has called us to serve puts us in an extreme minority. No one else gives any credence to our faith, yet we have been called of God to serve there.

Christianity is not about religion. It is about a relationship. If you have a relationship with Jesus Christ and you are serving Him in a tough place, my friend, you better know Immanuel. Because you can’t do that by yourself. You have to have God with you. It has always been that way.

When God spoke to Moses and told him that he was being commissioned to lead the people out of Egypt, Moses had all kinds of excuses. Remember all of that list of excuses he gave to God. But listen to what God said to him in Exodus 4:12: “Go, and I will be with your mouth, and teach you what you shall say.”

Moses got them out of Egypt, then it was time for Joshua to get them into Canaan. They were going to have to face the giants of the land of Canaan, the most pagan people of that time. Obviously Joshua was frightened. But he got his commission from God in Joshua 1:9: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

He is the Immanuel who goes with you when you have been called to serve in a tough place.

And then there was Jeremiah, commissioned to go to a stubborn people with a message of judgment. Every time I read that book of the Bible, I am encouraged about everything God has ever asked me to do. God told Jeremiah to preach judgment to people who would not only not listen, but would not do one single thing he ever told them to do. God said, “Go preach to them. Tell them what I’ve told you to tell them. But know up front that they are not going to listen, they are not going to do anything about it, and they are going to scoff at you while you preach.”

Jeremiah went into that scenario with that commission—but then God said to him in Jeremiah 1:8, “ ‘Do not be afraid of their faces, for I am with you to deliver you,’ says the Lord.”

All of us have been commissioned as disciples to go into the world and preach the gospel. And what is it that the Lord says to all of us who do that? In Matthew 28:20 He says, “… lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Because God is with us, we have confidence to face the challenges of life; we don’t go alone. We have certainty that our prayers are heard and understood because God has been where we are. And we have the courage to serve Him no matter how difficult the task may be.


  1. List any famous people (sports stars, media celebrities, politicians, etc.) you have met during your life. How did you act around them?

How would you respond if they dropped by your house?

How many other people did you inform about your meeting or acquaintance?

  1. Compare your answers to the previous question to your actions, response, and words as someone who has met the God of the universe. Is it a good comparison, or something less?

Is there room for change in light of knowing the “God with us,” Jesus Christ?

  1. In Exodus 40:34, what was the purpose of the tabernacle (tent) of the Lord, which was set up in the middle of all the tents of Israel?

How does this connect with John 1:14, which says literally that the Word became flesh and dwelled among us?

  1. If Jesus was the “Seed of woman” promised in Genesis 3:15, who did He come to ultimately defeat?

Why couldn’t this be done by a mortal human being?

When will this conquest be completed?

  1. What does 1 John 5:19 reveal about the present condition of the world?

Was this true when Christ was born?

Then why couldn’t Satan defeat Him?

What does I John 4:4 reveal about the present condition of each believer, and the similarities to Christ’s entrance into the world?

  1. Read Daniel 7:9–10, 13–14. What is the eventual position of the Son?

Compare this to Isaiah 9:6–7. Why do you think He was not revealed in this way when He came as a Baby to Bethlehem?

When will He be?

Did You Know?

Christianity is unique among the world’s religions in proposing that there is no way that man can, through anything he does, ever reach God; but that God, in His infinite love and mercy, became man in order to rescue any who would be rescued.

This concept not only is foreign to the world’s religions, but in Islam is considered to be blasphemy. Nowhere is this more vividly displayed than in the Arabic statement emblazoned on the outside of the Dome of the Rock, which stands over the location of the Holy of Holies on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

It reads: “Allah is God, Allah is One. He was not born, nor did He beget.”

Hence the hopelessness of those who do not recognize Immanuel, “God With Us.”

The Hanging of the Greens

The evergreen nature of conifers and hollies has long made them symbols of eternal life through Christ Jesus. Red berries are used as a symbol of Christ’s blood, which was shed for us.

Early in December each year, our congregation participates in readying our sanctuary for a season of celebration.

We usually use pine branch “roping” to make swags, and evergreen wreaths as our focal points.[1]


[1] Jeremiah, D. (1999). Celebrate his love: Study guide (pp. 62–75). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Mid-Day Snapshot · Dec. 17, 2020


“I hope some future day will bring me the happiness of seeing my family again collected under our own roof, happy in ourselves and blessed in each other.” —Abigail Adams (1784)

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Life With the Vaccine

Nate Jackson

The beginning of this week marked some highly anticipated good news: The first coronavirus vaccines were shipped out and taken by eager recipients. However, given the general lack of trust in our institutions and between (and even among) the two political sides, it’s no surprise that there’s division over the vaccine itself. I can’t wait to take it, say some. Nobody’s injecting me with any of that, say others. And then there’s California, which may consider “historic injustice” when deciding who gets the vaccine first.

To say the whole thing has been grossly politicized is an understatement.

Predictably, there’s also division over what life will look like now that there is a vaccine. The “experts” tell us not to be in any big hurry to return to normal because it will be late spring or summer before herd immunity is achieved — assuming any number of variables.

“Can I stop wearing a mask after getting a COVID-19 vaccine?” asks an Associated Press FAQ. “No,” comes the immediate answer, which might as well have added, And you should be ashamed for asking, you careless mouth-breather.

