Weekend Snapshot – Top Stories This Week · Dec. 12, 2020

Biden/ChiCom Collusion Is Threat Number 1

We are on a kinetic-warfare collision course with China.

The Bulk-Media Biden/ChiCom Blackout

The runner-up to the Demos’ massive bulk-mail balloting fraud…

Texas to the Rescue?

The Lone Star State’s attorney general has filed a different kind of election suit with the Supreme Court.

Will House Dems Overturn Two GOP Wins?

A sore-losing Iowa incumbent calls for the House to overturn her narrow election loss.

Benghazi Liar Susan Rice to Lead Biden’s Domestic Policy

There are many reasons why Joe is looking to recreate the Obama-era White House.

Swalwell’s Sordid ChiCom Affair

What did Pelosi and Schiff know about Swalwell’s spy dalliance?

It’s Time to Trust-Bust Facebook

The FTC and 46 states file a lawsuit alleging years of anti-competitive practices.

Yes, Georgia Republicans Should Vote

Despite infighting and calls for a boycott, don’t deliver the Senate to radical Democrats.

Who Is Jon Ossoff?

A look at the Millennial Democrat who’s running for a Georgia Senate seat.

Sullivan Dismisses Flynn Case, Declares Him Guilty Anyway

The politically biased judge grudgingly dropped the case due to Trump’s pardon.

Pentagon Pick Has a Bad Record

The rise of ISIS happened on his watch, and arguably because of his advice.

Biden Picks Leftist Activist to Lead HHS

Xavier Becerra is a radical who is a threat to religious liberty and gun rights.

The Racist Agenda Behind Anti-Race Training

“If you’re white, you’re racist,” they say. It doesn’t get any more racist than that.

Trump Admin Fails to End DACA

A federal judge ordered the program fully reinstated and DHS announced it will comply.

Remote Learning Isn’t Working

Keeping our kids out of school poses a greater threat to their health than COVID-19.

Lockdown Consequences Include Our Mental Health

COVID-19 has caused great disruption to our everyday routines and to our mental well-being.

What Is GOP Healthcare Policy?

Now is a good time for Republicans to figure out what they think.

Give to Charity Before Politics

Political donations matter for who controls the levers of power, but charity is a far better use of dollars.


For more of today’s memes, visit the Memesters Union.


For more of today’s cartoons, visit the Cartoons archive.


“Why do politicians, arguably the most non-essential members of our society, suddenly get to decide who is and isn’t ‘essential’? Why are we letting them?” —Charlie Kirk

“The Patriot Post” (https://patriotpost.us)

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