News Roundup and Comment — VCY America

Date:  December 22, 2020  
Host: Jim Schneider   
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Due to holiday specials, this week’s news round-up came early but still had plenty to offer.  Some of the stories included:

–More money was spent on non-COVID items than on true COVID relief in the roughly 2.4 trillion dollar pandemic spending package.  It’s a whopping 5,593 pages long and legislators had only hours to review it.

–Kentucky Senator Rand Paul denounced the COVID relief bill, saying that it’s everything Republicans say they don’t believe in.   

–Senator Ron Johnson also voted against the bill saying that the dysfunction of Washington, D.C., was on full display as Congress had combined COVID relief with a massive omnibus spending bill 3 months past the deadline and into the current fiscal year.

–Memory cards from Dominion’s voting tabulation machines are allegedly storage limited. 

–The termination of 2 poll workers in Georgia who testified to election irregularities is deeply disturbing according to 3 Fulton County commissioners.

–Georgia’s elections director in November sent a memo warning counties that voting machine software was not subject to open voting record requests as public demand was growing for transparency over the Dominion Voting Systems software and other electronic poll book data.

–The Southern Poverty Law Center provided funding to Fulton County, Georgia, for 25 absentee ballot drop boxes to be used in the November 3rd general election.

–Almost 76,000 voters who did not vote in Georgia’s November elections have registered ahead of the runoffs January 5th.

–President Trump announced that his legal team has filed a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court relating to Pennsylvania.

–Former Security Adviser Michael Flynn said foreign partners can provide evidence showing foreign influence at work in the November 3rd election. 

–Maricopa County Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 to sue the Arizona Senate Judiciary Committee over subpoenas related to the 2020 presidential election.

–Representative Mo Brooks of Alabama is urging people from across America to urge congressmen to block electors from the disputed states.

–President Trump has spoken to senator-elect Tommy Tuberville after he is mulling whether or not to join representatives next month in filing a challenge to the electoral votes.

–The new coronavirus vaccines are morally acceptable even if they were developed with stem cells from aborted babies according to the Vatican.

–A Chicago area hospital has resumed coronavirus vaccinations following a one-day pause after 4 healthcare workers experienced adverse reactions to the Pfizer injection.

News Roundup and Comment — VCY America

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