In truth, there are legitimate reasons for continued vigilance. Both major vaccines require two shots, and the second one comes three weeks later for the Pfizer dose and four for the Moderna one. Full protection takes a couple of weeks after the second shot. Moreover, vaccinating hundreds of millions of people will take time, and, as previously mentioned, there are likely millions who will refuse.

Yet there are reasons to question the wisdom of the experts.

“I would recommend to people to not abandon all public health measures just because you’ve been vaccinated,” the Great and Infallible™ Dr. Anthony Fauci said in November. “Because even though for the general population it might be 90 to 95% effective, you don’t necessarily know for you how effective it is.”

Likewise, Dr. Vin Gupta, NBC’s analyst for health policy, lectured this week, “Just because you get vaccinated with that second dose does not mean you should be participating in things like traveling in the middle of an out-of-control pandemic or that you’re liberated from masks.”

Interesting choice of word there: “liberated.” It wasn’t lost on Senator Ted Cruz, who responded, “This is a bizarre, lunatic, totalitarian cult. It’s not about vaccines or protecting people’s lives — it is instead profoundly anti-science, and is only focused on absolute govt control of every aspect of our lives.”

Congressman Jim Jordan agreed. “First, it was don’t wear a mask,” he noted. “Then, it was slow the spread. Then, it was lock everything down. Then, it was wear a mask. Then, it was wait for the vaccine. Now that we have the vaccine, they tell us it’s not going to stop. Freedom!”

Some of us here in our humble shop have had COVID. Some of us have lost friends or family to it. We’ve spent a good bit of time this year working remotely instead of in our small office so as to protect loved ones who would be hit very hard if they got it. We do not take this pandemic lightly.

Yet there are far too many in this country who are either statists themselves or who have succumbed to that siren song, sacrificing, as Ben Franklin once put it, “essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety.” Politicians with a preexisting condition of totalitarianism used the pandemic to justify totalitarian edicts. And millions of Americans are doing what these politicians and their media mouthpieces are telling them to do — live in fear and panic.

Well, for all of you grassroots Patriots who tire of such tyranny, here are a few thoughts that should resonate:

We don’t want another $1,200 going to people who don’t need it. We want government to quit redistributing income and to get out of the way.

We don’t want an extra $300 for unemployment. We want an end to the lockdowns that take our jobs.

We don’t want to be confined to our homes, ordering everything from Amazon and skipping dining out. We want local small businesses to thrive and that corner chef to stay in business.

We don’t want kids staring at a computer screen and struggling to stay motivated. We want them in school.

We don’t want virtual church or 25% capacity. We want to join our brothers and sisters in corporate worship.

And whether you think masks save countless lives or they’re useless virtue signals — or somewhere in between — we think we speak for everyone in saying we look forward to no longer having to wear them.

So, what will life be like in the coming months? It certainly appears that it will be much the same, with varying lockdowns to go with mask and distancing mandates. Is that because such things are necessary, or because there are just some folks who won’t let go of their power over others?

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Why Jill Biden’s Doctorate Is an Empty One

Thomas Gallatin

The continuing controversy over Jill Biden’s insistence on being publicly referred to as “Dr. Biden” has now resulted in exposing the absolute vacuous nature of her dissertation upon which she was granted her preferred title. More on that in a moment. Naturally, Joe Biden’s camp, including the Leftmedia, came running in defense of her pretension.

It all began when Joseph Epstein penned the Wall Street Journal op-ed entreating Mrs. Biden to drop her ridiculous “Dr.” demand. He was predictably derided as engaging in sexism and misogyny, with Biden communications director Kate Bedingfield’s comments serving as a typical example: “What patronizing, sexist, elitist drivel. Dr. B earned a doctorate in education, so we call her Doctor. The title Mr. Epstein has earned here is perhaps not fit for mixed company.”

However, as the controversy has grown, a few conservative pundits dug into Mrs. Biden’s doctoral dissertation only to find more fodder to bolster the argument that her demands for acknowledging her preferred title are nothing more than a classic example of undeserved self-promotion. Like a barking chihuahua insisting it’s a doberman.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson “diagnosed” Mrs. Biden’s 137-page dissertation by reading through excerpts. “Doctor Jill needs reading glasses,” he quipped. “Either that or she’s borderline illiterate. There are typos everywhere, including in the first [paragraph] of the introduction. Doctor Jill can’t write. She can’t really think, either.” He further called her dissertation an embarrassment “not only to poor illiterate Jill Biden but to the college that considered this crap scholarship.” He added, “[It’s] embarrassing, in fact, to our entire system of higher education; to the nation itself. Jill Biden’s doctorate dissertation is our national shame.”

Believe it or not, National Review’s Kyle Smith was even more stinging in his critique of Mrs. Biden’s dissertation, which he called “garbage.” Smith writes, “Jill Biden’s dissertation is not an addition to the sum total of human knowledge. It is not a demonstration of expertise in its specific topic or its broad field. It is a gasping, wheezing, frail little Disney forest creature that begs you to notice the effort it makes to be the thing it is imitating while failing so pathetically that any witnesses to its ineptitude must feel compelled, out of manners alone, to drag it to the nearest podium and give it a participation trophy. Which is more or less what an Ed.D. is. It’s a degree that only deeply unimpressive people feel confers the honorific of ‘Doctor.’ People who are actually smart understand that being in possession of a credential is no proof of intelligence.”

