25 Dec 2020 – Rapture Ready News

Blizzard conditions hit Midwest as powerful winter storm threatens East Coast, U.S.
A powerful winter storm brought blizzard conditions to the U.S. Midwest on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, and is set to threaten much of the East Coast on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, December 24 and 25. Heavy rains and the existing melting snow from last week’s storm pose a flooding risk to mid-Atlantic and New England, while severe thunderstorms and tornadoes are possible in the eastern Carolinas and southeast Virginia, according to the National Weather Service (NWS).

It’s Not Armageddon, Mr. Premier—It’s CHRISTMAS!
…Unfortunately, legends in their own minds, all mayors, municipal councillors, governors, prime ministers, premiers et al who work to deny their constituents the epic Season of Goodwill, believe they’re so much bigger than the Creator.

Will we go quietly into the night?
We’ve been passive all year with few exceptions. We’ve absorbed one shock after another with little pushback.  We’ve watched the rise of totalitarianism in disbelief as it has taken hold in the form of lockdowns, riots, censorship, and election fraud.

The Globalist-Conrolled Democrats Announce Their Plans to Persecute Christians
As we celebrate Christmas is it important to remember that you are practicing a belief that will soon be outlawed. With so many of our leaders controlled by the CHICOMS (eg Pelosi, McConnell, Feinstein, Kemp, et al), does any pragmatist really think that the CHCHICOMS ever allow Christianity to survive. The evidence makes it abundantly clear, that Christians are probably a year from being placed on the Endangered Species List.

The Congressional Whores, the MSM and Their CHICOM Allies Are Coming With Their Version of the J Stamp
The Congress is run by treasonous leaders. Speaker of the House Pelosi was raised in an organized crime family and she has continued her criminality throughout her political career. As this article points out, she is in bed with the cartels, who are controlled by the CHICOMS. Her son is alleged to be involved in the same Ukrainian activites as Joe and Hunter Biden. She is a billionaire living on a public servants salary.

Spectacular fireball explodes over China’s Yushu City, the largest fireball event since December 2018
A spectacular fireball exploded over northwestern China’s Yushu City, Qinghai Province at around 23:23 UTC on December 22, 2020 (07:23 LT, December 23).  The event lasted up to 20 seconds. Many locals reported hearing a series of loud bangs.

California Clearly Violated Election Law—Votes are Invalid – UncoverDC
California has been mostly absent from the discussion of election law violation, but new information reveals that wording legally required to be on its ballots was missing, in direct violation of its own state law. This means the ballots should not have been cast or counted, yet California certified its ballots, and thus illegally cast its electoral votes for Joe Biden.

Los Angeles County Drops Limits on Church Attendance After Supreme Court Sides With Churches
LA County Public Health Department issued a Revised Temporary Order that specifies that houses of worship in Los Angeles can now conduct services indoors with no numerical or percentage caps and only social distancing between separate households.

Children Terrified as Morbid Ad Shows Doctors Trying To Save a COVID-Stricken Santa
The United Kingdom’s National Health Service has come under fire for a recently released television ad depicting a gravely ill Santa Claus.

With A Less Than 1% Mortality Rate, Israel Will Plunge Its People Into Third National Lockdown As Christian Churches Limited To Gatherings Of 10 
In Israel, they have experienced so far a less than 1% mortality rate from COVID-19 infections, and they have distributed more Pfizer BioNTech COVID vaccinations than any other country. Yet, they are right now in the midst of a third national COVID lockdown, one that has Israeli small businesses wondering if they will ever reopen. I guess masks, social distancing, and vaccines really don’t work after all, do they?

Former CDC Director Says COVID-19 ‘Immunity Passports’ Could Help U.S. Get ‘Back To New Normal’
A former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says “immunity passports” for Americans to prove they have taken the COVID-19 vaccine might help the country get “back to a new normal.”

George Soros ‘Begged’ European Union Not to Dissolve Like Communist Russia 
Far-left billionaire George Soros resorted to “begging” Europeans to prevent the European Union from dissolving in the same way that communist Russia did in 1991, according to a report.

Biden’s Cabinet is going to be the U.S. branch office of the Chinese Communist Party
A Joe Biden presidency is going to be a dream come true for the Chinese Communists, a huge break they probably never in a thousand years imagined would come true.

U.N.: ‘Hundreds of Civilians Killed’ in Ethiopia Tigray Conflict
Eyewitness reports suggest that artillery strikes have killed “hundreds of civilians” in Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region amid an ongoing military conflict there, the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights said on Tuesday.

Situation Update, Dec. 24th – Pence fails, options collapsing, DECLASS priority 
VP Mike Pence surprised no one yesterday by proving to be a total coward, refusing to issue a letter to the states in which overwhelming fraud has occurred, wherein Pence could have ordered them to submit legitimate electoral votes to Congress. (The Pence-Raiklin Maneuver.)

Source: 25 Dec 2020

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