December 18 The Poor Man’s Morning Portion

18.—For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.—Ephes. 2:18.

Who would have thought that so short a verse should contain so much sweetness? And who would have conceived that in it the gracious offices of all the Persons of the God-head, as they are mercifully exercised towards a poor sinner, are described? Is not the access to a throne of grace, the work, the leading of God the Holy Ghost? Surely, he is the Spirit here spoken of. And through whom can a poor sinner have access to the mercy-seat, but in Him, and by Him, and through Him, whom the Father heareth always? And to whom should the regenerated adopted child of God have access, but unto his God and Father in Christ Jesus? Are then all the glorious Persons of the Godhead thus revealed, as engaged in every poor sinner’s approach to the heavenly throne? Oh for grace to give to each, and to all, the praise, and glory, and love, due to such transcendent mercy; and in a conscious sense of being interested in this great salvation, to cry out with the Apostle. Now thanks be unto God, who always causeth us to triumph in Christ.[1]


[1] Hawker, R. (1845). The Poor Man’s Morning Portion (pp. 306–307). New York; Pittsburg: Robert Carter.

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