A “participation trophy,” as Smith says, is exactly what Mrs. Biden’s “doctorate” amounts to. But being a typical leftist, for Mrs. Biden it’s the symbolism that counts, not the substance. She deserves the praise and recognition, according to the Leftmedia, not because she has actually done anything worthy of such an honor but simply because she participated. Oh, and she fell in love with and married the longtime Delaware senator, Barack Obama’s running mate, and now the next president, Joe “The Plagiarist” Biden.

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A Rather Ridiculous Journalism Award

Douglas Andrews

It’s hard to un-see something so shocking, but it makes us newly sympathetic to the New Yorker folks on that Zoom call with Jeffrey Toobin. Still, there it was, hanging from a thick, burnt-orange neck ribbon: a gold medallion with a smugly familiar face on it; a medallion encircled by the words, “The Dan Rather Medal for Excellence in News and Guts.”

It’s perhaps even harder, though, to imagine why the Moody College of Communication at the University of Texas would debase itself, would beclown itself, by publicly announcing such an award. Far better to play it on the downlow and plead ignorance than to broadcast it for all the world to see.

And it wasn’t like this was some prank, some sinister bit of cyber-mischief by a few intrepid CompSci geeks at Texas A&M. No, this award has a dedicated website and the enthusiastic endorsement of Jay Bernhardt, dean of the Moody College of Communication. “Dan Rather is not only a legend,” gushes Bernhardt, “he’s the namesake of new awards honoring his career and the work of today’s journalists. We are thrilled to announce the Dan Rather Medals for News and Guts.”

Hook ‘em, dude.

Rather, of course, was the longtime anchorman of CBS News who was forced to resign in disgrace when he and his producer, Mary Mapes, got caught red-handed trying to throw the 2004 presidential election to John Kerry. They did so by fabricating a story about then-President George W. Bush’s long-ago service in the Texas Air National Guard — service that Rather and Mapes falsely maligned. Their downfall was brought about by their reliance on a deeply suspect witness, a Bush hater named Bill Burkett, and a couple of ridiculously fraudulent military documents — documents that used Microsoft Word features such as proportional spacing and superscript characters that were, of course, unavailable on ’60s-era typewriters.

“Within hours of the broadcast,” wrote Power Line’s John Hinderaker and Scott Johnson, “after CBS News posted online PDF copies of four memos highlighted in the segment, the story began to fall apart. The memos looked phony. By the following evening, CBS was in crisis mode trying to deal with the mess. As other news outlets followed up, the story continued to disintegrate. CBS nevertheless hung with it for nearly two weeks. The New York Times provided its own form of encouragement to CBS. In the words of the classic headline over its story of September 15, ‘Memos on Bush are fake but accurate, typist says.’ Four Times reporters collaborated on the story.”

That’s it, really. That’s the summing-up of our mainstream media in three devastatingly self-incriminating words: Fake. But. Accurate.

The real journalistic heroes of the day were then-obscure bloggers like Hinderaker and Johnson. Their 2015 piece, “Rather Shameful,” is probably the definitive summary of the Memogate scandal and its aftermath, which included a pathetic attempt by Hollywood leftist Robert Redford to rewrite history with a dud of a film called — we kid you not — “Truth.”

As our Mark Alexander noted at the time, “It’s no small irony that this BIG Lie of a film is titled ‘Truth.’ That was the translated name of the official newspaper of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Indeed, ‘Pravda’ was the party’s primary instrument for political ‘dezinformatsia’ from 1912 to 1991.”

Johnson shared some thoughts yesterday about the force behind modern journalism. “The left simply does not give up in its efforts to rewrite history,” he notes. “The efforts are unrelenting. Memories are short. And the left has highly effective tools of persuasion at its disposal, such as naming an award in honor of one of its disgraced votaries or conferring such honors on leftist fraudsters, as has become something of a tradition with the Pulitzer Prizes.”

He’s spot-on about this, and the hilariously unselfconscious “Dan Rather Medal for Excellence in News and Guts” is Exhibit A. To borrow from Robin Williams: People say satire is dead. But it isn’t dead at all. It’s alive and well and flourishing at UT Austin’s Moody College of Communication.

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Michael Flynn, American Patriot

Mark Alexander

Former White House National Security Advisor and Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (USA, Ret) has been under siege for the last four years. He was the earliest target of the deep-state co-conspirators in their effort to take down President Donald Trump.

Michael Flynn served our nation with great honor and dignity as a career defender of American Liberty, which is precisely why he was chosen to join the Trump administration as national security advisor. But that didn’t stop the cabal who set him up in order that he wouldn’t be an obstacle to what amounted to a coordinated subversive coup d’état against the Trump administration. Beyond Flynn’s indictment, and the long-overdue dismissal of the contrived case against him by leftist Judge Emmitt Sullivan, it is the principal coup orchestrators, John Brennan and James Comey, who should be indicted.

Of course, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will form a gauntlet against any such indictments.

