December 17 The Greater Ministry

Matthew 24:14

This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations.

I remember when television first came out. Many Christians shunned it, believing it was run by the prince of the power of the air. The evil one certainly had his influence in that medium (and still does), but why not use television as a means to proclaim the good news? Why not use radio? Why not use print? Why not use the Internet? Why not use any means at hand to take the message of the gospel and spread it throughout the whole world? The farther the better. The faster the better. The sooner the better. Until He comes!

What Jesus was saying to His disciples was this: “While I was on this earth, I was localized, I could only touch individual men and women in My travels and speak to a few local audiences. But believe Me, after I am gone and the Holy Spirit comes to fill and empower My sons and daughters, then My ministry will be as far spread as Christians are.”

So wherever there is a Christian, there is Christ. Wherever there is a believer, there is ministry.[1]


[1] Jeremiah, D. (2002). Sanctuary: finding moments of refuge in the presence of God (p. 368). Nashville, TN: Integrity Publishers.

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