In a recent interview, General Flynn’s statements provide great insight into the depth of this Patriot’s faith both in our Creator and our people: “The American people saved me. They saved my family. If there’s something I get emotional about, it’s that. I mean, I don’t know why. Prayer. Faith. The American people have been buddy breathing with me for four years. Another way to describe it is the deep state buried me six feet under ground, wanted me to die. Somehow, somebody stuck a straw up through that, a straw was allowed to be stuck up to the air, and I laid down there for four years breathing through that straw, but that straw became wider and wider and wider over the years because the American people came to my family’s aid. That’s an amazing story about people that had nothing, and they were willing to give me everything they have because they believed in something, they believed in me, they believed in my family, they believed in something that was bigger than what it is we are about, and thank God they did. I’ve been buddy breathing for four years down under, and the American people were giving me that oxygen to survive, to get through this.”

The day after Sullivan begrudgingly dismissed the charges, Flynn penned a summary about the choices we face as a nation:

The battle we are engaged in cannot be fought with only human weapons: it requires the intervention of God because in a war against the forces of Evil, only the Lord can obtain the victory. And as American citizens, we must refuse to go to the funeral of our own independence.

We the people are proud to proclaim that the United States of America is “One Nation under God” — in this public profession of faith in God, we recognize his Lordship over our country, and we proudly stand beneath the banner of Christ and our flag in which millions have sacrificed their very lives for. In scripture through the strength and commitment of Matthew, he said, “Whoever is not with Me is against Me.”

We do not want a world governed by tyrants whom no one has elected and who want to have power in order to destroy us. We understand what their plan is: to eliminate dissent, subdue any criticism, and outlaw those who do not submit unconditionally to the dictatorship of the “New World Order.” And if they do not succeed through the hammering persuasion of the mainstream media, they do not hesitate to resort to deception, betrayal, perjury, and censorship. Let’s not forget that by the crimes they have committed, they have violated our laws; they have betrayed our Nation and their oath to serve our Country, their oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution.

What prosperity for our Nation, what peace for our people, what success for our endeavors can we hope for, when those who govern us show that they are unworthy of the authority they hold, of the role that has been given them as our representatives? And what blessing can these United States expect to receive from God, when those who govern us are his declared enemies?

Our protest, our denunciation of electoral fraud, is not only motivated by the fact that we are supporting Donald J. Trump as a candidate: it is above all a battle for justice and truth, which goes far beyond membership in a party or voting for a candidate. If today we do not obtain justice from our elected officials; if the United States of America does not know how to choose between defending the Law and legitimizing a coup against its citizens, our Nation will abdicate its duties toward Americans and its international role. A betrayal will take place and History will ask for an account of it from all of us and from our Institutions and our leaders. Pray now that when the light shines in the coming days, it reveals the truth along with a new era of American patriotism.

On behalf of tens of millions of your fellow American Patriots, thank you, General Flynn, for remaining true to your oath “to support and defend” our Constitution, especially against those domestic enemies of Liberty who have relentlessly attacked you and your family.

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Welcoming Chinese Communist Infiltration

Arnold Ahlert

“What country could put 1 million religious dissidents in a gulag archipelago, destroy the semi-independence of Hong Kong, threaten any of its dissident neighbors with commercial destruction, embark on the largest imperialist and colonialist project in two centuries throughout Africa, Asia, and Europe, obliterate the culture of Tibet, militarize, with man-made atolls, the South China Sea, systematize internal surveillance known heretofore only in the pages of Nineteen Eighty-Four, nonchalantly practice institutional racism, and infect the planet with a novel virus — and receive almost no official criticism from the United Nations and the governments of the European Union and the United States?” —Victor Davis Hanson

In a single paragraph, Hanson fully illuminates the wholesale corruption of our ruling-class oligarchs. And last Sunday, his question was answered: As reported by Australia’s Sky News, a list of 1.95 million Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members has been leaked, and it contains the names of thousands of people who live in the United States and other Western nations — and who work for major financial institutions, medical research and pharmaceutical companies, and Western governments.

Some of them work with American congressmen, like California Democrat Eric Swalwell.

The list of CCP members, including their names, party position, birthday, national ID number, and ethnicity, was compiled in 2016 by Chinese dissidents, who extracted the data from a server in Shanghai and leaked it in mid-September to the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC). IPAC’s website says it’s a group of 150 legislators created to “assist legislators to construct appropriate and coordinated responses, and to help craft a proactive and strategic approach on issues related to the People’s Republic of China.”

For the purposes of independent verification, IPAC made the leak available to four different media outlets, including the Daily Mail in the UK, The Australian in Australia, De Standaard in Belgium, and a currently unnamed Swedish editor, who has not published the story at this time.

The since-confirmed details are damning. “Communist party branches have been set up inside western companies, allowing the infiltration of those companies by CCP members — who, if called on, are answerable directly to the communist party, to the Chairman, the president himself,” said Sky News’s Sharri Markson. The list of the 1.95 million CCP members, most of whom come from Shanghai, also includes “details of 79,000 communist party branches, many of them inside companies.”

Markson believes the exposure of the list will embarrass Chinese President Xi Jinping. “It is also going to embarrass some global companies who appear to have no plan in place to protect their intellectual property from theft. From economic espionage,” she adds.

Details reported by the Daily Mail illuminate the “mass infiltration” of UK firms, including AstraZeneca, Rolls Royce, HSBC, and Jaguar Land Rover. “Most alarmingly,” the paper adds, “some of its members — who swear a solemn oath to ‘guard Party secrets, be loyal to the Party, work hard, fight for communism throughout my life … and never betray the Party’ — are understood to have secured jobs in British consulates.”

Here in America? The database reveals that Boeing, Qualcomm, and Pfizer have employed dozens of CCP members in their Chinese facilities, and the U.S. consulate in Shanghai employs three CCP members. Of the aforementioned 79,000 communist party branches, Boeing’s work force has 17 branches, totaling 252 CCP members, Qualcomm Wireless Communication employs 229 CCP members from six branches, and Pfizer employs 69 CCP members in four branches in Shanghai. New York University also employs 71 CCP members.

Boeing spokesman Bradley Akubuiro insisted the company is satisfied with its security. “As a global company,” he stated, “we enforce strict security protocols and maintain secure firewalls to protect both our customer and company proprietary data in all countries we operate in.”

Such assurances ring hollow. As revealed in 2015, the Chinese successfully hacked 22 million records on government employees, including sensitive data on government and military employees who hold security clearances, from the Office of Personnel Management. And it’s galling to know that AstraZeneca and Pfizer, the two most prominent producers of the coronavirus vaccine, still employ a total of 123 party loyalists, despite a joint statement issued by the FBI and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency — last May — revealing they were investigating “the targeting and compromise of U.S. organizations conducting COVID-19-related research by [People’s Republic of China]-affiliated cyber actors and non-traditional collectors.”

The media reports insist there is no evidence that any of the listed individuals are engaged in espionage, but the word itself has lost all real meaning. In 2019, more than a dozen students, researchers, and professors at American universities were arrested for lying about their ties to the Chinese government, even as they were paid handsomely for their efforts. None of them were charged with spying. Instead, charges included theft of trade secrets, failure to disclose ties to the Chinese government, filing false tax returns, and wire fraud, despite all of them trying to abet the ambitions of our nation’s foremost adversary.

Or is that our foremost paymaster? How many American entities, from the NBA and Hollywood to academia and Big Tech, have sacrificed their own integrity — and imperiled America’s national security — in return for a yuan buck?

Even worse, how many government officials — from both parties — have been compromised by Beijing? A recorded lecture by Di Dongsheng, vice dean of the School of International Relations at Renmin University, contains a chilling boast. After noting that “fixing” the Trump administration has been problematic, Di asks why “China and the U.S. used to be able to settle all kinds of issues between 1992 and 2016?”

He then answers his own question. “I’m going to throw out something maybe a little bit explosive here,” he states. “It’s just because we have people at the top. We have our old friends who are at the top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence.”

There was a time when this nation would label such “old friends” as the traitors they truly are. But that word has also lost any real meaning in a nation where Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, sent a 2017 email requesting keys for “new office mates” that included the president-elect, his wife Jill, his brother James … and Gongwen Dong, an emissary for Jianming Ye, who was chairman of a Chinese energy conglomerate called CEFC. CEFC was one of the largest energy companies in China before going bankrupt. CNN columnist Jenni Marsh stated that the company “aligned itself so closely with the Chinese government that it was often hard to distinguish between the two.”

It’s getting even harder to distinguish between America’s nation-state-hating oligarchs and their Chinese communist counterparts. Moreover, our oligarch-controlled mainstream media intends to keep it that way. “The massive data-file … was offered to all major international journalists and media organizations,” states Conservative Treehouse columnist Sundance. “All of the major U.S. media outlets did not want the data.”

“Communist China has been allowed to infiltrate our universities and corporations with people loyal to only the Communist Party,” former Acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell said last Sunday.

Allowed to — or invited to?

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The Unholy Trinity of Fake News

Lewis Morris

If it’s true that the cornerstone of a healthy republic is a free press, then America has a big problem. The seizure of the legacy news media by rabid leftists has created a situation in which we can no longer trust the information we’re given. All major news outlets (print, television, and digital) have become mouthpieces for the Democrat Party and the Left, spinning stories to fit their narrative, burying others that don’t fit, and flat-out lying when those two tactics fail. Welcome to the age of fake news.

President Donald Trump has been credited with popularizing the term fake news, but he didn’t create the phenomenon. It arose in the 1990s during the Clinton years — and we started The Patriot Post in 1996 in large measure to counter this problem. Left-leaning reporters and editors, sons and daughters of the 1960s and Watergate, fawned over Bill and Hillary, burying or downplaying stories about Bill’s personal indiscretions and the crimes committed by his closest associates.

The perversion of the legacy media into a Democrat Party organ reached its zenith during Barack Obama’s presidency. In partnership with tech oligarchs who helped them weaponize social media, leftists tried to shape a narcissistic, politically tone-deaf, anti-American community organizer into the Second Coming. They were so effective at their work that by the time Trump became president, media figures were no longer afraid to show their true colors and go after the 45th president with all guns blazing.

Three key types of fake news have been used in the assault to take down Donald Trump and the American republic he so steadfastly defended — omission, hypocrisy, and lies. Perhaps the most effective at this point, considering the circumstances, is omission.

News outlets routinely bury stories they don’t want us to hear. Earlier this election season, the New York Post published a series of articles revealing the extent of the Biden family’s corruption. The paper shared concrete evidence of Hunter Biden’s shady foreign dealings while his father was vice president. Seeing what happened to Hillary Clinton after her illegal email server took up too much of the news cycle in 2016, other news outlets refused to report on the story, and Twitter and Facebook censored any mention of it. They knew that widespread coverage of the story would harm Biden’s chances of winning the presidency. It is only now that the Electoral College has met that we are starting to hear more about it. But don’t count on the media to go after Biden. They are much more selective in their “investigative journalism.”

This brings us to the second brand of fake news: hypocrisy. The former vice president tried to burnish his bona fides two years ago with the #MeToo movement by saying that all women should be believed when they come forward accusing males of sexual misconduct. Except, of course, when that male is Joe Biden. When Tara Reade came forward with her own credible story about Biden’s sexual misconduct, the media did not chase down the story, or any of the multitude of accusations about Biden that have surfaced over the years. Instead, they collaborated with Biden’s campaign to downplay the story. Never mind that they trained their sites on Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, targeting him for character assassination and making his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, the poster woman of the #MeToo movement.

It turns out that Ford’s story and all the other smear stories against Kavanaugh were lies, which is the third tactic of fake news. When in danger or in doubt, the Left will simply lie to get its message across. Much of the coverage of the Trump administration was predicated on this tactic, whether it be the bogus Russia-collusion narrative that eventually led to his impeachment, the smears that he was willfully ignorant in combating COVID-19, or the false narrative that he supported white supremacy. None of these stories hold any basis in fact, but they were repeated so often that people believed them.

While the “fact-check” has become the Left’s most potent tool to bolster its fake news strategy, there were few fact-checks on the aforementioned fake news. Leftmedia outlets use the “fact-check” not to investigate their own stories but to smear Republicans and conservatives for voicing facts and ideas that go against leftist dogma. In May, Trump was “fact-checked” for predicting that we would have a coronavirus vaccine by year’s end. His statement proved to be true, but rather than wait until January 1, 2021, to see if Trump was correct, the media leaped to rebut the prediction as soon as he made it. And not because of what Trump said, but because it was Trump who said it.

Since its earliest years, American journalism has always had a political tilt. But there were journalistic standards that were taught, handed down, and respected. Journalism was considered a serious vocation entered into by people dedicated to informing the public and keeping politicians honest.

Unfortunately, we don’t live in that world right now. Freedom of the press is listed first in the Bill of Rights for a reason. Without it, none of the other freedoms or the Constitution itself mean all that much. Leftists know this, and if they are going to turn America into a socialist country, the press has to be the first thing they control and thus destroy. Our mission is to provide a bold voice against that leftist agenda.

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The MSM Can’t Live Without Trump

Douglas Andrews

Now what?

That’s what Leftmedia pundits must be thinking. Now that we’ve thoroughly debased ourselves, destroyed our already limited credibility, and conspired with the Democrats to get rid of our raison d’être, what’ll we do for kicks, and clicks, and ratings, and paychecks?

It’s a great question, and one that’s no doubt on the minds of everyone from Jeff Zucker on down to talentless talkingheads like Don Lemon. As The Wall Street Journal’s James Freeman writes, “There’s an emerging media narrative that Joe Biden is more difficult for the press to cover than Donald Trump because Mr. Biden allegedly has superior character and therefore generates fewer scandals. Accepting this spin naturally requires one to ignore the Biden family influence-peddling business. But the fear among media executives about their own businesses is real. Bashing Donald Trump has been profitable. Can you hold an audience by lauding Joe Biden?”

Sans Trump, we think the mainstream media can still hold an audience. Of insomniacs. After all, what better way to put folks to sleep than to cover our sorriest and least-inspiring new president with wall-to-wall hosannas about his “superior character” and “scandal-free” existence?

Frankly, we can’t wait. And we think they’ve made a huge mistake. For as philosopher and cultural critic Barry Manilow once said, “You know I can’t smile without you. I can’t smile without you. I can’t laugh, and I can’t sing. I’m finding it hard to do anything.”

Seriously: What’ll Rachel Maddow do now that she won’t have President Trump to accuse of being in Vladimir Putin’s pocket? What’ll Lemon do now that Trump isn’t holding Klan rallies at the White House? What’ll Jeffrey Toobin do now that, er, uh … never mind about Toobin. He’ll (ahem) find a way to entertain himself.

And then there are the children. Think of the children. And by “children” we don’t mean real children; we mean those emotive, entitled, attention-starved members of Congress. What’ll Nancy Pelosi do for attention if she can’t fake-clap in the president’s face, or tear up his State of the Union speech, or tic her way through an angry, spittle-flecked interview? And what’ll Chuck Schumer do if he can’t steamroll a few colleagues on his way to the nearest mic to denounce the president’s latest depredation?

Then, of course, there are those other children; those Facebook friends of yours who couldn’t keep from caterwauling about Trump for the past four years; who couldn’t keep from posting the latest wishful-thinking hit piece from The New York Times or The Washington Post about how the noose is tightening and the walls are closing in on this vile, racist, traitorous Putin puppet of a president. What are they gonna do without their bête orange? It’s been an awfully tough four years for those poor souls, but who knows? Trump withdrawal might prove even tougher.

Their plight aside, it’s been a flush four years for the resistance media — the Trump-hating networks are doing better now than ever. “Mr. Trump’s refusal to leave the political stage quietly has kept viewers watching through the postelection daze,” the Times tells us. “In recent weeks, CNN is regularly beating Fox News, the longtime No. 1 cable news network, in total viewers. CNN has also led in the advertiser-friendly bracket of adults under the age of 54 every day for more than a month, its longest such streak since the aftermath of Sept. 11, 2001. … With Mr. Trump so central to MSNBC’s ratings surge, some producers see a slide coming. Others at the network say that Trumpism — with its attendant partisanship and politicization of society — will persist, keeping viewers locked in even after Mr. Trump is no longer in the White House.”

Forgive us if we seem skeptical. If Donald Trump isn’t making news, the Trump-hating media isn’t making payroll.

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Americans Losing Religion to ‘Education’

Thomas Gallatin

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” —Proverbs 22:6

report released earlier this year by Lyman Stone of the American Enterprise Institute is getting new attention for this reason. Stone found that America’s declining religiosity can be tracked in large part to America’s public education. More specifically, what America’s secular public schools are (or aren’t) teaching children.

The report notes that religion has always played a significant role in America’s history and cultural identity. That religious history is of course the Judeo-Christian beliefs of the West, which profoundly impacted our nation’s founding by being the primary influence in shaping the country’s values.

However, many have observed a growing trend in recent decades of fewer and fewer Americans holding onto the religious beliefs of their parents. “By any measure, religiosity in America is declining,” Stone notes. “Since peaking in 1960, the share of American adults attending any religious service in a typical week has fallen from 50 percent to about 35 percent, while the share claimed as members by any religious body has fallen from over 75 percent to about 62 percent. Finally, the share of Americans who self-identify or report being affiliated with any religion has fallen from over 95 percent to about 75 percent.”

Stone says there are two major factors that can lead to a decline in religiosity. The first is sectarian governance that establishes a state religion and effectively eliminates competing religious beliefs. The second is a government that increasingly expands its “services” — “especially increasingly secularized government control of education.” This, Stone asserts, “can account for virtually the entire increase on secularization around the developed world.”

Obviously, it is the second one at play in America. Big government increasingly takes over the role religion once played in society. Government effectively takes the place of God, taking on the responsibility of providing everything for citizens — the welfare state, including education. It’s not necessarily that the state is intentional in usurping religion’s role, but secular governments by nature ignore God and take it upon themselves to solve problems.

This is especially true when it comes to public education. As National Review’s Cameron Hilditch writes, “So how do we explain this link between education policy and religious belief given that academic attainment itself isn’t a factor? It’s quite simple, really. Children learn more at school than reading, writing, and arithmetic. They imbibe a whole set of implied assumptions about what’s important in life. By excluding religious instruction from public schools, the government-run education system tacitly teaches students that religious commitments are not a first-order priority in life. Faith in God becomes a sort of optional weekend hobby akin to playing tennis or video games. Christ and Moses are treated by teachers and administrators like weapons or drugs — confiscated upon discovery.”

While secularists and atheists like to assert that education simply makes people more secular and less religious by disabusing them of mythical beliefs, the data and history belies that claim. Instead, the greatest factor is what children are being taught, not that they are being educated.

“The content of education matters,” Stone argues. “Evidence that education reduces religiosity is fairly weak: American religiosity rose considerably from 1800 until the 1970s, despite rapidly rising educational attainment. But the evidence that specifically secular education might reduce religiosity is more compelling. Indeed, statistically, most researchers who have explored long-run change in religiosity find that education-related variables, which I have argued are a proxy for secular education, can explain nearly the totality of change in religiosity.”

In short, American children are being taught secularism, and the predictable result is that they are becoming more secular and less religious.

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Jordan Candler

Top of the Fold

  • Hunter Biden in 2017 sent “best wishes” from “entire Biden family” to China firm chairman (Fox News) | Joe, who never lies, “confident” Hunter did nothing wrong (Fox News)

Election Debrief

  • Biden considering pro-China Disney CEO for ChiCom ambassador (National Review)
  • Biden calls Pete Buttigieg’s (ahem) husband “Kirsten,” snubs gay GOP cabinet member (NY Post)
  • Raphael Warnock’s voter registration group failed to pay unemployment taxes (Free Beacon)
  • “Need new leadership”: AOC says time’s almost up for Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer (Washington Times)


  • Despite his supposed downfall, Jeffrey Toobin is holding on to his post at CNN (Fox News)


  • Nation’s top high school poised to pick students based on race, not achievement (The Federalist)


  • Retail sales fell 1.1% in November, biggest drop in seven months (AP)
  • However, the Fed raises its economic outlook, sees 4.2% growth next year and 5% unemployment (CNBC)
  • U.S. brands Vietnam and Switzerland as currency manipulators (AP)
  • Supreme Court will hear NCAA case on college athlete pay, which could upend business model (Politico)

Big Tech

  • Texas and nine other states file new antitrust lawsuit against Google (CNBC)

Annals of the “Social Justice” Caliphate

  • Cartoon Network is promoting the use of self-selected pronouns to six-year-olds (Not the Bee)
  • Guardians of the Galaxy comic confirms Star-Lord is bisexual (Entertainment Weekly)


  • Study finds a third of young American adults have no religious affiliation (Disrn)

Around the Nation

  • Feds cut off California over abortion insurance mandate (Free Beacon)
  • Free-speech suppressor Andrew Cuomo signs bill banning sale of Confederate flags (NY Post)
  • Fleeing New Yorkers resulted in an estimated $34 billion in lost income (Reuters)

“All told, a net 70,000 people left the metropolitan region this year… About 3.57 million people left New York City this year between Jan. 1 and Dec. 7, according to Unacast, which analyzed anonymized cell phone location data. Some 3.5 million people earning lower average incomes moved into the city during that same period, the report showed.”

Religious Liberty

  • Ninth Circuit enjoins Nevada COVID order discriminating against houses of worship (National Review)

“Climate Change”

  • Biden to tap the military to further ambitious climate agenda (Washington Times)
  • Britain to ban new petrol cars by 2030 on road to net zero emissions (Reuters) | Meanwhile, Toyota’s chief correctly says electric vehicles are overhyped (WSJ)

“Theater of the Absurd” Headline Award

  • How to talk to your friends and family about COVID, vaccines, and wearing masks (NBC News)

Caveat emptor. This same “enlightening” news outlet infamously reported on May 15, “Fact check: Coronavirus vaccine could come this year, Trump says. Experts say he needs a ‘miracle’ to be right.”

Double Standards

  • Governor of Rhode Island encourages people to stay home, gets caught at wine bar (Fox News)

Non Compos Mentis

  • Canadian bookstore kicked out a lady who didn’t have hands because she wouldn’t put a mask on. Then they threatened to call the police when she tried to explain. (Not the Bee)
  • Paris fined 90,000 euros for naming too many women to senior positions (NPR)

Stranger Than Fiction

  • For $33,000, you can hire Amber Heard, who admitted to abusing Johnny Depp, to talk about domestic violence (Daily Wire)
  • Murder suspect escapes prison van during stop at Indiana McDonald’s (Disrn)

Other Notables

  • Here are the most searched terms on Google in 2020 (Not the Bee)
  • MLB officially reclassifies the Negro Leagues as major league (Disrn)

Closing Arguments

  • Policy: The college debt debate is a culture war battle (National Review)
  • Policy: Is this the end of cities in America? (The Hill)
  • Humor: Seattle announces reverse purge where one night a year laws will be enforced (Babylon Bee)

For more of today’s editors’ choice headlines, visit Headline Report.

The Patriot Post is a certified ad-free news service, unlike third-party commercial news sites linked on this page, which may also require a paid subscription.

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The Tyranny Tour of California Intensifies — State thugs harass Greek restaurant in Ventura.

The Left’s Hypocrisy on ‘Offensive’ Sports Mascots — “All the arguments are utter hogwash,” fumes Matt Walsh.

Satire: Socialist Media — The New Rules — JP Sears presents the new communist guidelines for us peasants.




For more of today’s columns, visit Right Opinion.


For the record: “Last August, Trump was questioned at a White House press briefing about polls showing his popularity was declining. Asked to explain, he responded, ‘Nobody likes me. It can only be my personality. That’s all.’ It was a rare moment of transparency for him. There is still a remnant of old-fashioned values my grandparents’ generation embraced and tried to instill in their descendants. One was not to belittle, demean, talk down to, or call other people names. Trump has consistently ignored that advice. While a large number of Americans still support him and the number who voted for him far outpaced any other Republican presidential candidate, or incumbent president, it wasn’t enough. The reason can only be his personality. Most Americans expect a certain amount of dignity emanating from one who temporarily holds our highest office. Could Trump have achieved all he has without the name-calling? I think so.” —Cal Thomas

What goes around comes around: “Given the Democrats’ Faustian bargain with their leftmost faction, destructive rumors about Biden’s faculties or his family’s financial escapades will more likely come from his own party’s left wing, eager for a Harris presidency, rather than from the Republican opposition. … It will not help Biden that to defeat Trump, many of our institutions were deformed. Special counsels usually never receive a blank check — 22 months and $32 million — to assemble a team of partisans to investigate a new president on mostly hearsay evidence and an opposition-concocted dossier. But that precedent ended with the ill-conceived Robert Muller investigation. By spring, Biden could have done to him what was done to Trump — and what Biden himself so frequently cheered on.” —Victor Davis Hanson

Re: The Left: “The enemies of American democracy are out there … though they are not the Republicans or Donald Trump. They are people such as the Clintons who supported radical politics from their earliest days: Hillary, with the Black Panthers and a communist boss in California in the early 1970s, and Bill, with his visits with communists in Prague in 1970 and his throwing marbles under police horses in London’s Grosvenor Square. In 2016, Hillary dusted off her radical rhetoric from the 1960s for one last revolutionary shout. Resist! Doubtless, Bill would have joined her, but he was under the bed hiding from the ladies he has abused. … The Clintons and like-minded Democrats will continue to stand above the law as they have for five decades. But thanks to Donald Trump, Hillary will never be president.” —R. Emmett Tyrrell

From the Department of Corrections: “In a story … about the Mexican and Brazilian presidents congratulating U.S. President-elect Joe Biden, The Associated Press erroneously reported that Biden’s first name is Jose. His name is Joe.” —Associated Press

And last… “We hear about the rigging of the election, but partly what [people] mean is the meddling on the part of big media and big tech to affect the outcome of the election.” —Mollie Hemingway

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“The Patriot Post” (https://patriotpost.us)

Rand Paul believes “fraud happened” and “the election…was stolen,” says it must be prevented in the future

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), once a Republican primary rival of President Trump, said in a Senate hearing Wednesday that “voter fraud happened,” and that he believed “the election in many ways was stolen.”

Source: Rand Paul believes “fraud happened” and “the election…was stolen,” says it must be prevented in the future